The Hall Of Idiots
The Art Of Motorcycling  "Not!"
The Agony Of Defeat
Idiots Idiots Idiots!
You Should Have Just Pulled Over
Skating For Idiots
It's A Dangerous Job

This Evil Updated 08.22.04

     Welcome to The Darken Twin, a compilation of my evil collective thoughts, and findings on the darker side of the internet All creatures have a dark side.  After all without dark, there could never be light.  I hope you enjoy the compilations of darkness I have gathered here.  Now I will pull no punches on this site, so keep your freakin' kids out of here!  I really don't care what your beliefs, faiths, or ideology tell you about my site.  If you get the feeling I'm the Devil,  You may be right...               

The Darken Twin

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08.22.04 Who Committed The Greater Evil?


     I've had to many times in my life people who seem to mistaken my kindness for some kind of romantic advance.  I can understand that yes I'm very flirty by nature and yes I'm kind when I speak.  However if people can't seem to understand that this is just my nature.  Don't get bitchy with me and blame me for confusing you.  It's your problem if you can't understand me.  I don't have to change to make life easier for you.  If you got shut down and rejected.  Guess what?  It's your problem not mine.

     Maybe if you took a little more time to get to know who I am you would have learned that it's just my personality. Normally when I'm not typing here.  I'm friendly, loveable, caring, understanding.  Not necessarily in that order.  I actually had some one tell me that I should change who my ways so women wouldn't get the wrong idea about me.  You know what this came from a person that knows my flirty nature is just that.  A Flirty nature.  I call everyone sweety, and angel, and hon.  I do it at work to my patients.  Does that mean I want to get together with them?  NO! You idiot that just means it's how I express myself.  If you can't figure it out maybe you need to take a little time.  I'm not like the boys you're used to playing with.

     So if you see me out there and I say hi to you and I'm friendly and I'm  nice.  Pray to god it's contagious. However be prepared to be ridiculed because if you reject someone's advances you'll get blamed for leading them on.  Bite my ass.  If you'd taken the time to understand me you'd know you didn't have a chance.  If I wanted you.  You would know.  Trust me...

So sayeth The Darken Twin...

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