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The Goonies' Fanfiction

This page will eventually have links to various fanfics by us...unfortunately, we only have a few, of which only two are complete, up now. But keep checking back!

Disclaimer: We do not own any characters or places or whatever except for Curu, Arete, Nikara, Skysong/SCG, SCA, Aidenmare, Akira, Fashina, Zeke, Kevin, and YM. We also own Crossroads, which is in no way related to the recently released movie. And Skysong owns the SCG, Super Cow, and SCA.

NOTE: Skysong's Ha Story, now here, is complete!

NOTE: The guestbook at the bottom of the page is actually a review book. Please review the stories appropriately. We will edit out reviews that are not. If you will be flaming us...well, we will read them, if that makes you happy, as long as every other word isn't swearing. And we are NOT being hypocritical, so you can't make that argument.

Stories in Chronological order

This timeline fits almost all the stories...

HA stories--->1st Leia story--->2nd Leia story--->Lucille story--->XYZ? story--->Valentine's Day story--->Disneyland story--->3rd Leia story

HA stories...

A HA story is basically a "how a female member of the Goonies and their male counterpart meet" type story thingie. They started when Akira...uh, questioned, Arete's not-not appreciation of romance...long story...Most of us are in the process of writing one individually; however, none of them are complete, except for Skysong's.

Akira's HA story

Skysong's HA Story A note: Skysong has not yet added a back link, but your browser has a perfectly functional "Back Button" you can use. And this is 292kb, so it might take awhile to load. Note to other goonies: Sorry it's so big. Oh, and everyone ignore the timeline if I forgot to delete it (the one in the story).

Main Stories

These are stories we are collaboratively working on that basically follow whatever main plot we have going for our little group.

The 1st Leia Story (Leia's Life)
This is our very first Leia Story - what Leia's first several years were like. Once you finish this wonderful story, be sure to read the sequel, THE 2ND LEIA STORY!

The 2nd Leia Story
You hafta read it. I'm not giving you a summary. Just that it was our first group story with informal, but very amusing, writing. And it is complete. Complete, but not completely posted. Will update when possible.

D/W/U/etc. Stories

Fanfics, crossovers, etc. that don't really have too much to do with the main story line, or isn't related at all to it.

The Rogues Go to HogwartsThe Rogues (Wedge, Tycho, Wes, and Hobbie) go to Hogwarts. They comment on how stupid Harry Potter is, they shoot some people, they blow things up.

The Deaths of ArwenThat is, the deaths of movie-Arwen (Liv Tyler). Much Arwen-bashing, as can be expected. However, it is very enjoyable.

The Pointless Show

This is just one of many, and well . . the show itself is well, Pointless (hence the title "the Pointless Show")

GA Case Stories (cue suspenseful music)

These are...uh, GA case stories...with very creative titles...they're also in the GA section of the site.

Case #1: The First Day


The "AU" Stories

click here This may be elsewhere, I don't know!

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