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The GA

The GA is the Goonies Agency. The Goonies Agency is located right next door to the Agency. The GA shares the same Keeper as the Agency, though they have their own Official and Eberts. (For more information on the Agency, which comes from The Invisible Man, the TV series, click here.)

The GA operates under the guise of the DEFA(Department of Extremely Foreign Affairs- Extremely Foreign being, of course, the D/W/U/etc.)

Members of the GA

The Goonies, of course, and their significant others.

Claire is the Keeper for not only the Agency, but also the GA. The Keeper's job is to keep "control and the established order". She is a scientist who is the lucky person who is usually in charge of briefings and equipment, not to mention research and the...scientific...stuff...

The Official is the leader of the GA. The GA calls him " 'Ficial' " in order to avoid mix up with the Agency's Official.

Ebert Alberts is the 'Ficial's personal assistant. When looking at him, it is easy to underestimate him, thinking, at first that he is a guy who prefers staying inside all the time and doing nothing but work. However, this is not true. Alberts is an important part of the GA. He is the only person who can handle the immense and insane task of dealing with the books and the other problems that frequently arise (especially diplomatic problems...) He is good friends with Albert Eberts, the Agency's bookkeeper.

Darien Fawkes and Bobby Hobbes occasionally hang out at the GA and help on missions.

The GA's first case...


NOTE: The Mission: Impossible theme plays here. If your computer starts the song multiple times, click the "pause" button on the player above.