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July 30, 2002 -

Well, we had a great week in Michigan! We just wanna shout out to all the great kids and staff up at the Wolferine Christian Service Camp. Thanks for a great week!

Got some pics from the Michigan trip pics posted in the Lobby so go check 'em out.

March 13, 2002 -

Hey! Now its really been a while since the last update, Sorry about that guys! Well, we got a few new shows lined up. We just got done playing at the 30 hour famine at Westside Christian Church. Everything went as well as expected. =]

We'll be playing at Battle of the Bands in April along with the 13thTribe, Fade, Netural Agreement and a few others. Should be good time fun. God's been really providing with shows here recently. For all our superfans (especially Justin!) We WILL be back at the Wolferine Camp in Le Pier Michigan come July. Can't wait to see everybody again!

Check the Shows section for dates and places!

December 23, 2001 -

Well, Yeah, Umm, its been a while...

Lots of Changes!!! As of Decemeber 2001 MotherKirk is no longer MotherKirk! To get the full story on name change read the updated Behind the Dora. Speaking of updated, the ENTIRE site has been updated in some shape or form. The biggest update has to be the new Lyrics section! Also Mikey's Corner will be up soon. What is Mikey's Corner you might ask? Well, I don't even know, thats why's it's Mikey's Corner. So when ever thats done check that out too.

Well for all you Kirkers, I don't know really what to call you now. Since we changed our name to Eudora and such. Hey U Doras???? No, maybe not =] So if you any of you ex-Kirkers have a opinion of what you want to be called for now on, drop me a line at...


-Oh yeah, Merry Christmas and stuff =]

August 6, 2001 -

Hey all you Kirkers! Well school is about to start back up at good old KCC. So be sure to be on the look out for the guys, cause their sneaky little devils =] If not, you may play victim to any number of stray rail shots, rockets or grenades. (If you don't know, don't ask) We can't wait for all the Newbies (Freshmen) RAIL...

Also No QuadWhores this semester plz =]

Anywho, check by the Snodgrass green electric box between Jones and Snod for some acoustic goodness. You never know when you might catch The MotherKirk covering all your favorite hits!!! HA ha....

In other news, My corspondence is finally done. No thanks to you all... I didn't get a single email about someone wanting to do it for me... Ugh... I can't believe you all would let me down like this. =]


August 6, 2001 -

Ello Ello Boys and Girls! We got alot of new music for you! So I hope you like your music Crisp & Tasty! Yum...

BUT! You can't hear it right now! So that means you need to come to our show in Le Pier, Michigan at the Wolverine Youth Park. August 24-25-26, 2001 For all you KCC People thats first weekend of School. If you want to come with us, we'll be leaving friday. So if your interested take a nice long walk up the hill to Snodgrass and knock on the door. Find one of the Band Members and say,


Then we'll point and laugh at you for what you just said. And after were done laughing, then we'll goto the ROCK SHOW or something like that...

July 25, 2001 -

Well, its 4:00 in the morning again. Corspondence still not done. You people are letting me down. I told you if you wanted to do my corspondence to email me and I would give to you. Good Grief.

In Other News, Check out the Shoppe, we have a prototype T-Shirt thing going on over there. So go tell us Yah or Nah on the T-Shirt Idea.

In other other News, 5 new songs!!!!!! count 'em 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.... Good. Here's a Cookie.

But, they don't have lyrics! So if any of you SuperFans, yeah, I mean both of you. If anybody's got a poem of somesort that they wouldn't mind having turned into song, send it on in to the MotherKirk.

And don't worry we REALLY won't pay you. =]

July 22, 2001 -

lt is July 22 and my corspondence, STILL isn't done. Anybody that wants to do it just email me and I'll send it to you. =]

Well, the DeathStar is almost err.... I mean the MotherKirk Website is almost 100% complete. And Pictures are coming, so don't worry.

Also in other News, its 4:00 in the morning and I don't why I'm still up... BUT... Since I am up, I'm going to leave you with a little bit of Classic Syd Barrett,

"The Bob Dylan Blues"

I Got the Bob Dylan Blues,

And I Got the Bob Dylan Shoes,

And my hair is all in a mess...


I'm going to write me a song,

About what's right and what's wrong,

About God, my Girl and all that...


Cause I'm a poet, Don't you Know it?

And the wind... You can blow it...

Cause I'm Mister Dylan the King,

And I'm free as a bird on the wing.....


July 16, 2001 -

Ello Ello All, well the Bio's are now 100% done! I hope everyone likes the site, if not, don't tell me about it. =] Expect the Lyrics page to be up in about a week. Also we have a new CorkBoard in the Lobby Section, incase anyone wants to post a message for everyone.

In other News, Fellas, I need to you to man the Hotmail account, cause I'm going to be gone for couple of days. Also, we now have 3 more songs that I wrote today. Thanks to a little Syd Influence. =] Much Love to All... Later.... -SainT

July 15, 2001 -

Wasabi to ALL! Well, the Bio's are 50% complete, so you can go over there and check out whats done. Also two new games have been added in the Lobby Section.

In other News, The New 13th Tribe Album is out and you can preorder now. So drop on over to the Tribe's Site and reserve your copy today!

July 13, 2001 -

Hey There all you Kirker's!!! MotherKirk is now in Yahoo! (Thats a First) Nothing really has been happening much. Just that some new songs are being put together but thats about it. Hope everyone has a good Friday the 13th.... heheheheh.... OUCH! Hey! That's my leg!

July 10, 2001 -

Ello Ello Again! Well the MotherKirk EP has now been pushed back to sometime in December in order to include some newer songs. So the MotherKirk EP will be out just in time for Christmas!

If you havent found out about MotherKirk's new Lobby. Then you need to head over there and check it out. It has a chatroom, Pictures, Links, Games and Tonny Danza. (Sorry, Bill Murray couldn't make it.) Once everyone has found out about the chatroom. We will start organizing chat times so that everyone can get together and hang out.

In other News, MotherKirk will be opening for The 13th Tribe at Kul Benz sometime in the Fall Semester at KCC.

July 1, 2001 -

Ello Ello MotherKirk Fans, if there are any of you out there. Anyways, the website is up for apparently no reason at all. But maybe you'll get a few kicks out of it. Have a look around, most of the links are up and running. We hope to have a guestbook up in a couple of days.

In other News, throughout the last weeks of July and the month of August. MotherKirk will be in John Welsh's Studio recording the MotherKirk - EP. The EP should be mastered and reproduced by the end of August. Please reserve your copy today by emailing

Also, VH-1 recently did a behind the music with the MotherKirk members. So check out,

VH-1 Behind The Kirk









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