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VH-1 Behind The Dora

Eudora (or MotherKirk was it was to be known then, but doesn't really matter now, but anyways.) was originally formed in a late hour meeting in Snodgrass Hall on Kentucky Christian College Campus in Quad B Room B2 several hours past curfew (catches breath...) in the fall semester of 2000.

The original meeting consisted of Jeremy Hazelton, Ben Hiller, Devin Phelps (Well, Phelps came in later, or did he? no wait, no, I dont think he was there. But he was!!! Ah ha! ah, well nevermind. But dont worry about it, he gets kicked out as soon as the band is formed anyways.) and David Wright. The foursome talked through out the night about ideas and such. The group wanted to be primarily a praise band. Because Phelps, Hazelton, Wright, a lead guitarist named Bill Francis and strange black drummer named Chris Deering, had been together earlier in a praise band in late 99'. The band was known then as "Mr. Sock's Wild Ride", "Flying high with the SunBirds", "The Bright Green Psychedelics", and finally "The Wiggs of Biggness." The group was very undeceive back in the early days. (It can also be noted, that Paul Halstead was the original lead singer of the "Wiggs" until a tragic accident in a sporting event. Halstead would go on to a solo career, and would later disappear some years later in Haiti .)

Things were good for the "The Wiggs of Biggness." They had a new lead singer, Jeremy Hazelton. Hazelton would lift the band hopes from thier recent loss of Paul. Also the "Wiggs" had just played to their biggest crowd yet, at Tolosbough Christian Chruch. 30 screaming 13 yr olds came to that Wednesday night service. (Ok, Ok, maybe it wasnt 30 kids, we counted the big ones as 2.) But as the new century lurked on the horizon, troubles began to stir for the "Wiggs." The Biggness would soon come to a end. There would be three key events would finally break up the "Wiggs."

First was Phelp's refusal to play G-C-D songs. Phelp's would unplug his bass, and run around the gym several times before colapsing on the floor. This added much unneeded stress to the members who had just lost their lead singer, Paul. Phelp's actions would set the gears of breakup in motion. The second factor was Bill Francis's obsession with buying more guitar equipment. The "Wiggs" would eventually run out of transportation because of Francis filling his car with guitar equipment. (It can also be noted that Deering the drummer would strangely disappear from the band when Francis's obsession was getting out of hand.) And the third and final factor that would end the Biggness, would be Hazelton lending out his car to a girl named Jodi. She would wreck his Metro and leave the band with no mode of transportation at all. This would prove to be the final nail in the coffin for this early hopeful praise team.

Anyways, back to the MotherKirk. (errrr... Eudora) As the talks continued that night it was decided that Hiller would be the drummer, Phelps would play bass, Hazelton would be the lead singer and play guitar and Wright would play guitar as well. The group would practice together over the next couple of weeks. It was during this time that Hazelton and Wright would begin writing "RoadMap." During the coming practice sessions, Phelps would stop coming to practice. Phelps had been dealing with a alter-ego since the break up of the "Wiggs." Apparently the loss of Paul and several run in's with college officials, had left Phelps mentally incapable of playing the bass.The band was having trouble communicating to Phelps because they didnt know if he was talk to Phelps or his alter-ego. In the coming weeks, band meetings were held without Phelps. It was decided that Phelps would no longer be in the band.

One morning, Wright, who was was Phelp's roommate at the time, woke up Phelps and pulled him out of bed. Wright told Phelps he was out of the band. Phelps and Wright stared at each other in firmness, and then Phelps realized he was late for his 8:00 class. Phelps walked out the door, was never seen since. He was last reported seen walking the streets of London, England with his rubby ducky in his coat pocket. So with Phelps disappearence, the hopes of reviving "The Wiggs of Biggness" dissappeared with him.

MotherKirk (I mean, Eudora) was now without a bass player. MotherKirk (Ugh... Eudora) would have most likely broken up if it hadn't been for two freshman next door. Steve Cornett, a jazz bass player, and his roommate Mike Turner, a Timex Drummer. Hazelton and Wright both wanted Turner and Cornett. But this would mean two drummers, fortunately Hiller decided to step down and play the guitar leaving Hazelton free to sing. Howbeit, Turner and Cornett didnt come on board right away. Turner and Cornett were unsure if they came on board that they would disappear like the other previous members of the band. But Hazelton reassured them and then later threatened them, so with that, Cornett and Turner then joined whole heartedly.

The next obstacle that would test the MotherKirk (Blah, Blah, Blah.... Eudora) and almost destory them, would be to find a name for the band. Stress had reached its maximum, Up to this point the MotherKirk wasn't known as MotherKirk. (Too bad they changed their name to EUDORA!) The band was desperately looking for some form of identity. It was During this time when Hazelton's bottled emotions would be unleashed on Dave's unsuspecting reclining chair. Wright would also suffer much pain for losing his beloved reclining chair.

Names were thrown around, such as, "The Crimson Perament Assurence", "Sigma 5", "Circle K" "Tremo" until Hazelton discovered a character from a C.S. Lewis book, "The Pilgrims regress". The character was a lady named "MotherKirk", she was a example of the Church, and everything Christian. Also Kirk in Greek means Church. The only problem was that, everyone hated it at the time. So after three weeks of trying to find a name for the band. MotherKirk finally decided to call themselves. "MotherKirk" (Until they decided to change their name to EUDORA!)

MotherKirk (EU... Ah forget it!!!) would play thier first gig at Hazelton's church in February 2001, doing Sunday morning worship service. This would be the only time Hiller would play with the band. During this time, MotherKirk started devloping more original songs. MotherKirk was recieved well and everything seemed like smooth sailing, Until. One day back at college, Hiller would met a young lady. Hiller stopped coming to practice, He stopped having anything to do with the band. MotherKirk would go into the studio to record "Why?" (Scotty's Song) in April 2001. Hiller is strangely missing from the recording. Hiller would remain a part of the band until the end of the semester when he strangely disappeared. He was last seen on a Airforce base in Ohio disarming a Nuclear Warhead or two.The band never heard from Hiller ever again.

But the guys pushed on. The semesters came and went, the songs also came and went, actually nothing really stayed at all. Indecisiveness began to strike the band. The Band would even begin doubt their own new name, MotherKirk. The MotherKirk would continue to do shows, but the questions kept rising up from the crowds. "What does MotherKirk mean?" So After answering this question for the hundredth time and realizing that even after explaining where the name came from the crowds still didn't understand. The band decided they needed a name change. The band was known as "Shooter McGavin" for a time, and all seemed happy about the new name, for a while. Until the band found out their was a nearby Pentecostal Ska/Punk band with the same name. So, Not wanting to be associated with anything Ska, the stress reached a new high for the guys as they sought a new name.

But who would know that a old dead lady would play a key part in the band's new name sake. Mikey was doing a paper for U.S. History class one cold decmeber day. In a burst of rage, Mikey rose out of his chair in front of his computer and said, "I'm going to end someone's life! I can't find anything on Eudora Welty for my paper!" Steve-O who was Mikey's roommate at the time said, "All I can find on her is that she died, it seems to be the only thing she did!" The two laughed like their were in bad sitcom or a badly written biography of a band. (err... scratch that last part)

The name got thrown around and it was decided on. The band's new name would be "Furlongo" (I mean Eudora) The band was happy with their new name, Eudora. Also the guys decided to classify themselves as "Emo." Because when your a Emo Band, no one really cares what your name is anyhow. So, with the new name, a New Era began for Eudora. And all seemed well until.....



Coming up next on VH-1's Behind the Kirk, Phelps returns.






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