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Overlooking Taipei from the north is the national park of Yangmingshan where you can escape the crowds of the city...for the hordes that invade these mountains every weekend.The trick is to go during the week when it is quiet 'cept for the birds.

Some of the peaks are over 1000 metres high. This a view from on the way up

Little temples are dotted about the hill side

Lemmy enjoyed a break from dossing around the house (and may the poor chaps soul rest in peace!!....he died in 2002)

The giant ferns would look great in the garden!

This is an old volcanic crater than sometimes turns into a lake

Finally reached the top of "MienTienShan" where a wind was howling

On another walk 6 of us piled into Boris's motor to look for an alleged waterfall...didn't find it.

Can't keep Boris from climbing up everything,getting lost,cutting his knee....meanwhile The Chen starts whinging!

Moving on to 2004....This a a view from "4 beasts mountain range" which is the south of the city. Here is Taipei 101, the tallest building in the world

And another view of the city from Elephant mountain, part of the same ridge

More pictures of the walk in the Taiwan mates section plus sackloads of other walks in the mountain page







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