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Secrets of Saltmarsh

The Haunted House

Episode 1 Press Ganged

Our group of adventures fins themselves in the Olde Seadog Tavern, in the Village of Saltmarsh, on the Sword Coast. Corporal Stoutly asks them to volenteer to go check out the house on the point, in search of missing local Ned Shakeshaft. The corporal also makes it clear, that under Duchy of Daggerford laws, anybody within the Duchy may be drafted in the militia. So if the party don't volenteer, they'll be press ganged. The party decide to go, and head out in the wind and rain toward the house. On the way, a merchant tells them the house is haunted, and there is a legend of a alchemists horde of gold hidden there. The party proceed into the house and begin to search. A posionus spider give them a nasty fright. But when they get to the stairs to the cellar, a ghostly voice screams as if tortured. The party decide to descend into the cellar.

Episode 2 Grubby cellars

The part descend into the cellar. To find a corpse of a adventurer warrior in gleming plate mail. When Donavan tries to examine the body he is attacked by rot grubs feasting on the body. The party manage to kill all the grubs. Then while searching the room Vadim find more grubs, one of which burrows into his skin. Vadim bravely stabs himself in order to kill the creature as it move about under his skin. Discovering a concealed door. vadim opens it to reveal the living quarters for a group of men, completly at odds with the rest of the house. One of the men is present ,and after hearing Sparrow and Donavan demand his surrender he bolts for the exit. The party pursue, but lose him at the bottom of the stairs in the dark caverns underneth.

Episode 3 Hadors mighty sword

The party investigate the room off the cellar. One if filled with skeletons. Hador kills one, before vadim shuts and bars the door. The other room appears to belong to a leader. A strange parchement, and a nautical book are found. Donavan hears someone coming up the stairs. The party retreat up the stairs to the trap door, while hador prepares to open the skeleton door. The party see a huge red dog, with fire shooting from its nostrils, come up the stairs. They shoot but it has no effect. They shut the trap door, leaving hador to fend for himself.Hearing shouts and sounds of fighting. The party open the trapdoor back up, to reveal no dog, but 5 men, and 2 bear like creatures in armour. Hador proceeds to chop up the two creatures with his might sword. While the party trade missiles. Knocking down two of them men. Then four more men enter the cellar....

Episode 4 Victory

The men decide to retreat, pursued by the party. Vadim and Vincent kill two, by the leader and two others get away.The party search the rest of the House , and find Ned, tied up and gagged. Everybody returns to the village. When they tell corporal Stoutly their story, he is worried about pirates storming the village. The party stand guard that night. And the following morning go back to the house and explore the cave. Where they find a cave with access to the sea, a boat, kegs of brandy, and bolts of silk.

Episode 5 Skeletons and plans

Our party decide to invistigate the rest of the cellar. They defeat some skeletons and find a very well concealed door. The door leads to a laboratory and the remains of an alchemist. The party find some golden items a glowing pebble and a couple of books. When the party return to the village, they talk to Marc Seacliff , Priest of Selune. They conclude the piece of parchement gives a code to signal to the smugglers ship. The party plan to stand guard at the House, till the ship appears.

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