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Welcome and well met fellow adventurer. You are about to enter a world filled with dangerous tombs and horrible foes. The path to glory and wealth is open to you. If you survive long enough that is....

5 September

A review of Rappan Athuk II has been posted on Check it out here. Next update will be friday.. (PS: The links to the GenCon pics are fixed now)

4 September

Finally another update... And welcome at my new home on the web :)


Clark tells about upcoming products from NG :

"Rappan Athuk 2: on store shelves now

Prisoners of the Maze: The first of the Maze of Zayene series by Rob Kuntz; release in October

Siege of Durgam's Folly: an adventure by vetran author Mike Mearls; release in October/November.

What Evil Lurks: an adventure by Lance Hawvermale, a guy who has done work for Dungeon and the RPGA. This adventure is one of the coolest I have seen in a long time. Beautifully written. It is in final edit now. Sue Cook, Monte's wife, is doing the final edit. It should be out December.

Tomb of Abysthor: is currently in final edit then it goes to layout, Brian is doing the art currently; release November.

Dimensions of Flight: The second in the Maze of Zayene Series by Rob Kuntz; release December/January.

Treasure Maps and Lairs 1: freelance author is finishing up rewrite of this baby based on fan submissions; projected release Feb 2002.

Bard's Gate: we are chugging along on this one. But is it going to be cool. I have the huge draft of the poster map plastered to my wall in my office and I am filling in the blanks. I hope to have that done by Nov 1, which means release probably early Jan 2002.

Rappan Athuk 3: Bill is finishing this one now, then to final edit; release hopefully for Christmas. Orcus for Christmas, yeah!

Rob Kuntz is finishing Maze 3 (Tower Chaos) and Maze 4 (The Eight Kings) which should be early 2002 releases.

In addition to these, we are working on Sword of Air, Vampires and Liches and I am trying to hook up something real cool for Wrath of Orcus (more on that as it developes).

Not to mention a few surprises we always have up our sleeves! "

15 August

Todd Rooks (who made the GenCon pictures posted here) tells a bit about his GenCon experience : 

"While at the con, I had the pleasure of meeting the Necromancer duo, Clark Peterson and Bill Webb. Both were very friendly and enthusiastic about their products and fans. Clark's demo of the Tomb of Abysthor was swift and brutal (the carrion crawlers almost did us in). Unfortunately, I didn't get to attend Bill's demo. During the con, I ran four groups through the Dungeon of Graves (the Saturday group is pictured on your site). Necromancer Games donated four autographed copies of Rappan Athuk, which were given out as prizes to the best role-player (or lucky survivor) from each session. A good time was had by all ("...and there was much rejoicing")."

Also a new Graveyard submission :

Valerian (2nd level Human Ranger/Fighter) The Party had just defeated the Green Gargoyles and Valerian was almost taken up and dropped. He survived, but not for too long. The valiant Ranger would soon meet his death. The party opened the door to the crypt with the key they had found and were soon attacked by the black skeleton... it screamed and most of the party ran with fear, as the evil undead creature hacked Valerian down with two sword strikes. The party when it got the balls, returned to see if Valerian survived, only to find the Skeleton holding his liver... what was left of Valerian was painted on the walls of the crypt. We were not amused. (Reported by: Kraig)

9 August

Want to know what Clark & Bill look like? Like to see some NG pics from GenCon 2001 ? Well you can here  :)

Also new Graveyard Submissions ! Here they are : 

Kun-Chao, A monk who stayed alone in the "Ogre room" at level 2 as his group tried to defeat them from the door, not noticing how badly Kun-Chao was wounded, he was brought from 2 hp to -11 hp in one hard stike of an ogre club... (Submitted by Torsten)

Cannon Fodder (Hastily made Male Elven Fighter 3)- After his entire party was stunned by Filaar's Dust of sneezing and choking, Cannon took it upon himself to try to save them all. A heroic act, and admirable self sacrifice, for as he was frantically beating dire rats off of his half gnawed comrades, he was slain by an arrow to the head from the vindictive wererat, Filaar, whom he had gashed pretty good earlier with his +1longsword... (submitted by : Gamecat)

Phadian Longreach (Male Half-elf Sorcerer 3)- Having completely exhausted his spells on earlier encounters with a Gelatinous cube and a roving pack of ghouls, Phadian was just suggesting a nice rest for the party to regain hitpoints and spells when they were ambushed by Filaar and her band. He decided to run forward and try to help the fighters when Filaar unleashed her magical dust. The poor bastard was gnawed to death by dire rats nice and slow like, hacking and coughing between his ragged screams....(submitted by : Gamecat)

Silvermane (Male Dwarven Fighter4)- This noble and humble dwarf met his end as many warriors would wish to... in the heat of battle. Stunned by Filaar's wicked dust, Silvermane was thought to be an early loss as he was swarmed by dire rats and wererats alike. But, no matter how much they stabbed and bit, he would not fall. Even when he regained his senses and his comrades fell all around him, he did not turn tail and flee. Instead he screamed out his greatest war cry and leaped at the nearest wererat, severely wounding it with his greataxe. Live or die, Silvermane would not leave his friends. Unfortunately, endless bravery is not immune to cold hard steel The wererats took advantage of his sudden attack to outflank him and pierce him to the core with their swift and bloody rapiers. However, as the only survivor of the party lived to tell, when Silvermane fell, blood streaming from his lips... he was smiling. (submitted by : Gamecat)

Next update will probably be next friday. CU soon !

1 August

Sorry 'bout the late updat, but I've got a little touble getting online for a while. Anyway, head over to for lots of Gen Con news.

I hope the next upate will be a bit sooner.

11 July

Want to see the cover art for the first instalment of the Maze of Zayene series ? Well you can right here. It's another wonderful work of art by John Masse. What are you waiting for ? Grab it now ..

Maze of Zayene 1: Prisoners of the Maze by Rob Kuntz should be out at Gen Con 2001.

28 June 2001


Clark e-mailed me to say that "RA2" and "Prisoners" are on schedule for their GenCon Release, and this : 

"Just to let you (and the fans) know, I love how theysupport the site. I fully support the adventures they write and that you post on the site. I think that is a great idea.

In fact, I like it so much I have a little tidbit for you: I am trying to make Bard's Gate as friendly for fan created content as possible. The module willdetail the city and all the cool places, but it wont detail every bar or building or NPC. I really want to leave that open for fan development. Make a cool bar or develop a cool NPC. I want to turn Bard's Gate over to the fans."


Another graveyard submission by  Chris posted on the Graveyard page and here for your covenience :

Ivelios - Elf Ftr3/Rge3. After several objections from the rest of the party, this curios rogue decided to climb down Dungie's latrine and scoop up any treasure he might find. Dungie sprang up from the muck, grappled Ivelios, and engulfed him all in a matter of 2 rounds. A valiant attempt to save the poor sod almost resulted in the rescuer being engulfed as well. The last thing the overly curious rogue saw was his party members heading for the hills (with his dropped belongings no less!).

19 June 2001

Well it's been a while since the last update, but I'm back (in black). 


As scooped on : the first Rob Kuntz module in the Maze of Zayene series, titled "Prisoners of the Maze." will be available on GenCon. There's also an interview with Clark Peterson about RA2 there.

A preview of the cover from Rappan Athuk II has been posted on the Necromancer Games website. Here's the direct link : 


One new update on the graveyard . I'll post it here for your convenience. :

Ipswich - Halfling Sorcerer. This brave little guy marched right up to the 90 ft. cliff despite ominous growls coming from nearby. Within 12 seconds, he was pummeled to death by the clawed tentacles of 3 displacer beasts, then ripped limb from limb. (Reported by : Todd)

5 June 2001

Another new adventure on the Resources page by Gabor Lux (Thanks !!). 

The Release-schedule on the Sword & Sorcery Page is updated :

Also a very interesting post on the Sword & Sorcery Forums ; I'll copy it here (after A few day I'll put it somewhere else 'cause it's quite a big chunk of text).


It has been way too long since Demons and Devils. And I think you--our devoted fans--deserve to hear what is up. So here it is, an update from the horse's mouth: mine.

Obviously, working with Rob Kuntz and getting him in the fold and his products into the production schedule has caused disruption of our core Necromancer products. Sorry about that. But we felt getting our hands on Rob was worth the ripple in the schedule.

Anyway, here is the status:

RA2: the cover is done. It is in layout now. The interior art is done. The maps are done (with grids, you will be happy to know, thanks to your input). So I say a few weeks in layout, four weeks at the printer and that baby is ready. So those of you wanting more, it is almost there.

Here are some highlights: the cover is the best thing John has done for us yet. Better than the Demons cover. It has a three headed abyssal hell hound in front of what we call the gates to Hell. One head is breathing fire and killing a cleric, another head is rearing back, the thrid head has fully engulphed the upper torso of a pc. A paladin is cowering back and his sword arm hangs useless at his side. I already mentioned the dead cleric in flames. A fighter babe is trying to smack the hound with her sword but her pitiful attempts are barely nicking the beast. All in all, the PCs are having a rough go of it. And, some of you might be glad to know, the cover illustration has blood--a rare thing in conventional game covers. The paladin's arm is bleeding. The guy who is getting munched is a mess.

Here is another announcement: Mike Mearls (who has written a few other d20 products) has finished a pruduct for us called the Siege of Durgam's Folly. Here is the ad piece for that:

"Travel To A Distant Outpost

Durgam’s Folly sits at the edge of the kingdom, an embattled outpost against the evil creatures of the wild. You travel with a caravan to that distant fortress, transporting mysterious cargo. But as you approach your destination, something is amiss. A local hamlet is in ruins. Strange creatures patrol the land. Has the famed fortress finally been overthrown?

Battle An Unexpected Foe

The Siege of Durgam’s Folly includes maps of the fortress of Durgam’s Folly and the chambers beneath. It details a strange new set of monsters that will plague your campaign for years to come. Can your players learn the dark secrets of this distant fortress? And in the end, will your party discover who or what is truly behind the siege of Durgam’s Folly?"

I dont want to give away too much, but the ogres and the ogre mage that have taken over the fortress are the least of the PCs problems...It is a good roleplaying module too.

Plus, we are about to anounce another interesting module, called "What Evil Lurks". This one scares me. All of you freelancers take note: this submission appeared to us unsolicited. It was so good we had to publish it. Here is some more about it:

"Sins of the Father

Sins of the father are revisited on his descendants. But only some of the descendants fight back. Strange dreams and terrible nightmares grip the common people of Leafton. Horrific images of burning flesh and unknown terrors haunt the town. A child is taken, possibly by evil wolves that prowl the forest. Many disappear, never to be seen again. And all this for a father’s love. But at least the circus is in town…

Only True Heroes Can Stop the Lord of Shadows

What Evil Lurks is an outdoor and wilderness adventure designed for 4-6 characters of Levels 8-10 heavily focused on roleplaying. There are puzzles and riddles galore, and information gathering to be done, all culminating in the solution to a great mystery. This adventure pits the wits and swords of your players against an evil wizard, intent on opening a gate to the shadow plane. It includes numerous NPCs, nefarious monster lairs, and a short dungeon. Can your players find out what is behind the evil dreams and missing villagers? Will they have the brains and brawn to solve the riddles and stop the curse? Can they halt the Soul Engine before it unleashes darkness on the world?"

Plus, as if that werent enough, Rob Kuntz is finalizing the first installment in his "Maze of Zayene Series" called "Prisoners of the Maze. Not to mention his "City of Brass" series.

All in all, we have done a major overhaul of the production schedule to allow for all these exciting new products. Plus, we have been busy bringing the Fiery Dragon boys aboard (which I am very proud of, by the way).

So that is what Necromancer is up to...

Tomb of Abysthor has been delayed (obviously) and should be out in 4 months. Bards Gate 2 months after that, by the end of the year.

We have grown and expanded by leaps and bounds--far beyond my initial vision. Which is great. That means there are lots of gamers that want "first edition feel."

So thanks for hanging with us during the growing pains.

Clark Peterson
Necromancer Games

28 May 2001

Head over to they are now a member of the "Sword & Sorcery-family" :). Best of luck Fiery people.

There's a new adventure posted on the Resources page by Dave Biggins (Thanks Dave !!) "The Hilt of Reckoning". It's very cool and should be of extra interest for people who have DM-ed "The Crucible of Freya". Also a new graveyard submission.

22 May 2001

There's a new section on the NG-website, The Rob Kuntz-section ! You can also find an old tournament adventure he wrote there.

Oh and a new entry in the graveyard

17 May 2001

Rob Kuntz to write for Necromancer Games !

Don't know who Rob Kuntz is ? Check this interview on Eric Noah's website. Here's a snippet of the press-release on the Necromancer Games website :

"Necromancer Games will first publish Rob Kuntz’s Maze of Zayene series—a series of four modules detailing a plot to assassinate the evil King Ovar and the machinations of his treacherous wizard, Zayene. “These are not simple reprints. Mr. Kuntz is reworking and updating them for the new edition of the rules. In addition, Mr. Kuntz is writing a completely new fifth installment in the series, Hidden Realms of Zayene, which extends the series with a plot twist befitting his brilliance as an adventure writer,” says Clark Peterson. Next, Necromancer will publish Mr. Kuntz’s City of Brass series—an epic set of adventures in the elemental planes of fire and ice, revolving around the occupants of the fabled City of Brass and embroiling the players in the struggles of the lords of the elemental realms. Necromancer Games will also publish a revised and updated version of Garden of the Plantmaster."

Crucible of  Freya Download

The long awaited supplement for Crucible of Freya is now available. Grab it at the NG product support page , remember you'll need the password from the module.

14 May 2001

It's been a while, but I'm back with a new update. Two new entries for the graveyard. I'll be back soon (this week) with another update.

4 May 2001

One new graveyard entry, the counter is at 40 now ! Here it is :

Miranda: level 4 Elven Bard-Her party having fallen victim to the Wererat ambush in a textbook manner, the poor bard had bad luck on her Fort saves against the Dust of Coughing & Sneezing. Having lost 12 Temporary Constitution points to the Dust (and only having a 10 Con!) she died in a fit of violent coughing and asphixiation. (Reported by : Chris)  

2 May 2001

Necromancer Releases :

This is what I got from the Sword & Sorcery Forums

  • May : No Release

  • June : "Rappan Athuk II : The Middle Levels"

  • After that : "Treasure Maps and Lairs" and then  "Tomb of Abysthor" 

Oh and 9 (!)  new  Graveyard entries. The new entries are marked with this graphic for your reading convenience. My game-log is delayed a bit but coming soon...

1 May 2001

Computer-problems keep me from doing an update (Even this cost >30 minutes). Check back tomorrow.

27 April 2001

Just a quick note , the next update will probably (if not it's going to be earlier) be next tuesday. I'll be posting the first game-log from my new campaign (wich features Necro-stuff heavily) and hopefully some new Graveyard-submissions. 

24 April

I've updated the Graveyard with 6 new entries by Taylor. Also campaign-site is updated with a new campaign-log incorporating (a modified version of) The Crucible of Freya.

19 April

The resources-page is updated with a new map (they are pdf's now) and 4 new entries for the Graveyard (look at the bottom of the graveyard-page).

17 April 2001

I've got from the Sword & Sorcery  forums that the web-supplement for "Crucible of Freya" should be ready within a week or so. 

Big update on the Graveyard today. I've received 6 new entries and the body count is 20 at the moment. Also the resources-page is updated with an adventure "A Little Bit of Hell" (by Jonathan) and a list of Reaper Miniatures appropriate for use with the "Crucible of Freya" (by Istolil) and I've fixed the broken links to the maps that were posted earlier.

I've also added a link to the The EN World Site , there you can find Resources, d20 Reviews and The Daemonforge world. They've got an automated review system for almost every d20 product, so you might stop by and rate or review a necromancer-module ...

12 April 2001

Just a quick note from me, I'll be cruelly deprived from my internet-connection for a few days. Check back early next week for a BIG update..
Oh and don't eat too many easter-eggs :)

11 April 2001

The Graveyard is updated ! The "official" bodycount is 14 at the moment. Also the resources-page is  updated (thank you for the maps Eric).

9 April 2001

The Demons & Devils download is available ! Get it now at the product support page . There's also some info about it on the Sword & Sorcery forums. Here's a teaser (contains spoilers) :

" It details the lengthy overland treks that should accompany the three adventures in Demons and Devils.

It takes you to Crane's Tower in the Sorcerer's Citadel, past an ogre magess, phase spiders and a cryo-hydra !.... "

4 April 2001

Clark e-mailed me this bit of info :

"The Demons and Devils Wilderness Download (titled "Demons and Devils: Epic Quests") should be available in a week or two."

That's probably before I can get  Demons & Devils in The Netherlands :).

2 April 2001

Big update in the Graveyard-section, 7 new entries. This quote from Joe's E-mail struck me as quite funny : "I LOVE THIS DUNGEON. hehehehehehehehehehe ... and to think one of the players had said only days before "Joe's too easy on us." Yeah, what ever." (4 out of 7 pc's died that session).

I've also updated the links-section. I added  Scott Greene's Creature Catalog , this is were the Orcus-stats came from. It's an awesome site.

31 March 2001

Clark (Peterson)just e-mailed me a very cool freebie. Orcus-stats for 3E ! It won't appear on the official site before monday, so you get it here as an exclusive preview ! Grab it here

28 March 2001

I've got some feedback about the name of my website, and it wasn't very positive :), you can get the full story in this   thread on the wonderful Eric Noah boards. So I decided to change the name into Necropolis, the new url is although the old one will also be available for a while. I've also added a new link in the links section, if you want me to add your link just send me an e-mail.

Oh and you might have noticed the new background....

27 March 2001

RA1 Wilderness Supplement is out now ! Head over to the product support page at the Necromancer page and grab it (remember you'll need the password from the RA1 module).

I've added a new entry in the Graveyard-section and fixed a misdirected link.

26 March 2001

Clark Peterson e-mailed to tell me that the RA-wilderness download is done, it'll be a 19-page pdf-file called: "Rappan Athuk : The Wilderness Area". The download will (probably) be uploaded later today.

I've updated the Graveyard-section." Necrolagnia" was kind enough to send in 3 (!) characters that died in Rappan Athuk from his campaign.

23 March 2001

Finally it's here: Necrophilia, a fansite dedicated to gaming the Necromancer Games way. Here you'll find the latest Necromancer News and more...

One of the things you'll find is the "Graveyard of Rappan Athuk" a gathering place of all the heroes that died in RA. So if your PC died horribly in RA send me some some details (Name, Class ,level, maybe a bit of background and most importantly HOW you died) and get your PC on the graveyard. The coolest entries might even be "promoted" as undead servants of Orcus :).

The resources section will be the place to get fan-created stuff with "1st edition feel". I just added The lesser Sunstaff, but I really need more so send in your stuff (ofcourse you'll get full credit). Feel free to e-mail me at

Latest News

  • "Tomb (of Abysthor ) has been delayed about two months to accomodate us getting RA2 out as soon as possible." Clark Peterson on the Sword & Sorcery forums.

  • Demons & Devils has been unveiled at the GAMA trade show. Click here for a preview of the cover.