


Hall of X-peculations

                                                                                                          We dare to believe....




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Pale Moonlight - Steph Lutz

Rating: PG

Summary: Scully's cancer worsens and Skinner cashes in his end of the deal.

Playing Godess - Shalimar

Rating: NC-17

Summary: We Never too old for fairy tales

Professional, The - Dasha k.

Rating: NC-17

Summary:  A Woman from Mulderīs past come back desperate for help and a secret from his past  turns out to be a new challenge to his romance with Scully. Can she forgive him?

Put to Rest - writergal2000

Rating: PG-13

Summary: On a snowy night, Mulder contemplates the meaning of his dream sequences during his brain surgery. What he comes to realize is shocking not only to his partner, but to himself. And he not only tells the truth, but also hears some truth from the only person who really matters to him.