


Hall of X-peculations

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Damage Wrough by a Trip to Philadelphia | 2 - J. Hallmark

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Mulder reacts to the events in "Never Again".

Dana´s Dreamland Reality

Rating: PG

Summary: A very intense dream and an early morning call from Mulder will lead Scully on a journey destined to change her life.</font>

Dance Without Sleeping  2 |- Lydia Bower

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life.

Dandelions on The Wind - Jaime Lyn

Rating: PG-13

Summary: A traggic love story by Mulder and his new partner POV

Desideratum | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5  - Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen

Rating: NC-17

Summary: How far is too far to go in the name of love?

Division Bell - Shaun Reich

Rating: R

Summary: An accident with time travel leaves Mulder one year in the future, where nothing has remained the same. Not even Scully.

Dreaming Omega  - Spookey 247

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Mulder's having a nervous breakdown and taking a road trip to celebrate. Scully's in pursuit, but she may end up losing him forever (in more ways than one.)