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The Lake at Gethesemane | 2 - Ten

Rating: PG-13

Summary: After "Gethsemane", a grieving Scully discovers Mulder's journals and finds that what is in them and her dreams might save not only her . . .

A Less Certain World - Sarah Segretti

Rating: R

Summary: A fragile and frightened Mulder, traumatized by the events of "Biogenesis," turns to an unexpected source for help.

Lesser Evils | 2 - Ten

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Mulder thought that no one could ever want Scully as much as he did. He was dead wrong.

Lifeline - Jennifer Lucas

Rating: R

Summary: A brush with death causes Scully to re-evaluate what is left of her life and Mulder realizes what his life would be like without Scully. *This story deals with the feelings and emotions surrounding cancer, death, and suicide, though no one dies in this story.

Living With Words - Susanne Barringer

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Post Reduxes. Mulder's presumed suicide causes some unanticipated problems between the partners.