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Feats, Skills and Marks
- Arcane Spells
- Divine Spells
- Psionics


In my games, I use the option that psionics are "different" from magic. While the mechanism for determining relative strength of powers is the same (levels), the energies employed are not. Magic manipulates the external forces of probability and natural law. Psionics represent the honing of a mind so belief can literally be made manifest in the surrounding environment.

In my Horizon campaign, psionics are rare. In truth, the only creatures using psionics at all (that have been discovered) are imports from the planes. Because of this, magic has not evolved to deal with psionics. Detect magic and dispel magic don't work against psionics, and only truly powerful creatures have power resistance (as part of their general resistance to hostile external forces).

That said, one of the PCs is a psion--though he is also an import from the planes, a githzerai. His presence in the world may change things. Perhaps drastically.

Only one unique power so far, but it has a hell of a background story. More will come.

Level: Nomad 1, Psion/wilder 1
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You (but see Augment text)
Duration: 1 minute/level
Save: No
Power Resistance: No
Power points: 1

When in flight or falling, an object or creature's speed is limited by air resistance. This is why feathers fall more slowly than stones, and why kestrels fly faster than butterflies. The same is true of water resistance. A pike is a much faster swimmer than a turtle, and a shark can easily overtake a man. A psion who knows the slipstream power understands this at a fundamental level, and can overcome a certain amount of air or water resistance to speed flight or swimming or to increase falling velocity.

Slipstream is, effectively, the psionic opposite of featherfall. It reduces the psion's imaginary cross-section, making air or water slip around her more easily. The effect of this depends on the kind of movement currently employed by the psion.

If the manifester is flying, slipstream increases fly speed by 20 feet. It does not improve maneuverability. If the manifester is swimming, her swim speed increases by 10 feet. Finally, if the manifester is falling, slipstream increases terminal velocity, and if the manifester impacts a solid surface, falling damage is increased by 2d6 points. This breaks the normal rule for maximum falling damage of 20d6 points.

When manifested, the air seems to ripple around the manifester, like heat shimmer over a surface on a hot day.

Augment: For every additional power point spent, the manifester may increase her fly speed by 10 feet, her swim speed by 5 feet, or her terminal velocity by 1d6 points of damage. In addition, for every 2 additional power points spent, she may affect one more creature with whom she is in physical contact, as long as the creature is no more than two sizes larger than the manifester.

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