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  You open and close a paragraph like this: <p>Paragraph here</p>. Pretty amazing huh? I recommend you use the <div></div> tags instead though. We can also use <b></b> for bold, <u></u> for underlined, and <i></i> for italicized. They seem to work better with different browsers.

Example of a paragraph:

Chris tries to roll a joint. It ends up looking like a piece of taffy. Chris frowns and reaches for his knocked over bong.

<div>Chris tries to roll a joint. It ends up looking like a piece of taffy. Chris frowns and reaches for his knocked over bong.</div>


Formatting Text

An entire web page with all the same text looks kind of dull. So we use font tags to make it look kule.

Example of font tags:

Chris is a very kule dude! We love you Chris! You rock! :-)

<FONT size=+1>Chris <font size="+2">is</font><font size="+3">
a</font> <font size="+2">very</font> kule <font size="3">dude!</font>
<font size="2">We</font> <font size="1">love</font>
<font color="#FFFFFF" size="2">you</font> <font size="+3">Chris!</font>
<font color="#FF3333" size="5">You</font> <font color="#0066CC">rock!</font>
<font color="#0000FF">:</font>-<font color="#CC6666">)</font></FONT>




Many tags support ALIGN attributes... if you want something to be aligned from the left margin, from the center, or from the right margin. The ALIGN attribute is placed in the opening tag before the >.

Left Align

<h1 align=left>Left Align</h1>

Center Align

<h1 align=center>Center Align</h1>

Right Align

<h1 align=right>Right Align</h1>

Line Break - (No, not a nose dive!)

When your HTML document is viewed, normally the text will do a word-wrap at the end of a line. If you want to have the text BREAK (go to another line) you will use the <br> tag. This tag has no closing tag.

Example WITHOUT line Break...

Sentence One. Sentence Two. Sentence Three.

Sentence One.
Sentence Two.
Sentence Three.

Example WITH line Break...

Sentence One.
Sentence Two.
Sentence Three.

Sentence One.<br>
Sentence Two.<br>
Sentence Three.<br>


Try it Yourself!

Now make a paragrah using what you have learned. Are you still with me?

1) Right click on your desktop and choose New and then Text Document.
2) Right click on that text document and rename it to myfourth.html.
3) Double click it and it should open up you browser to a blank page.
4) Now right click anywhere on the page and choose View Source.
5) Type this:

<head><title>Title goes here</title></head>
<h1 align=right>Body goes here</h1>
<h3 align=center>Headings are kule!</h3>
<p><b>Bold text is fun!</b><br>
<u>Underline is kewl too!</u></p>

6) Go to File - Save, and then close the notepad.
7) Now hit the refresh button in your browser.

My attention span is holding out long eough to make these pages. I hope you make it too. Smoke break!


The Lessons

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