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The Common

Headings are very common in most every html document. They are much like a title of a section. If you think about them decreasing in size as they increase in number you have the most commonly used tag around. Damn tramp!

Example of heading tags...

Chris dropped his pipe! [H1]

<h1>Chris dropped his pipe! [H1]</h1>

Chris dropped his pipe! [H2]

<h2>Chris dropped his pipe! [H2]</h2>

Chris dropped his pipe! [H3]

<h3>Chris dropped his pipe! [H3]</h3>

Chris dropped his pipe! [H4]

<h4>Chris dropped his pipe! [H4]</h4>

Chris dropped his pipe! [H5]
<h5>Chris dropped his pipe! [H5]</h5>

Chris dropped his pipe! [H6]

<h6>Chris dropped his pipe! [H6]</h6>

*I hate it when I do that!



Horizontal Rule

No it's not some screwed up rule you have to remember, like "I" before "E," except after "C," and when it makes the "Ay" sound as in weigh or neighbor, and on Saturday and Sunday, and all throughout may, and you'll always be wrong no matter what you say! It's easier than that. It's those little lines you see dividing the page up every once in a while. You know, one of these:

It's called a horizontal rule or <hr>. Horizontal rules do not need a closing tag with the "/" in it. They do have lot's a neat crap you can do with them though:

You can add different attributes to the <hr> tag, such as WIDTH=n (for fixed pixel width) or WIDTH=n% for a certain percentage of the screen wide, SIZE=n to make the line a certain pixel amount thick, and NOSHADE to turn the line's shading off. A plain <hr> with no attributes will make the line the full width of the screen.

Example of horizontal ruled lines...

<hr width=50>
<hr width=50%>
<hr size=7>
<hr noshade>

You may also use several attributes within one tag...
<hr width=50% size=10 noshade> 




Try it Yourself!

I know that's a lot of reading for someone who just got thier head out of thier latest "fat sack", but time to actually do something again.

1) Right click on your desktop and choose New and then Text Document.
2) Right click on that text document and rename it to mysecond.html.
3) Double click it and it should open up you browser to a blank page.
4) Now right click anywhere on the page and and choose View Source.
5) Type this:

<head><title>Title goes here</title></head>
<h1>Body goes here</h1>
<h3>Headings are kewl!</h3>

6) Go to File - Save, and then close the notepad.
7) Now hit the refresh button in your browser and Ta Da! You just made your second html page! Smoke up and rest some more! Tomorrow we are going to conquer alignment and formatting of paragraghs in the body. No! Not in my body!!! Get a nap!!!



The Lessons

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