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This page is in html. Just like a word processor you can manipulate the text in many different ways.You can have

<b>bold</b> and <i>italicized</i>, <font size=+2>Larger</font> and <font size=-2>Smaller</font>.

<" and ">" are the main character in html for stating something is a tag. They are called delimiters. Like <b> states the text following will be bold and </b> closes the bold tag. And <i> will make the text italicized with </i> closing the italicized tag.

Can you find what is wrong below?

1 - Chris looked over his bong.
1 - Chris looked <b>over</b> his bong.
2 - Chris looked under his bong.
2 - Chris looked <b>under<b> his bong.

There is no "/" in the closing tag after the second under causing the browser to keep the bold text going on.


Document Structure

Html files are just plain text. They basicly have two parts. The head and the body. The body will be the bigger of the two.

Example of basic HTML document Structure

<title>Your page title!</title>

<body>Your page body!</body>

What you put between the <title></title> tags will be the title of the page and displayed in the upper left hand corner of your browser.What you put between the <body></body> tags will be the body of the page and what the web surfers will see.


Try it Yourself!
  1) Right click on your desktop and choose New and then Text Document.
2) Right click on that text document and rename it to myfirst.html.
3) Double click it and it should open up you browser to a blank page.
4) Now right click anywhere on the page and and choose View Source.
5) Type this:

<head><title>Title goes here</title></head>
<body>Body goes here</body>

6) Go to File - Save, and then close the notepad.
7) Now hit the refresh button in your browser and Ta Da! You just made your first html page! Smoke up and rest! I know that must have worn you down.

The Lessons

Main Page | Lesson One | Lesson Two | Lesson Three | Lesson Four | Webmaster