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Nikolas Horatio Von Helsing
AKA: Nik, The Kaiser
Code name: Cross


Sign: Cancer
Age: 79
Height: 6’4”
Sex: Male
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green

Born: Bavaria 1913

Nikolas is the last surviving member of the Eye, an order of paladins sworn to defend humanity from darkness. He is the grand nephew of Dutch Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, the vampire slayer responsible for the destruction of Dracula. A lineage which came with heavy responsibility for a young paladin. When the order eradicated by the Nazis in 1942, he condemned himself to live undead in order to maintain the order. Filled with a personal sense of self loathing, he abstains from the drinking of blood, to the point of becoming a vegetarian, as it brings him closer to the monster he has become. This limits his powers considerably, although it allows him to move about in the sunlight with only mild sensitivity, and stand the presence of most holy relics. After WWII he was committed to an Austrian asylum for the criminally insane for the murder of five SS Officers vindicated of war crimes. He was bailed out by Sir Everett Quinn to join the ISNI when it was founded in 1958.

Cynical but sensitive, leading a hypocritical existence, and fighting the hideous urge to feed has driven him to become a habitual alcoholic. He still thinks of Alexandra as the little girl she was when he joined ISNI, and has a hard time taking her seriously. Similarly he looks on Joan as a sort of niece or younger sister and is very protective of her. The ISNI considers him a great asset but fundamentally unstable.

Weapon of choice

Double edged tempered steel blessed broad sword with one silver one iron plated edge and brass plated handle. This sword is a family heirloom.

Nikolas Von Helsing Joan Kaine Sir Aleksandra Quinn Nigel Templeton Suporting Cast

Disclaimer & Special Thanks

Schwarz Kreuz is the original work and property of Rhiannon McCullough ©2003/2004