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Past Posts:

I Like Quickies
Sat, 10-2-04:

I just did a semi-commisioned work for my brother. I sorta like it, namely the stomach wires, but I don't like how the head came out. Oh well. Other than that, nothing much is happening. I'll probably make a comic this weekend if I ever finish my NMS application. Oh yeah, and I have to take my Writing SAT II in STAMFORD CONNECTICUT! That's like over an hour away. Blargh.

Let Us Rally The Pep
Fri, 10-1-04:

These are the meat and potatoes of my post. Yeah, Im basically just adding the stuff I drew in Gym and Latin a day ago or so. By the way, I love feedback. So just post it on the right, IM me at ASackOfPeanuts or e-mail it at Also, I don't know if I'm going to the pep rally or the Homecoming Dance this weekend, but we'll see. The math independant study guy from SUNY Purchase that Fish, Mehmet, Kaufsky, and myself is way cool, and he even bought us cookies! Everyone, everyone should check out Redonkadonk's newest movie, Hands on a Car. The story behind that is Citera calls me and a couple peopel up, and basically we show up at his house, and come up with a story, and then characters, and then finally decided to just make up lines in front of a camera and edit it all together. It's six and a half minutes of greatness. I hope everyone has a great weekend, see ya all around.

Aha! Take THAT CheetahMan.gif!
Sun, 9-26-04:

I put up the newer, better Cheetah Guy which profited from my trying to do electricity the first time rather shittily. I'm very pleased with how this newer one came out, so I suggest you take a look at it. At some point in the near future, I'll be doing a thing for Mr Oddo with energy transmittal and then do the Water and Earth pictures. I'm liking this line of art. See everyone later and good luck with their apps. My potential senior blurb pictures are now upload, with the red boxed ones my favorite.

Quick Addition
Wed, 9-22-04:

I added the artwork section to my site because That's what I've been putting up lately. I just uploaded a picture of an electric cheetah running through a guy. I was very dissapointed at how it came out, but dissagree with me.

Maybe It's a Habit?
Tues, 9-21-04:

The habit is just drawing I guess. I don't like to take classes and stuff, mainly because I'd prefer academics, but by reading and looking at other comics, I think I've picked some stuff up. Either way, it's all just lines, curves, and shadings. And in case you didn't click that link, I'd suggest you do, it's a cool picture I did in Latin when I was bored. Not that Catullus is boring, but he is. He's just not like Caesar.

Some Artwork
Mon, 9-20-04:

I don't know if you can call it "art", but I drew an artistic rendition of the year so far and I inked the sketch that I drew for Harry two weeks ago. I dunno what he's gonna do with it, but I'm not particularly happy with how the colors came out, but oh well. That's what no art classes will get me. A lot of wishes, but nothing to show for it. In any event, I gotta get back to homework, so I'll see everybody in school. Would anybody be up for a section on this site devoted to random art that I doodle in class or have photoshopped? Just leave me a message on my Chatterbox over there on the right.

I Have a Chatterbox?
Sat, 9-18-04:

Yes, yes I do. I'll link it when I get back from Nuff's. Aha! And here it is. Feel feel to post whatever on it. It's also right there on the right.

Out of Hiding
Fri, 8-27-04:

I've just come out of hiding temporarily to tell you 1) Washington Mutual sucks a LOT and 2) I look like one scary mofo in this picture. Try and guess which one is a freak.

Welcome to the Jungle
Thur, 7-1-04:

Wow, where do I start? I guess I'll go as it comes to me. School's over, that's first and foremost. My grades should be arriving any day now and then I'll be depressed. The new comic is up. My first in two months. I forgot how much I hated doing them on the computer. I forgot a title, and I'm not going back and fixing it, so the title will be..."Tight-ass-man 2". Yeah, that'll work. This one was done by hand and took like 15 minutes. I just scanned all of the national's pictures I took, and they are awesome. I think I'm going to put little comments beneath them all, although some of them only Ac-Challers may get. I have an internship at Washington Mutual which is starting to be damn boring. I just got bumped up to full time, meaning that I will be there from 9am (opening) until 6pm (closing). Oh fuck yay...only not. I guess I'll get paid a ton. It's just that none of my co-workers speak english coherently, except for one. And that guy, Danny, is cool, because he apparently is a gamer. But it's also weird...My boss thinks that the internet is called "E-mail". As in, "Can you surf the E-mail?" or "Let me find a site for you on the E-mail". I'm scared. Spanish serves me well, but I wish I knew how to say "password" in Spanish. It took me five minutes to get one guy to realize that's what I wanted instead of his driver's license. "What a Night 2" is up on Redonkadonk, and it's really funny. I play a latent homosexual mafia guy. Coming soon (read: 3 months) is another movie that I'm supposed to star in. City of Heroes is a great game and I'm having a ton of fun playing it. Maybe I'll update again soon, but this was a huge revamp, updating like everything. Adios!

Another Quickie
Wed, 6-9-04:

Work is piling up and I haven't really started any of the projects. We'll see where that takes me. This new laptop I have is pretty cool. It's graphics are way better than my regular desktop, but its like a foot and maybe more wide. Which is big for a laptop. Anyway, here's my prospective math cover. Hopefully I'll get some bonus, even though it took 30 seconds.

Ya Gotta Wind Up to Wind Down
Mon, 6-7-04:

And as the year winds down, look where we've all wound up. AP class final projects are rolling in like two giant...rolling...things. Which reminds me: Spring Fest was incredible. Forgetting half my lines wasn't cool, but making up the most hilarious lines ever on the spot definitely made up for it. For those of you who saw the show, the entire water bottle/mustard stuff was made up. Blackadder rocked too. This past Thurs-Sun, to give a quick recap: We went to Marymount College in Washington DC. A team proceeded to own everyone and everything placing 1st, and B team (that's me) only lost to the teams who later became 2nd and 3rd for the entire tournament. Horace Greeley B Team 2003-2004 (us) was the best B team in history, winning two playoff games, making it to the unheard-of top EIGHT teams. Some highlights of it all were Jason trying to eat cicadas, Spock taking "power naps" every thirty seconds, calling "High Tech A" "Di-Tech" (Gah! Lost another one to Di-tech!), and Shrek 2. Guys, everybody see Shrek 2. It's hilarious. In the beginning it takes a while to pick up steam, but then the last 20 minutes or so make the movie the masterpiece that it is. There's so much stuff I forgot to mention, such as Blitz Chess (Shach) while watching Family Guy in between rounds, and the insane amounts of food consumed. I'm still incredibly tired, and the next week will be fun, as B team will have early morning practices with A team to provide adequate competition as practice. By the way, A team is going to St Louis on the 13th and 14th, to compete as one of the final four teams. The winner of that quartet will be proclaimed first in the nation (THE NATION) and get a trophy 5 feet tall. How do I know this? Simple: Last year's A team was awarded first place. Quite the tradition to uphold. Anyway, I gotta sleep, so see everyone around.

A Quickie
Sun, 6-6-04:

It's been a month since I've updated, but its like nearly midnight now, and I just got back from Nationals. New Sketches from Nationals that I did on the bus and while A-team was pwning everyone. More on that tomorrow. See ya. I need a power nap...

Welcome Back Mr Anderson. We've Missed You
Mon, 5-3-04:

Jesus Howard Christ, it's been a while. This feeling of writing the online paragraph feels like a memory, not like an everyday thing anymore. So what's happened in the past TWO WEEKS?! Well, Museum came and went. It was killer fun, seeing as how I got to wear tights and a tutu and a suit. Oh, and a viking hat. I'll get some pictures when/if I can. Oh, oh, you all should be pleased to hear, that the first ever Matthew Schiller-Owen Godshall comic is up and running. Track has been sorta on and off but as Museum is over (sigh) I should be getting back to the running and the jumping and the exerCISING! What else? Well, Citera filmed the first scene of "What a Night 2: Jakub Shut Up" (That subtitle is just a suggestion by me because Jakub won't actually ever shut up) and it was awesome. It's hilarious. Everyone should watch it when the time comes. APs are this week, meaning that I should brush up on my math skills, AHAP notes, and forget about Bio because if I don't get a 5 on what I know off the top of my head, I might as well kill myself. I'm already at work on the next comic (scriptly speaking, not art-wise) and although I basically do all the art on the computer, and very little actual pencil drawing gets done, it's still ART. Which reminds me about Spring Fest. On June 1st 2nd and 3rd there is Spring Festival, a series of plays of which I act in two. "Blackadder" and "An Unsure Thing". Both will kick ass. On the 3rd however, I must be whisked off of school grounds at 6:30 am, and travel down to Washington DC or something, to compete at Academic Challenge: Nationals (Where even the jocks are nerds). I don't think I missed anything other than a few typoes in here, so peace out everybody!

My, My, My
Sun, 4-18-04:

How time does fly. Well, my wrists are feeling better, but I'm still going to take it easy. At Academic Challenge yesterday, Greeley "B" was 5-0, until we played our own "A" team, losing only by 20 points. Wow, that was a damn close call. Citera managed to get me to do that poster of Mel Gibson that he wanted for his movie, What a Night 2. The latest promise is that Redonkadonk will be up on 5-20, which is my brother's birthday. Ummm, oh yeah, I got my SAT scores, which I feel pretty good about. Click here to find out what I got. I didn't want to just post it if people didn't want to know. Well, Have a great week, everyone.

Two Words
Tues, 4-13-04:

Carpal Tunnel. My wrists are hurting more than ever. I'm keeping off of them as much as I can. That "Creator", with his whole weak wrists that can't take strenuous typing for very long, can go kill himself. Sorry that there's no comic once again, but like I said, I think I'll be AWAL until they get better.

Oh Man, I'm Sorry
Fri, 4-9-04:

I didn't know that if you clicked that dancing Asians link you'd get bumped out and see the evil fat black lady page. I don't have much news, other than the concepts for Nuff's RTS (Real Time Strategy) game is coming along. It's fun brainstorming. Yeah, my wrists kill. I just shaved, go me! And Terra Chips are amazing. Amazing!

Spring Break is So Key, I Mean Hook
Thurs, 4-8-04:

Wow, I didn't update for like...six days. Well, alright here's what I've been doing in my break so far. I woke up Saturday morning, and there were these three bird-like creatures sitting over me. The smallest one said "Away!" and I was transported to a magical place, where there were kings and queens with super powers! And then they chose me as their hero, and I was sent off to battle dragons and serpents and--you're not buying this are you? Alright, so I went on my first plane ride to North Carolina from Saturday to Monday. Planes are awesome, and North Carolina is the coolest place ever. EVER. They all have funny southern accents and were really nice. Good thing I'm not going to college at Duke. Then on Tuesday I visited Cornell, in its little Antartica in New York. Maybe I'll go there, I don't know. I got quite a bit of drawing for the cartoon done, so that's pretty cool, I guess. Today I'm going to Nuff's to finish the "Quiznet" season with Nuff, Max, and possibly Benny-bomb. It's like Academic Challenge online. I wanna see "Hellboy" this vacation, so if anyone wants to go with me, just give me a ring-a-ding-ding. There's a comic. No, I'm just kidding, that's a fake link. I didn't actually "do" a comic yet. There will be one this Monday though. Catch ya'all later!

ADDITION: Couldn't wait or I'd forget. First, I just updated the quotes section and links section with these cool dancing Asians. Wait like 10 seconds for the good stuff. The one on the right sorta looks like Roy Lui, right? Also, here's a conversation my dad had at the Operating Room today with another doctor, who was Catholic:

Guy: Isn't it Passover or something today?
Dad: Yep! We "crazy" Jews can't eat bread!
Guy: It's eight days long, right? Isn't Hannukah eight days long too? What's with eight days?
Dad: Well, little do you know, but it's a scheme of the Jews. Since the beginning! We get airfare discounts for an eight day spread between flights when we go on vacation for eight days. We get hotel discounts because we stay for eight days. We get the best prices for rentals for eight days! Know why there wasn't any room at the inn? It was still the EIGHTH DAY!"
Oh dad, what a silly guy. End of my update.

Go Spring Break!
Fri, 4-2-04:

Gwahaha! It's springtime, for Schiller, and Chappaquaaaaa! Spring Break will be awesome! I'm going on my first plane ride tomorrow to North Carolina to visit Duke, and then I'm pinballing around the tristate area to see some other colleges. The comic might not be up in time, due to my "away-ness" but it'll get up at some point. Owen Godshall is the newest "co-writer" for my comics, professing his love for me and my website just recently. If he follows through, maybe teh comics will get even funnier and I'll have better than my crappy punchlines. Lineage 2 will probably steal my life away from me. It's quite the addicting MMORPG. I know there's something else...Oh yeah! Citera has taken my advice/complaints, and we both are collaborating on doing the cartoon. Meaning that I draw all of the pencil sketches and scan them and send that shizzle over to Mike. he then traces (He's a tracer!) and animates it all. Flash has defeated me, that bastardy program that it is. So until i get back, probably on Thursday, Shildo out.

Go Greeley Track!
Tues, 3-30-4:

First, the comic sorry it's late, once again. Today at the Greeley/Harrison/Nyack meet, Greeley Girls had to have won. I don't know the exact scores, but Julie "The Stud" Macnamara, Meagan "Legs" Houser, and Alana "The Blur" Levy completely blew the competition out of the water. Honorable mention to Gwen "The Genius" Luca, for doing the 800m, when we needed her to, completely unstretched, and still beating some poor girl from Nyack. The Boys didn't have many stellar performances other than Aaron "The Bullet" Kuan's insane relay times, and Sammy "The Spaniard" Franco's and Pete "I Don't Know His Last Name" Blank's amazing hurdle runs. If you've read this far, you get to hear how I did. Aha...Um, we couldn't do discus because our fences were too short...or something. So in Shotput I got a 28'4" (feet-inches) which was decent, and a 14.1 sec 100m sprint, which is decent for my first try. Overall we all worked really hard and come next meet, I'm sure Greeley will dominate everyone.

So Sorry Viewer-San
Mon, 3-29-04:

No time to really chat. I'll get the comic up tommorow, sorry about the delay. You can look at the comic I did for Latin. It's about the story of Helen of Troy. It has two parts so...yeah. Track meet tommorow! Go Greeley! (especially me, in discus, hehehe)

And One Test To Rule Them All
Sat, 3-27-04:

I of course mean the SATs. I stole that line from Little 'Yefsky, gwahahaha! Sorry I didn't update for so long, but I was having some SAT "issues". These issues were that I hadn't started studying until yesterday. After talking to some of my peers about teh test, I think I may have taken teh wrong one. I say this because my experimental section was a math section, not a verbal section like EVERYBODY ELSE. I'm going into Dobbs Ferry to see "Grease" tonight as well as scoring (hopefully) some good SAT scores. Some highlights from the SATs were "CHICANERY" and the math question that Mr. Bierbauer mentioned in passing yesterday. "Grease" will kick ass, or at least it had better, or I'll be forced into life as a hermit to avoid the shame for saying that it would be good. I'm not saying that I'm not already a hermit, but you see, I--CHICANERY!!!

EDIT: I can't go to "Grease" because my parents are having a "parents' night" Since when do the Schiller parents have a freaking parents' night"?! Gah! I really wanted to see it too...*sad emoticon*

I'm So Bored I Could...Kill?
Tues, 3-23-04:

Aha, not really...*shifty eyes* There isn't much happening. The AIME was "wicked" hard. I think I got two right, but two more I got wrong because of math errors (ie, 1+1=3 sorta thing). My afterschool schedule is starting to get packed again, with "Museum" rehearsals happening more and more frequently, Track becoming fun, and now I hear Mock Trial is starting up again. I think "Footloose" the senior musical is this weekend, so uhh, go if you are really into that sort of singing and dancing stuff. As for myself, I should begin to study for the the next four days, because it is, surprise surprise, this Saturday. Oh, by the way, Sam's mom saw my site and she liked my site, so therefore you all should.

9:23 PM Has Never Felt So Late
Mon, 3-22-04:

And that's the time, but I feel so worn out. Your comic is done. I don't know how many different people check this site, but I'm hoping that the few who do enjoy it. And...if you don't, I forsee a sharp axe in your future. The official AIME Math test thing is tomorrow, meaning I get to miss mods: ABC-DEF-G-HIJ-KLM. It's so super. Gah, I have to write an English paper now. CHOW! (I know that's not how it's spelled)

School is Getting Pretty Damn Old
Sun, 3-21-04:

Just two more weeks until Spring Break. Which means college visits and "quality" time with the family. Nothing about spending time with my family is "quality". And if anybody has any skill with making Flash animations, any skill at all, AT ALL, please help me out, because as it is, Flash rapes me. I'm scared to open the program for fear that it will anally abuse me again. So, please, for my safety, help me with Flash. Citera wants the entire cartoon done by May. Early May. I'm laughing right now, that's how ridiculous it is. Oh, I just made this cool logo for the cartoon. The cartoon is called "Madkow High" or so I was told. I made it completely from scratch in Adobe, meaning I didnt copy paste anything from a website. 100% elbow grease. Gah! That's my new favorite exclamation. I hope the Math and Spanish tests will be gentle with me tomorrow. Its my first time...Wait, no it's not.

Payback Mr. Ploughman
Fri, 3-19-04:

Payback? How So? You might ask. Well WE HAD A SNOW DAY TODAY! Oh man, that was so "hook" right there. I didn't have my Math or Spanish test today. So good...Oh, and it's also my mom's birthday today. A pretty special day, for if my mom wasn't born, neither would I. So thank her when you can. Citera's cartoon is coming more and more to life, as how serious he is about it starts showing up. We've all recorded all the voices so all thats left is for my to take my carpal tunnelly wrists and make a cartoon to synch the sound to. I'll be updating this more in teh future, because well, Sci-O is over for thsi year, and Track doesn't exactly fill that gap very nicely. Running Maybe in a while...

3000 Has Been Broken
Wed, 3-17-04:

Darn tootin'. As the today's titles hints at, this site has now been viewed at least 3000 times (thats a lot). So keep up the good work, dudes and dudettes. The JV play, "Museum" read-through was today. It's pretty sweet how I have eight lines in the whole play. This will let me shine as an actor, as well as go to Track and Field, my newest hobby. For those who don't know or care, I am the "lost man". So in your face. Also, the rest of the cast, with special props to Owen Godshall, is great. Owen gets the props because he has that nasally voice that just sounds so cool and hysterical.

It's 2's Day
Tues, 3-16-04:

As you might be noticing, I've been changing how I do some things around here. For example, the comic is in black/white or color, depending on my mood. The quotes page and the article bar has an updating date next to it. Also, I'm leaving all of the week's posts on the same page, before moving them to the past posts page. If anything is difficult to navigate or understand, please, please tell me. I will either yell at you, or fix it, or both. If that's not incentive enough, I don't know what is.

Taking Care of Business
Mon, 3-15-04:

Ah, the Ides of March. Ok, first things first. Comic. And also, for those of you who kept tabs, the Sci-O competition was Saturday. Greeley placed 14th out of 44 teams in New York state, which is pretty good. In my events, I placed 3rd in Designer Genes with Lee Ramsey (booyah!), 14th in Astronomy with Jeremy Fishman, 25th in Come Fly With Me with Gabe Schama (I'm still pissed about that), and 39th in Write It/Do It with Sarah Mayefsky (sorry Sarah, hehe). Overall, it was the most fun of my life. Track season is picking up, and Citera's cartoon I'm doing is about to take off. Have a great week guys, and I'll see if I can update soon.

Dare I Say...GENIUS?
Tues, 3-9-04:

Yeah, so the comic is up, but in black and white instead of blue and light blue. Some people had complained to me about it. Well, I may color it in, MAY, when I have time...such as in May. Everything is going well in my life, even though I've got like zero free time, always tired, and still a virgin. I'm still happy enough though, because Designer Genes at Sci-O states is going to KICK ASS. Oh, and I may audition for the school play. Roxor Boxors. (Today's comic is dedicated to Billy Werbel, who in his quest for women, has accidentally found only young girls)

I'm Sowwy
Mon, 3-8-04:

There isn't any comic for tonight, seeing as how a mix of Sci-O, Track, and Schoolwork has gnawed away all of my free time. Don't worry, if you were worrying at all, because I'll try and write it tommorow in school and just adobe it up for online as soon as I get home. My Designer Genes event for Sci-O is looking really good, whereas all of my other ones seem to actually be getting worse compared to Regionals. On Saturday I had fun hosting the Academic Challenge tournament and putting up some signs. Some of my favorites were: "Destination Orbitz(crossed out) Academic Challenge!" and "Can you read? (two boxes, one marked yes, one marked no) Come anyway!" Well, until tommorow.

School Has Taken Over my Life
Tues, 3-2-04:

I get to school at 6:30 am, and I'm there until 7 pm, every day. Oy. Comic is up and completed, so check it out if you want, or browse the older ones. I'm going to be updating the Quotes section in the near future, so if you're interested in that, check it out too. Sci-O is going to eat my soul come March 13th, but right now, I'm just hungry. Oh, here's a joke Schama told me, retold by me, and it's not racist, and if you think it is, you're wrong:

As a part of a "united" diplomacy bonding thing, four diplomats from four different countries get sent to a desert island to "bond" and try and get off the island. A diplomat from America, Germany, China, and Russia are sent. Right off the bat, the Russian diplomat gets eaten by a wolf or something because jokes are easier with only three people. So the German guy decides to take charge, so he tells the American "You're American and like making fires, go make us the biggest signal fire to get off the island that you can. I'll make the strongest house I can to live in while we're waiting." he turns to the Chinese one, "And you go get supplies for while we're here. Meet back in a week." So in a week, the American has made the biggest fire ever, and the German made a palace out of palm trees and coconuts, but the Chinese guy is nowhere to be found. They look a little, but they give up and hope that he's OK. A plane sees the fire and comes to rescue them, and when the two remaining diplomats reach civilization, China is in an uproar. If the UN can't find the diplomat, the Chinese will spaz out. So they send troops to go find at least the remains of the guy. They search all over, and finally in a small craggy area of the island, the Chinese guy pops up from behind a rock, smiling, and scaring the troops, yells: "Supplies!"
That's pure genius I say...

The Comic is Almost Done?
Mon, 3-1-04:

So sue me, I'm human. The comic is almost done. I'll finish it up tommorow, but all that's missing is the backrounds. Once again it's in color, and I give a heartfelt "thanks" to Drew for help with the comic. So tired now, so check back tommorow for a "fuller" and more "developed" post (ie: More boobies).

Track and...What is it Again?
Thurs, 2-26-04:

Field. It's "Track and Field" for those of you with the learning disability known as "stupidity". What's the reason for me putting that title up? It's there because I joined the Track team today. As any Greeley-goer must've noticed, there was an ample amount of signs put up, so many in fact that it suffocated one unfortunate touring 8th grader. Please give a moment of silence for poor Jimmy Mc--OK we're done. Also, I've recently been comissioned by Citera to do the artwork and Flash animation for his cartoon. I don't mind, in fact I think it will be fun, but I'm seriously lacking in the "Flash skills" department, seeing as how I've never used Flash. If anyone knows how, IM ME NOW (ASackOfPeanuts), otherwise, enjoy the movie when it comes out in like two months. The clock is ticking until Sci-O: States and my events are sorely lacking. No worries, I have until March 13th, which is further in the future than i care to think about. There's an Academic Challenge tournament this Saturday, the 28th at White Plains High School, so girls, show up and get naked, or eat doughnuts, or play Ack Chall with us, it doesn't matter. Also, I may be in Mock Trial next week. When I say OO you say BURR! OO!...OO! (you'd better have said it...)

Two Point Five Hours of My Life
Mon, 2-23-04:

That is how much time was spent doing today's comic which you all should SAVOR. Enjoy it, I may do another color comic again, if my brain ever heals from the trauma. Redonkadonk is down right now, but when it's up, look for a cartoon with some of my contributed artwork. Send me some feedback about today's comic at because I don't want all that work gone to waste. *sigh of exhaustion*

And Like That *Poof* It's Gone Sun, 2-22-04:

That was just a little bit of "The Usual Suspects". Vacation is nearly over, and i am about to start my loads raised to the loads power of homework. If anyone wants, they can see pictures of me wearing Marissa's bra on my head and fooling around with her camera. Just as a side note, doesn't it looks like the Pope's hat when it's up and an eye patch when it's down? That's what I thought...Oh yeah, tommorow's comic...hasn't even been written, but it will be up. Dana, or as she has taken to being called, Vagina-eyes, filmed more of her "Charlie's Wenches" while I was MIA. Ali, Dana's cousin, acted MAH-velously, and it's a great addition to the movie, which is better with the out-takes in. I drove around a lot this vacation, and didn't hit ANYONE, so cheers for that and I'm about to go watch "The Siege" for History Through Film. So P to the EACE OUT.

No, Vacation! Don't Go Into the Light!
Sat, 2-21-04:

I know I "promised" a second comic this week, but things sort of got in the way. Such as me getting sorta sick, Mario Kart: Double Dash, that sort of thing. Sci-O: Season 2, starts today, so I'll see how that goes when I go. Vacation has been so great. I still have to start doing work and so forth, but that should be approached carefully and slowly, to minimize the damage. Man, I need to shave...too bad I'm not going to. The comic on Monday? Gonna dominate...I hope.

Oh You 'Raunchy' Angels
Tues, 2-17-04:

And raunchy they were. 'They' being Dana, Mary, and Ali. From the hours of 2 PM until 8 PM, Dana's house was infested by psuedo-actors and film makers, filming our "Charlie's Angels: (Whatever subtitle we decide on)". I don't want to use this site as an inside joke page, but if you want a complete summary, check out Greg's site. "Trichelle" or Dana has illusions of granduer that we'll be able to sell our stuff on DVD and make a huge profit. I'm feeling optimistic in that I believe we might be able to force her family to watch the movie some more. Don't get me wrong, I think it's hilarious, but I dunno how good it'll be for a non-Cobert/persdn who worked on it. I met Matt M whom I had harrassed a year ago online, sorry about that...hehehe. Ummm I'll put a comic up sometime? Maybe?

This is One Bootylicious Monitor
Mon, 2-16-04:

That's right, I've got a new monitor. It's about super big by ginormous square inches and is a flat screen. It's even more beautiful than my scanner. Oh yeah, and today's comic is up, and has no relation to the actual Jane. I'm going to go film a Charlie's Angels parody...thing today at Dana's which promises sugar coated goodness for all who will bask in its Angelic glory. Seeing as how today's Monday, and there are six more days of vacation after today, I'm almost certainly going to have a surprise comic for next Monday, and even a filler for during this week so people keep checking my site. Also, does anybody know any html code that will get rid of that bar to the left when I make a link? Please e-mail me at if so. And in case you didn't know, I get five cents everytime you guys send an e-card through my affiliate's little weird pictures slash sign up or something. She won't spam you, I make money, and you can brighten someone's day. Wow, I sound like a Hallmark ad. In any event, everyone should frequent this cool game. I don't know if it's a virus or not, but it's really fun to play, and I haven't gotten a virus yet. By the way, I heart sleep.

I Have a Bowl on my Head
Sat, 2-14-04:

Not really, but I might as well, because it's vacation time. Unless I find somewhere to go or have fun this week, I may very well be adding more than my fair share of comics to the site, so check back later in vacation to see what's going to happen with that. My Depp vs Bloom article came out yesterday, and I had like ten or so random girls just come up to me and tell me the article was God, or yell and disagree with me. And The Tribune saw it fit to take out every heterosexual line from that article. You can see the unedited version on my site. At least people read it, hehe...I'm not gay. Hmmm, I'm drawing a total blank on anything else that's happened...Well I did see "The Perfect Score" about a week ago and forgot to mention/summarize it. It's not fresh in my mind, so basically I just remember that they stole a test and the Chinese stoner dude, Roy, was hilarious. Go see it. Now. I can wait...Oh yeah, I'm going to set up my new monitor that I've had sitting in a box outside of my room for a month. So DOOM ON YOU. DOOM ON YOU. My bad, that was just some "Ice Age"-ness coming out of me. How's my webdesigning? IM: ASackOfPeanuts.

I Think the Correct Word for this is "Domination"?
Wed, 2-11-03:

To explain today's title, I just got two new events for Sci-O: States. "Write It/Do It" and "Designer Genes". These two, along with the new rules for my old events "Come Fly With Me" and "Astronomy" should prove to give the proverbial vise my nuts are in another turn. Expect to see me running through the halls of Greeley screaming something to the effect of "Throw the paper airplane of the DNA in the rubber band attached to the lego block on the blue straggler through the hoop!" For all of you who are "too cool" (read: losers) and not in Sci-O, that was just a mish-mash of my events, sorta. Ummm, to bring back an old tradition, I'll summarize tonight's Smallville: The title was "Velocity" which was appropriate because Pete, Clark's friend, was street racing with the actor from the Disney movie "Luck of the Irish". Clark says it isn't cool, but Pete busts a cap into Clark's ass, verbally of course, and keeps racing. He doesn't take a dive in a race and the Irish dude wants to p'zone him (read: Shoot him in the face) unless Pete gives him 20 G's. Clark faces moral dilemmas blah blah, and Pete races Irish for the debt. Pete spills his gas all over the road during teh race and for some unknown reason, Irish's car blows up, problem solved. But then Clark is all like "Yo, Pete, you're black, I don't want to hang out with you." and so I don't know if they are still going to be friends. In the Lana department, Lana's new boyfriend seems to actually be some dead dude with like weird blood to keep him alive, sorta like a zombie. Lana was being a bitch and like "Tell me your secret!" and Zombie-dude is like "ARRRR! I don't want to tell you! Brains..." so she cries...or something. Oh yeah and Clark's dad had a heart attack or something, I don't know, I was getting a sandwich. By the way, if you like my comics, check out Ctrl Alt Del Comics, they are REALLY funny. And I'm happy because I'm on a winning streak in WarCraft III.

Shifting My Ass Into Second Gear
Mon, 2-9-04:

So first and foremost, the comic is up. next on the 'ashenda' is how much Creative Writing kicks ass and sucks at the same time. Kicks ass when I get free mods and never have to read. It sucks when I actually have to write a paper (creatively) everyday or so. I write about this bear, sorta like Winnie the Pooh, but this one is brown...and it roxors boxors like only this bear can. I haven't found any cool links, but I am looking for someone to teach me how to not sound like crap when I sing for my "Chinese Guy" parody. There's not much else to say, as I updated this yesterday. Well, there's always "Penis", I guess, but that probably offends people. AHAHA! I don't even know why I was given webspace, *shrug*. By the way, you're cool for checking out this site. Super cool.

Looks Like I Was the Raper, Not the Rapee
Sun, 2-8-04:

That's right, yesterday at Sci-O, Greeley was owning everyone, finishing in second overall (Horace Greeley A Team) and 28=first, 27=second and so on. We medalled in over half the events, and many of those were first place medals. Personally, Gabe and I came in first in our paper airplane event, "Come Fly With Me". Jeremy and I also took the bronze in "Astronomy" after only 2 hours of studying each, TOTAL, the night before the event, which is ROCK SOLID! Surpsingly, Eriko, who has only a average mastery of the english language, and Sebi, who was informed he was on the team the day OF, took the gold medal in the event "Write It/Do It" where one member writes a description of an object and the other member has to reproduce the object from those descriptions. I also had to go up and get the medal for Sebi, because he left, so it was kinda funny seeing a 6' white guy going up there alongside a 5' Japanese girl to get the medals. I'm still reeling from yesterday, and I'll get the comic up tommorow. By the way, my medals are shiny...hehehe....

Sorer Than Thou
Thurs, 2-5-04:

As the title alluded to, I feel so sore. All over. Everywhere. *looks down* Well not everywhere. Believe it or not, throwing a paper airplane for four hours, and trying to get it to go around a corner and through a loop is not my idea of a "uber" day. In short, Sci-O newbed me. Tommorow is Friday however, and in celebration of the celebrations to come, I'll snap out of this semi-bad mood, and viola (as in the instrument) I'm happy. As you all must know unless you've been living under a rock, on Mars, in another solar system, we're going to be getting some freezing rain. Please note the "freezing". It is a feared word by most superintendants, and Dr Donovan is no exception. I actually met the guy, and he reminded me of a not-so-jolly Santa Claus (In essence, he was fat). This being the case, school for Friday is a big "negatron". You all probably don't care, but this weekend will own everyone and everything, including myself. We will all be slaves to the master that is this weekend. If all goes according to plan (the plan being I dont get my legs eaten off by coyotes) the newest comic shall be up on Monday for all to enjoy, or not enjoy, or fantasize to, or whatever you all do with them, I don't know. And with all of that said, have a jolly, ummm, last week before the break?

I Wish I Had a Cool Nickname
Mon, 2-2-04:

Like, Kareem Abdul-Jabar or something cool like that. I hope everybody is having a SPECTACULAR Groundhog's Day, because I know that my family will. General Tso's Groundhog prepared custom from Oriental Diner? Clearly gonna be amazing. There is also the chance of a snow day at some point this week, which would completely newb all my teachers. For all of you who don't know, "newb" when used as a verb means to own in such a way as to make the newbed look like a newb (or a loser essentially). The new comic is up and has been up since yesterday, so check that out. I've doubled my progress on "Chinese Dude" so expect it to be completely finished and recorded in the next two weeks. I'm currently in the library sitting next to the library scanner, my old mistress who appeals to me no more, and Marissa who was coincidentally also my old mistress...sorta. So I may seriously go see "The Perfect Score" today, so my fun-o-meter is currently reading "anticipation of movie", up from its normal "thinking about boobs". Everyone should also watch Matrix Ping-Pong. It's the funniest/coolest thing ever (Thanks, Jeremy for showing it to me). Anything else? Well...ShOuT OuT tO mY pEePs!!11!

Astronomy = Gonna Rape Me
Sun, 2-1-04:

Botton line here guys? Raw deal, listen America, the Astronomy event is harsh, go hydrate yourself. If you couldn't understand what I was saying through all of those Besch-isms, the Astronomy event at Sci-O this coming Saturday is going to KILL me. And "Come Fly With Me" isn't going to be a cakewalk either. I'm going to try and make a 100% new comic for tommorow, and oh yeah, yesterday Academic Challenge came in only second at the tournament. Which kinda sucked. But in better news a 60-ish year old lady said that I looked attractive. Sweet...I guess...? I must see "The Perfect Score" and when I do, I'll write up a quick summary here. I just want to get this upcoming Sci-O thing out of the way so I can concentrate on stuff that matters, like finishing my "Sk8er Boi" parody and taping something with Maryhoho. Once more, if anyone feels like they want to help with any of that, and/or writing comics for me to draw, I'm willing to do it, provided the ideas are good. Keep it l33t guys, Matt out.

It T'was the Night Before Bacon Day
Thurs, 1-29-04:

And all through the house, not a carnivore was moving, not even Thats right, tommorow is International Bacon Day. So everyone, go out and eat bacon with friends and family, sharing teh delightful stomach aches together. Also, as some of you may have seen, I put up my crocodile hunter parody. Little did I know that by doing so I would incur the wrath of the bandwith gods, oh those mighty ones sitting atop Mt Angelfire. The downloading of that smallish file (approx. 3 MB) by a couple of people put my badnwith limit over the top. I'm glad to say that I am back, and as carefree as ever. For those who haven't heard it yet, or for those who want the previously unreleased FULL version, check out Redonkadonk sometime in the very near future. Due to the fact that I will be very sore tommorow from the raping the AHAP will perform, I might not update this again until Saturday evening after Saturday's Academic Challenge tournament. By the way, I still like Solos.

I Like Solos
Wed, 1-28-04:

"Solos" are a type of girl's pants that are not only figure hugging (That's fashionable for skin-tight), but they are also smooth AND fuzzy and the same time...smuzzy. Yeah, so in the world of "real" news, SNOW DAY. AHA! Take that AP American History and Ap Bio. Whoo, I am thah-rilled. Smallville is on tonight, so due to my obviously not studying for Physics tommorow, I'll see and tell. As some of you might care, the comic is up. And check back later for a section where I'll put my newspaper articles and my Crocodile Dundee parody, if I ever get around to recording the last minute of it. Have a great snow day everybody.

Ach! Zee Midterms!
Mon, 1-26-04:

As the title of today's post may have hinted at in my broken German, it's midterm week. I'm sorry I'm late on the comic, it'll get done and be up tommorow. In the time when I'm not huddling in the corner wishing midterms would go away I've been working on a Crocodile Dundee Parody sound byte thing, which I'll post here and on Redonkadonk as soon as it's out. As those who check my profile on AIM (ASackOfPeanuts) may have seen already, there is a new holiday on the scene. "International Bacon Day" for lack of a better name shall be celebrated on the fourth friday of January, every year. It will be characterized by any and all guys free on that date to go and buy 20+ packages of bacon, go home, fry it all up, and consume the meaty morsels. Spread the word of International Bacon Day, and/or talk to me if you want to be a part of the Chappaqua branch festivities. I um, think that's everything, and if not, I'll post whatever "news" I missed later this week. Everyone listen to "Higher power" by Boston, it's a great song. --Van Schillsing

How Big IS a Whale's Dick Anyway?
Thurs, 1-22-04:

I dunno, but what I DO know is what happened last night on Smallville. Clark is in a jewelry store, in downtown Smallville, and some guy tries to steal some jewelry. Clark is all like "Flame On!" with his heat vision, but it hits kryptonite jewelry and...HE GOES BLIND?! WTF?! getting over that little detail, the robber gets arrested, his friend Pete gets kidnapped, and...there's a dude who can scream like an opera woman and shatter glass. Not much happens that's interesting. They develop the plots of Chloe and Lex and such, but thats not important. Out of nowhere someone blowtorches Clark's eyes and he can see again...sorta. Now he needs glasses. So he looks more like the "real" Clark Kent...however weird it sounds to be referring to an alien as "real". Clark shaves--I mean SAVES Pete, and everyone is happy, except for Lana, who cries like a girl...because she is. Also, my scanner has actually arrived, so tommorow will be the first day of the rest of my life, with scanner goodness to ensue. Everyone should, in addition to checking Redonkadonk's Adventures in Cyber Sex, check out The Breakfast From Hell. Both are extremely funny stuff. And to end the post, Sonic Heroes, while fairly repetitive, has taken over my life. My wrists keep saying no, but I know that they mean yes...Like that girl in the park....

Tuesday Clarifications
Tues, 1-20-04:

Recap: "Along Came Polly" dominates, as well as "Cheaper by the Dozen". New comic was put up yesterday, and "What a Night!" is up at Now, in teh realm of things that are GINORMOUSLY important, we have the fact that I just got Sonic Heroes. Let me explain the game to you. You control three characters at once, alternating between their special abilities. Sonic is fast, Tails can fly, and Knuckles...well Knuckles is Knuckles. They SAY that there are four teams, but in reality, they are all the same, with just different models for each character. The levels and textures all look incredible, but the game-play is sort of tedious. How so? Well I just have never played a game where it is this easy to die. The entire game is done in monkey ball fashion where the level is a series of platforms and ramps floating over an infinitely deep ravine. Not only that, but when you die, you lose all of your rings, your progress in that level up until checkpoints that are few and far between, as well as any power-ups you got for your characters. Now, for Monkey Ball this is alright, because who cares who the monkeys are or how they got into the balls, so long as they roll with piety in their hearts, but in Sonic I expected a story, or at least something more than Robotnic showing up at the end of each zone in a Egg themed machine (By the way, Robotnik's name is now "Mr Eggman"...) I would like it if Sonic had to collect the rings for any reason other than "they are shiney and when I get hit I lose them all." Overall, I'm having fun playing the game, no doubts there, but I'm just wondering if we all aren't being treated to the beta of the game, and not a real finished product. (Hint: Sega, invest in guardrails in the next game) Post done.

Skool iz Canselled!
Thurs, 1-15-04:

Mmmm, as of 6:28 this morning Chappaqua Central School District is CLOSED. I must say, having a wuss for superintendant (Mr. Donovan) is just heaven. I'm looking outside right now and there is MAYBE four inches of snow, and that's if you start counting from 3. Maybe it was the Weather Gods, or maybe it was the God of Stupid Superintendants, but all of Chappaqua now has a whole day just to ourselves. Oh and tommorow we have one day of school, followed by a three day weekend. It looks like Christmas is coming VERY early this year. I dunno what you all are using today for, but I'm using it to....umm...Yah, I don't know what I'm using it for either. Smallville yesterday was awesome. Lex was crazy, three, count them THREE, old villains come back to kill Clark, and for those of you who are madly in love with Kristin Kreuk, she was wearing a leotard the entire episode. Personally, this was the best episode yet, and for all of you who think they are better than watching Smallville, your wrong, it's not a teen drama, it's Superman. So bite me. And this site is hilarious.

Redonkadonk! Part TWO
Mon, 1-7-04:

So I just joined the Redonkadonk team, their website is very cool, and look for my site/work somewhere on it, under duh, "Blueprint For Insanity". citera, the dominatrix that he is, wants me to do TWO comics for monday, so now everyone has something to look forward to. Speaking of which, if anyone has a burning urge to become a comic writer, here's your opportunity: IM me as ASackOfPeanuts if you want to become a (semi-) official writer. All in all, this weekend is shaping up, with the Half Hollows Academic Challenge tournament coming up for all day Saturday, and the Sci-O tournament being less than a month away, not to mention I just got a buyer for my 20 kilo stash of cocaine. So expect me to come to school in style next week (aka, by crashing a leer jet into Gyms A, B, and C. Actually, I'm just kidding about the cocaine, I haven't found a buyer yet. Also, I'm f*cking tired.

Jesus would be pretty old if he were still alive:
Thurs, 1-1-04:

WOW. It hurts my eyes and brain to see that '04 there. I swear that I wrote '03 twice and backspaced it out before I got it right. I havent updated this in a week, and hmmm where to start? On the 26th I got my Junior License (Chika chika!) which should serve me well. My homework still isn't getting itself done, so pffft, looks like my Sunday is booked. Three more days after today: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and then BAMN! school is on us like a cheetah on a...a...a whatever cheetahs pounce on really fast! Oh right, the comic. See, if this is your first time checking my site out, there was a glorious time, which the veterans, oh how few they are, can remember when not a week would go by where I would have a new comic up. Such times are no more, as I have become lazy and senile in my old age (sixteen and a half, just FYI). I've got nothing cooking really. Just a couple of things on the back burners, which are simmering and coming slowly to perfection (or confection, I don't know with all of these baking references). Yeah, so to recap, my vacation was good, I had fun and learned some stuff (not much though because this is a hiatus from school), watched some Jimmy Neutron, which is the best show ever, and oh, SAN DIMAS FOOTBALL RULES!

So I Just Got 20 Items in the Mail:
Thurs, 12-25-03:

I just saw Paycheck. It is easily my favorite Ben Affleck movie now. For all of you who don't know what it's about, without ruining anything, it's about a guy who saw the future and is trying to change it. It's very fate-oriented, plus it's got some pretty decent John Woo action. No doubt those who like "classy" movies, or are too close minded to appreciate simple, plot-hole riddled movies will hate it. But for those who are willing to go see the movie, you should just ignore the ever-present plot holes in any time travel movie and enjoy. By the way, Uma Thurman isn't that hot...I mean she's got an OK body, but her face just isn't that pretty. Mind you, she's still hotter than quite a few other women, but she's definitely not way up the list. The LIST. Oh, and the Blue Man Group concert was incredible, simply incredible. I went in there not knowing what to expect, and I was met with the wide-eyed, paint flinging trio who brought one hour and forty minutes of joy into my life. For those who haven't seen the Blue Man Group, it is definitely an experience and should be experienced by just about anyone with eyes and/or ears. I also lost my voice, and as I'm writing this I'm sucking on a...*reads box* Vicks Cough Drop: Menthol Flavor. Hopefully it (being my voice) will be up and running and speaking as soon as possible. I haven't been able to sleep much in the past two days, getting only an hour or two at the most a night, and the rest spent watching old DVDs in my room thanks to my newly acquired insomnia. Surprise surprise! It's 10:20 PM now, so that means I've got to attempt at sleep now.

Insomnia, My Muse:
Tues, 12-23-03:

I'm on my third or fourth day of vacation as it were, and going into the city Tuesday and Wednesday so I won't be able to post until at least Thursday. Awesomeness is rumored to be spread to all attending the city and its many attractions. I'm writing this post at 4 AM just because I'm up and I can't go back to sleep. The bed is here, I am here, but Mr Sandman just isn't on call I can only presume. I think I'll start a "Quotes" page, so look for that on the left in the future. If anyone has any quotes they believe to be slightly or more than slightly "hilarious" drop me an e-mail at or hit me up, AIM style at ASackOfPeanuts. So long to all of you who are peacefully asleep right now, sweet dreams.

Day One of Sixteen:
Sat, 12-20-03:

Day 1 of 16 I believe, I'm so happy and this vacation is going to be great; Lots of time for the projects I have to do, as well as the WILD AND CRAZY fun I have to start having. There's going to be a gathering of Jews at my cousin's house for the first night of Chanukkah, or as it could be called: a "Menorahty". I know some people are going away, I myself am not going to be home Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm going to go see the Blue Man Group, which I hear is If anyone wants to make any plans, just IM me or call me. By the way, have I told anyone how happy I am?

Thurs, 12-18-03:

I'm making this short because my wrist really hurts. I just put up a new comic, so check that out, and any news and stuff I'll post tommorow. Wow, shortest post almost ever.

Two Hours, an Affiliate, and a Pizza Place:
Mon, 12-15-03:

As today's title indicates, Horace Greeley has a 2 hr delay today. Hopefully the FREEZING RAIN!!! will pick up and cause a SNOW DAY!!! With that said, I bring everyone's attention to the new e-card banner I've recently put up. This is my newest affiliate-sponser, and I get paid whenever you click the site and sign up. The sign up isn't like legally binding or anything, it's just to send e-cards and such. You don't have to click it, but she's got some pretty cool e-cards, as well as other cute pictures of kittens and such. Oh, and I inherited a pizza place...only not at all. I'm going to visit the school's other scanner, which I'm told still works. If all goes well, the next comic should be up by tonight or tommorow.

Sat, 12-13-03:

Thanks to May, she knows why, and Horace Greeley did pretty well at Irvington today. "A" team came in first for the entire tournament, and "B" team lost to Nate in the bracket finals. This weekend is looking pretty good, what with the promise of snow for Sunday-Monday. Hopefully, the Mr. Donovan, the district dude, will get frightened again, and call off school. There's nothing much in the way of "anything remotely interesting" happening right now, so with that, I'm wrapping this up. (P.S. That's tight, Nate-Dawg)

Fri, 12-12-03:

Thanks to all of those who replied with how much my site sucked on the PA message board...I guess. I might change the blue because you are all saying that it frankly sucks. In local news, for local people, I'm going to completely p'zone at the Irivington tournament tommorow. Anyone is free to come and watch or flash the other team as a distraction...or us if you want to really. The best comment of today was "I don't like your new haircut." by Sarah Sheer, in regards to the haircut I got two weeks ago and that she just realized that I had, today.

Thurs, 12-11-03:

So there's some good news, and there's some bad news? Which do you want to hear first? Doesn't matter because I can't get an answer, so here goes the good news. It's almost the weekend, which means Academic Challenge MAYHEM, and over funation. And now for the bad news. O chico (trans: Oh boy). I say this in regards to my PSAT scores, which I have received only today. Needless to say, I didnt do as well as I had hoped, and the fact that I need a scholarship and all I have is my [insert my bad GPA, and I'm not just saying it's bad, it really is] GPA and a bit more than decent SAT II scores. more bitching. I think the best part of today was in Spanish class, where we were watching a Spanish movie with english subtitles, and out of nowhere the guy starts talking about some woman's "rock hard t*ts". Mr McKenny is on par with Mr Jagels for the coolest teacher in school, even though McKenny hates me, and almost ran me over with his car once (really). I've said it before and I'll say it again, get me a scanner and I will go far.

Wed, 12-10-03:

Oh sweet activity day, thou came! I'm working on getting this site to make money, so I'll you all posted with the rant, and such. I hear that we are going to have more forums in the all too near future, (read: ever) sometime in Feb, and I must say that it cannot be a success. For two simple reasons: The topic is on transexuals, and we are having a guest speaker. I mean, OBVIOUSLY transexuality is THE pressing issue for every Greeley student. One may see the dozens of "change your gender" stands that have been popping up all over Greeley that will change your genitalia for the low, low price of signing a waiver. Another "credit" to those running forum is their method. Whenever there is a guest speaker, kids can't get into forums and say stuff like "that guy is cool, and I support transexuality, but...I think it's wrong." Stuff like that just doesn't happens. What Greeley needs is to get the transexual speaker, and then get some illiterate, homophobic dude who will argue with the transexual guy. After they've both spoken, we could thrown them into the construction pit in the main courtyard, and have them fight to the death while we watch and debate the points.

Sat, 12-6-03:

Well, I SHOULD be at Princeton right now, probably getting my ass kicked, but I'm chillaxxing here at home. Thanks Mr Snow. It looks like someone can't understand the different between "don't snow on friday night" and "snow like there's no f**king tommorow". Been shoveling every two or three hours, to keep the driveway clear, and other than that, I have no plans for today. Most of my plans have migrated to Sunday. Sunday had better be clear. I had better hear birds chirping, see Bambi drinking out of some snow run-off, and be able to go to a friend's house, or there will be hell to pay. Confuse that with something, Mr Snow. Oh, and I think I'll put up a comic today. It might be a sh*tty one though, so be prepared. Bastard snow...

Thurs, 12-4-03:

So I just got back from Simon Schama's lecture on history and stuff, and it turns out that it was about how he made his movies and how British he is. Overall it was an OK lecture, nothing to rave about, but nothing to rant about either. Me being the perpetual optimist, i'm hoping for there to be a snow day tommorow, the 5th. Nuffer, being the perpetual pessimist, sees a snow day on Saturday, effectivly removing Greeley from the Princeton tournament, and ruining my weekend. Oh mighty and impotent god of the weather, please, PLEASE give us a snow day on Friday, and have the roads be cleared by Saturday. As a measure of good faith, I will sacrifice my younger brother. May his blood not be spilled in vain, nor on my clothes. Oh, and if you, oh narly dude of the storms would see fit to blow a decent scanner from the heavens onto my front lawn, please do so, so that I may revive my comic.

Wed, 12-3-03:

Guess where I'm updating THIS one from? Thats right, Maryam's house. Little Saji, her little brother is helping me spruce up the site a little, ya know, make it proactive. Well maybe not TOO proactive. Some of the not blind ones of you may have noticed the bar to left of the screen, allowing easy access to my comics...el touchdown. As a token of gratitude for little Saji's help, I promised to put a link to his site on optical illusions Everyone should at least check it out, to get up his hit counter, and then click the kitty cat and send whatever little e-card crap thing midget program virus--I mean not a virus--thing to a junk e-mail. You don't even need to give any of your real information. Just do it and lil' Saji gets a little bonus, not to mention some of the optical illusions are actually cool. Saji has a scanner! Too bad it doesn't work. Oh cruel fate! Go f**k yourself! And while you're at it, cram my bad math tests up your a*s too. In case anyone is wondering why I censor all of the "naughty words" it's because some proxies, (aka. the school's) block my site if I have them. Don't worry guys, I'll get those comics up...eventually.

Sun, 11-30-03:

I just saw Timeline, just after reading the book, and the book was a bajillion times better. The only thing thats the same from the book to the movie is the characters' names, and even then, they added in some weird French guy, and then killed him, WTF mate?! I did have a lot of fun at Okinawa with some friends just before the movie, which deserves an "el touchdown". Basically I've been pretty bored this mini-vacation, even though I was playing 5-8 straight hours of Soul Calibur 2 a day. I had a lot of turkey and mashed potatos and stuffing and pie and whole lot of other stuff, but mainly a lot of stuffing. A LOT. So I think I had like 2000% of my daily stuffing intake as dictated by the National Food Organization...thing. Oh yeah, and I got that haircut yesterday and I still don't recognize myself in the mirror. Sorry about not putting up any comics, but I dont have a scanner to use. (Work faster you school techie! repair that scanner!)

Wed, 11-26-03:

Sorry I haven't been updating this a lot recently. I'm writing this from school in a free block and the school scanner is down, so I can't get up any more of my comics until a kind soul *cough*Mike*cough* lets me over to use his scanner. Turkey Day is tommorow, so in anticipation I'm not going to wear a belt, as well as meditate to enlarge my stomach to the size of a blue whale. Dec 6th is the Princeton tournament, and the 13th is another regular tournament... somewhere...? Don't worry guys, I'll keep you all posted. Gotta learn 100 years of American history for my test now, so see ya.

Sat, 11-22-03:

Many great things happened on this day in November. One of which was that Kennedy was shot. BUT the more important event was Horace Greeley winning the tournament at White Plains today. Ironically the two events collided in an unforseen coincidence, where we played and beat JFK High School today...Oh and badger badger badger.... Check it out, it's cool.

Fri, 11-21-03:

So I know that the one thing on everybody's mind is how Horace Greeley B will do at Academic Challenge tommorow. Well let me just say this: win or lose, I'm walking away from that tournament satisfied. Mainly because I'll have eaten about half of the 30 boxes of doughnuts that they buy each time, but also because B team will play well. So it's time for me to get some sleep and hope that I don't get a hangover from partying hard with Spock and the gang.

Mon, 11-17-03:

Mainly updating the site today for those avid readers who like to see the comic, because nothing much is happening in my life. It's like Im in that sort of incubation period, where nothing is happening but the tension is building for something cool to happen. What's this? I think I begin to hear some action music? Oh God! Ninjas just burst through my window! Gotta fight 'em off!

Sun, 11-16-03:

Just putting up a little sum-up of the last half week. Played some Jak II, which is an amazing game, played some more Wild Arms 3, and watched some more Quantum Leap, the best show ever. At the much anticipated Academic Challenge tournament, Greeley had three teams in three different brackets, an A, a B, and a C, all of which went to their respective semi-finals, to lose there. Dont worry, it's still cool because all three White Plains teams didnt even get a WIN. Hee hee hee. I bet Les Robie (their coach) is crapping on their faces and tearing off their buzzer fingers right now. And theres another tournament next weekend at White Plains with more schools playing, more matches, and more doughnuts, so everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, even that half retarded kid who keeps walking into walls yelling "Puppy! Puppy!" should come at 9:30 to White Plains High School.

Wed, 11-12-03:

I'm doing this post late at night (9PM) and I'm doing it for two reasons. First, everyone should go to and watch this because it is HILARIOUS. Second, to summarize the plot of tonight's Smallville. Ok, so this kid gets magnetic powers, not important HOW, and can move metal by making wussy gestures, and oh, he can control Lana's mind. Eventually Lana is all like "Yo, magnetic dude, I heart you" and the magnetic dude is all like "Well duh, I'm controlling you to like me." and Clark is like "Lana plus magnetic dude?! Pfft like he's gonna tap that before I can?" and he decides to break up the party. But Lana doesn't want to leave so magnetic dude meets Clark in a tent and he's like "Baby, wait outside, lemme kick this punk's bootay!' (exact words...yeah right) and so Lana leaves. Magnetic dude has a gun and is like "I'm gonna shoot you!" and Clark is like "Pfft, fine shoot me, lot of good it does other people." and so magnetic dude shoots him and the bullets flatten and magnetic dude is like "Oh? Eat random metal object!" and throws some sort of mini car at Clark. Clark is all like "Dude, I'm BULLETPROOF, Hello?" and so he runs and grabs an electrical wire and shocks magnetic dude with it, sending him into a coma from which he will never be able to tell of Clark's secret. Touche Alfred Gough (the director for those who turn off the TV as soon as it BEGINS to fade to black), touche.

Mon, 11-10-03:

Gotta love that one day week, followed by a one day weekend. I just put the long awaited comic up, and finished writing my article for the Tribune. Everyone should read it when it comes out in three years...maybe sooner. My teachers seem to have felt that in memory of those who have fought and died for our country, that I be shut in my room doing homework. I could probably get out of it though, so call me with plans. There's an Academic Challenge tournament this weekend!

Sun, 11-9-03:

Well, doing this post at about 5 PM, and I haven't done much this weekend except see The Matrix: Revolutions. What a comeback. The Matrix was amazing, followed by its retarded little brother, The Matrix: Reloaded, which pissed on The Matrix's grave, which was saved by the pretty good Matrix: Revolutions. The fight scenes were done in the style of the first (small crowd battles or one on one) and not like the second (huge fights which were obviously computerized). Not to mention the fact that the machines and humans clashed and the war scenes gave my eyes visual orgasm after visual orgasm. The Fantasticks are over, and were amazing (yes, I finally saw it), excluding the fact that I still have Jeff Raab's "and so forth" song stuck in my head. Oh, and if my "appointment" with the school scanner goes well, expect the next comic to be up Monday afternoon.

Thurs, 11-6-03:

Doing this post at the mid evening, which for me is about 8:30, and I just got back from The Fantasticks. Well, lemme say, it was FANTASTIC. I'm loving the counter, which if you click will tell you when my peak times for visitors is and so on. Quarter is ending tommorow, which is like money in the bank for those rainy days to come. Oh, they'll come. With a vengeance. For those of you who worship me, and I know there are a terrific lot of you, my scrim light pulling this evening was, if I were Italian, "Magnifico!" *kisses his fingers*

Tues, 11-4-03:

Whoo, just had a wild and crazy election day, you betcha...No, really, I did. I was hanging out, here at home, not doing much in the way of work, except playing some video games and doing a comic for Latin. I had better get a 50/50 out of that comic. It took me 2 hours, although the coloring is insanely bad. Tommorow is a Wednesday, as can be gleaned from today being a Tuesday, which means activity day. Hee hee hee...Oh, and if I did it right, I just got a cool counter onto my website, so be sure to check that out. Clicking the counter link thing should take you to a page that will let you view the stats for my page. Ah...I feel like a real webmaster, even though I'm everything but. Heh, butt.

Mon, 11-3-03:

Ok, Ok guys. Some of you, and by that I mean all of you, have been asking me to put up the afore-promised comic, and to that I say "better late than never." Turns out it isn't from my Chem notes from last year, as I have yet to scan them it. Having tommorow free is 200 proof pure domination. Sealab 2021 described it best when they said, "It's like a koala crapped a rainbow in my brain." Mainly my days have been occupied by downloading tv shows from IRC and Bit Torrent, with the occasional chat on AIM or the playing of Wild Arms 3 for mah P-S-TWO. And if you want to do anything with me this week, ask Schrauf, the theater director, and he'll tell you to f**k off. I'm gonna be working on The Fantastiks all this week, starring me, with my 30 seconds of rope pulling fame, and a couple other people who do stuff on the stage for like an hour and a half. The play is this week, the 6th, 7th, and 8th, sometime in the evening, you probably have to pay, but meh, I don't really know. I'm also the "caterer" for this event. Let's see...oh yeah, there's going to be an Academic Challenge tournament at Irvington HS on the 15th, another at White Plains HS on the 22nd, as well as one at PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, whatever the f**k town it's in, on Dec. 6th. Come and watch if you're interested in watching our complete and utter RAPAGE (oh, and doughnuts will probably be served).

Wed, 10-29-03:

Yeah, doing this post from L-Lab during Physics. Mrs Williams and Mrs Moore aren't here today, so I guess that Ebola thing is sweeping through my teachers like, well....a plague...which it is...The next comic will probably be from my Chemistry notes last year, and will be up on Friday. Yes, I'm that lazy.

Tues, 10-28-03:

I still dont know why some people cant see my comics, so I'm going to put it into the rant section (that's what this is) because you all can see this at least. So just look at the past dates to see the comic for that day. BTW, thanks for the idea Sam.

Mon, 10-27-03:

K, put up another comic, and I REALLY dont know why some people only see two comics. Oh BTW, I just failed the AHAP and the Math tests, so I'm kinda sad...

Sat, 10-25-03:

Yeah, I know I was supposed to put up a comic, but I'm just a laz-e-boy, what can I say? The Academic Challenge tournament was 'postponed' to the 15th, which kinda blows. I saw Kill Bill Vol. 1 last night, and it...well, in the words of that timelessly retarded chinese kid name Chang, "it sucked more than dick". I'm serious, guys don't go see that movie. Quentin Tarantino and Harry may try and persuade you to go see it with their sweet talking about it being a social commentary or a statement about violent films, but just inform them that God must've built them upside down because they're talking from their ass, and be on your way. The night wasn't wasted, by the simple fact that after Uma Thurman lays waste to like 100 guys, and then kills a hot chinese girl with a board with a nail sticking out of it, the guy sitting four rows behind us says "She clubbed that bitch". If you really did like that movie, I'm sorry but that your mother pushed too hard when you were being born and that you'll be in my prayers tonight.

Tues, 10-21-03:

K, writing this from the school library, during ABC, because Psych was cancelled (kudos to the ebola virus for getting Mrs Williams) Comic should be up by later tonight, so dont ya'all worry (I know some of you were). Tommorow, Wednesday, there's a math competition thing after school that Yi is making me go to, so if anyone wants to shoot Yi Kai in the face, you have my permission. Nah, Yi's a great gal, even if she's a bit misdirected in terms of school work (She made cum laude, talk about misdirection!) There's an Academic Challenge tournament this Saturday at Irvington HS, so if anyone wants to compete for Greeley's C team, just talk to Mrs. Hall, and if yer not retarded, and are sufficiently academically challenged, you can play. For everyone else, come be our cheerleaders, and cheer us on as we beat the other high schools into intellectual submission! Talk to ya soon, everybody!

Fri, 10-17-03:

K, so I put up another comic. By the way, these are just scanned and Adobe'd versions of the comics I drew this past summer, in case anyone cares. There are no smilies on here, so that sucks. Exploring with the comic layout and stuff, so feedback and comments are great.

Thurs, 10-16-03:

Used the school scanner, so let the comics and the scanning begin! I know the comic's quality isnt that great, I'll work on that. Any ideas would be much appreciated, as would be feedback.

Wed, 10-15-03:

Starting to learn some "HTML" so if anyone knows it, help me learn some more "Hitmel"! Also, again, anyone with a scanner, PLEASE let me come over and scan in comics? Oh yeah...and I uploaded a nice picture of Elmo...looks like life for him was just a tad too sad...

Tues, 10-14-03:

K, so I am not good with ze Vebsite. Gimme a couple of days for me to just get my comics scanned and learn to put them up.