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Nationals Pics:

Here we have the first picture of all of us (except for me taking the picture and Sara sleeping) on the bus going down to DC. Little did we know, but wild and crazy adventures were to await us at Marymount University.

In this shot one can clearly see Owen and Nuffer laughing hysterically. I was too. The joke we had made was awesome and Owen and I vowed to turn it into a comic for everyone to enjoy. Fifteen minutes later we couldn't remember it. The memory of that joke, or lack thereof, will haunt me forever. Oh, and Rob was curious and got into the shot too.

This is us, the entire B team, right before our first game. The first thing I think you'll notice is how pimptastic we all are in our goat shirts. Next you'll notice that we are, sadly, among the most attractive teams attending Nationals. We lost this game to Belaire A. Our A team later slaughtered them. Here is my artistic rendition with Link being our A team.

We all took a visit to "the mall" which turned out to just be a bunch of monuments and museums, not really a mall. They tricked me...Anyway, we were in an American Culture exhibit, and what should pop up, but a picture of the real Spock! I just had to snag a picture of this, and our Spock willingly posed, although he was in a wheelchair (he fell down some stairs a week prior). Notice the similarities. Obviously we have a Vulcan among us.

Wow. This one came out badly. Anyway, besides being able to see the lines from my scanner when it scans solid black, This still came out badly. We were at the Lincoln Memorial, and Jason whips out a five dollar bill. We held it up to the monument, which happened to be half a mile away, hoping that you too would be able to see the similarities. Sadly, my camera was a dick. Boy, I bet Jason's hands feel stupid...

Among my favorites of the collection, this one features one of Spock's lighter, more stylish, sides. In a very "heterosexual" way, Spock ruffles through Miss Hall's pocketbook. Why? I don't remember. Phil looks sorta funny too. Floating in the backround, you can see that contrary to rumor, the speed limit in DC is not "45 bajillion" but is indeed 25 MPH. Bummer.

My parents loved this one. Those were actually the horrible tasting "chocolate cigarettes" that the B team won for getting all of the questions right in a 60 second category. Nuffer was caught trying to smoke them. Too bad for him he didn't have his infamous "smoking glasses".

Not often in my history have my glasses shone like the sun. But when they did, my camera was there to get it on film. I sorta like this picture. You can see our rapagely great goat shirts.

Here we are, after tie-ing last year's B team for best B team in history, we were pretty happy. We won this game, meaning we surpassed our last year's B team, being the best the best B team in HISTORY. We are all rubbing our chins, except for Spock, who's massaging his stellar biceps...The girl on the other team looks like she just shat her pants.

This picture is of us all after we beat that team in the picture above. It was like an orgy...for our minds! This orgy plays an integral part in our trip later on...

This is a group shot of us, the best B team in history. We all look damn hot. Especially Spock holding up his smokes...of chocolate. My rendition is comparable in detail to the real thing (yeah right) and see if you can match up each person. Why goats as our mascots? Only people in Academic Challenge may know.

This is a great picture of the B team taking a snooze. A little back story: From the ride down, Spock continued to take naps of 20, 15, or even only 10 minutes, insisting that they were "power naps". Pushing the limit on power nappage, he has claimed to have taken a 30 second nap, yet gained the rejuvination of half an hour of sleep. What a newb. Anyway, so we all thought it appropriate that there be pictures of us taking a power nap at lunch before our last match. I think it's pretty cool how you can see my reflection in the table.

The last photo of the Schiller collection is of Miss Hall, our retiring coach. She made this face when I informed her that we had an orgy and didn't invite her. She was very surprised. Jason found this funny, and if you look in his bowl, you can see some reddish, purplish, round thing. That's a pickled beet. It tastes like shit. I don't know how he could eat them, but he did try and eat cicadas, so I'll leave it at that.

One of the worst quality pictures I've ever taken, second only to the Lincoln Memorial/$5 incident (for which I'm pretty sure I have to pay a fine). First, you can see Sara with her "you wish you had a salad as good as mine" least that's what I think it's saying. Mrs. Hall's "what's she talking about? My salad is better than her's" look. Owen's "I shall hide what I'm eating behind Mrs Hall!" look. Nuffer is looking pretty complacent, but that could be from the white blur over him. I think that was actually the rare mach 17 pidgeon swooping down to pick at Nuff's lunch before diving off. Phil and Mrs. Sangalli are just chilling there, and Rob is going through his fourth, maybe fifth lunch of the day. He eats a lot. I don't even have a semi-humorous remark to emphasize this point.

All in all, I had an amazing time down there. I have a couple more pictures that I just didn't feel warranted putting up, but ask me, and I'll show them to you at some later date. Nationals, June 3-6, 2004, was quite the extended weekend. I had a fantastic time, and all you seniors will be missed. Now us juniors get a year of A teamage and Mrs. S-A-N-G-A-L-L-I (inside joke as to why I spelled it that way) as our coach.