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Any quotes to add?
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AIM: ASackOfPeanuts ALso: JehovasLawyer

Little Phil, at the Academic Challenge party:
"Are you talking about "Enter the Matrix"? That game is so boring! I tried to sell it at GameStop, but they wouldn't let me!"

Jaclyn Ho, while reading the quote page:
"Hey, that's me!"

Chip Beall, at Nationals:
"What do you do for fun, Sara?"
Sara: "You don't want to know!"

Me, at Museum rehearsal, randomly:
"You know that woman who was born without any arms and does stuff with her legs?"
Owen: "Yeah, what a bitch."

Mrs. Hall at Academic Challenge practice when I was "bad":
Me: "Meredith!"

Some guy on when Nuff and I beat him:
"Smell my dick, assholes!"

Mr. Bierbauer, about Spring Break:
"If any of you come back with a tan, you will fail my class for the third quarter. Maybe if you have tan lines you can still pass. Maybe. I believe that anybody that has enough money to go somewhere warm for vacation should be shot. Last year I went to Brussels for vacation.

Me, referring to authentic Chinese food:
"Yeah, I had it at this one girl's, Jaclyn Ho's, house.
My little bro: "There's a Ho in my grade."

Gabe Schama, talking about a Japanese word:
"It means selfish, but more like self...ish."

Dana's dad, while we're all eating tacos:
"Pass the sooooour creeeeeam!"

We're filming at Dana's house:
Me: "Greg, act like you're having a heart attack."
*Greg starts spasming, has a seizure and falls over*

Mr. Jagels, commenting on an assembly:
"Like they're going to get everyone through that bottleneck door at the gym on time for the assembly? No way. It's like the fire drills. If this place lights on fire, it's every man for himself. In fact, I'd knock you down on my way out."

Me, at Marissa's:
"Woah, what's going down?"
Liana: "I am!"

Freshman, on the bus:
"Yeah, so in fact two people shot Kennedy" *Tells a whole long story about it*
Natalia: "Wait, who's Kenny?"

Marissa Lyn Kane, all the time:
"I'm MiLK, and I'll do your body good!"

Diana, completely serious at Oriental Diner:
"You know, the Chinese and Japanese say they are so different, but I mean, they both use soy sauce."

Phil, at Academic Challenge practice:
"I think we lost Sarah..." x1000 (We have a lot of practices)

Me, after getting back a journal:
"Hey, I got a check-plus! Out of what?"
Dave: "Five."

Mary, while I was talking about how many places started with 'New':
"Where there's a 'New' there's a European town...or a Mexico"

Spock, while reading answers in a game of "Wise or Otherwise":
"If you return an ass' kicks, then...Spock is gay."
Spock reads another one:
"If you return an ass' kicks, will totally pwn you, noob."

Mel Brooks, in The Producers:
"Don't be stupid, be a smarty! Come and join the Nazi party!"

Man sitting behind us at the theater during Kill Bill, after a fight scene:
"She clubbed that bitch!"