About Darren J Seeley Welcome to the offical (for now) Darren J Seeley webpage. I'm Darren.

Once upon a time this was "Cruel Messenger's Manifesto". The change comes for various reasons, the most notable is that I wish to push myself and my scripts out a bit more; also, I'm using the old handle now less and less. I also am "myself" on the Zoetrope screenplay wing. On Yahoo!Groups , Project Greenlight and TriggerStreet my alias still is 'cruelmessenger', which has become a FAQ, as to where the orgin of the handle came from. It is from Proverbs 17:11, NKJ. The NIV says "merciless official". Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to it.

I attended the Heart of Screenwriters Confrence and Austin Film Festival in 2001 and 2002. In the sidebar to your left there is a write up of my 2001 visit.

I am a 1987 graduate of Kearsley High School, Flint,MI, and attended Ferris State University , Big Rapids,MI between 1988-89 and 1991.

My AIM is darrenlives.

Other goodies...
Darren's lyrical poetry

Words Of Wisdom

8th Annual Austin Film Festival Highlights
The 8th Annual AFF-Darren's highlights
An X-Men movie fan pix page (Click on Hugh)

Marvel Comics fanfic/fanart

The FanFic page was orginally done a few years ago as part of a Yahoo!club/group that focused on Marvel comics but has since expanded to DC as well. This is separate from my own screenwriting endevors, but when , at the time, a challege was to write FanFic, I just could not pass it up. It is, however, the only Fan Fic I have ever done. The fanfic is not part of any current or past Marv continuity, and is also not connected at this time with any other Marv fanfic on the web. It is a stand alone story, and it IS NOT written in script format.

Actors and Music essays that have stayed at this site:
Jeff Speakman

Andrea Parker

Angie Harmon-Sehorn

Thrashing Doves

Any actors/actresses/directors/groups mentioned , honored and/or admired here have nothing what-so-ever to do with anything I put to paper (scripts) at this time. While that is truly a bummer, as one day I would like/love to work with such talented folks, I want to make this clear: If you are looking for the internet movie rumor mill where every pic stars Ben Affleck and/or George Clooney, you have erred somewhere down the Google line. Now for something really earth shattering...
Questions!!Questions!!Quotes!!Quotes!! This page highlights some of my High School days (!) and also there is the link to the guestbook.

Screenplays by Darren J Seeley
Ashes Dust
The Anarchist Times (All Of Our Yesterdays)
Crimson Scarab
Gorson Cove
Hath No Fury
The Black And The Blue
Mean Hombres
Cult Of Plug
The Walking Stick
Creatures Of HABIT
The Servant
Eligible Reciever
Nice People
Served Cold
Broken Heart
One Of Us
For a listing of the genres and loglines, go to this page
While I have contributed online reviews to Dark Universe (DU), the trusted Projector Booth, both of which seems to have gone off the internet air. If and when it comes back is anyone's guess, but for the time being, I make comments opn The Movie Blog and reviews on Choking On Popcorn.

Darren J Seeley on My Space -D.