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Cold hands and feet?

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Why do most candida sufferers have cold hands and feet?

The only reason that candida infections occur is because the host suffers from lowered immunity.

It is impossible to have a candida infection if your immune system is working properly. A healthy immune system constantly destroys yeast and fungi cells in the intestinal tract. A candida infection is a symptom of lowered immunity.

So why do most people with candida infections suffer from extremely cold hands and feet?

If you do not have HIV, cancer or some other disease that is taxing your immune system, your immune system is depressed for some other reason. The interesting thing about the cold hands/feet symptom is that this symptom is most commonly seen in people with thyroid problems. As Jon from iThyroid describes in detail on his site, thyroid problems occur as a result of mineral imbalances. These mineral imbalances will in turn cause other problems such as lowered blood cell levels (both red and white) leaving the host with an impaired ability to destroy pathogens such as yeast cells. So commonly candida infections have been connected to thyroid problems and this is a MISTAKE. Instead, both candida infections and thyroid problems are connected to the same thing - mineral imbalances. Particularly, copper is imbalanced as this critical mineral is needed for the formation of white and red blood cells.

If I was to suggest only one thing to anyone suffering from a candida infection today, it would be to get a hair mineral analysis done. This analysis would let you know for sure which minerals you need to supplement and which you need to cut back on. However, even if the test indicates a high amount of a particular mineral, it is important to never completely stop taking that mineral. Stopping the intake of even small amounts of a mineral can cause further imbalance.

I just want to include briefly my personal problems with mineral imbalancing. My problem was with copper levels. Mine were too low, causing things such as cold hands/feet, incredible brain fog, fatigue, muscle aches, sttringy buildups in my mouth, etc. When I started supplementing copper, I felt TERRIBLE. My brain fog symptoms got so severe I could not work. But this only lasted a few days and with time, I was able to increase my intake to the RDA and then a bit above. And as I continued to take supplemental copper, my condition continued to improve. My brain fogginess slowly went away as did the embarassing body odour. I no longer woke up in night sweats, nor did I have that stringy buildup in my mouth after eating carbohydrates. However, the biggest reward was the addition of fruit again. It tasted like heaven! Peanut butter and chocolate, raisins and dates and bananas, purple grapes, orange juice and marshmallows, and I am looking forward to having ice cream again (the only reason I haven't is that I haven't had the chance to buy it yet)! Of course, I will never be able to eat anything with gluten grains in it again (i.e. bread, oatmeal, etc) but this is alright by me, there are so many great gluten free foods out there!

I hope my story and website have helped at least one person out there - get a mineral test done!