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My experiences

My test results

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Some test results

Here are some of the test results I received over the past few years. Perhaps they could provide a reference for you if you also have your own test to compare with.

31 July 2003 - This was very early on, before I had ever heard of conditions such as candida. You can see that my HDL is low (another sign of copper deficiency).

16 December 2003

27 August 2004 - I had an allergy test done. This shows an allergy to wheat which was later confirmed by a blood test for celiac disease.

The test below shows an abnormal allergic reaction to typical body yeast of the species candida. I believe that if it is overgrown, your body becomes more sensitive to it.

4 December 2004 - Shows elevated liver enzymes

14 December 2004 - This is one of a couple of tests that showed that I had actually fallen into an anemic state not related to iron deficiency, however (ferritin levels are normal)

28 December 2004 - Stool culture test indicates no parasites

11 January 2005 - Again, low red blood cell counts (anemia) and elevated liver enzymes

23 February 2005 - Tested positive for Epstein-Barr virus

This is the hair mineral analysis testing I had done (mid March). You can see a high mercury reading as well as low cobalt, copper, boron, selenium and lithium. It was after I received this test result that I began to look more seriously at the possibility of copper deficiency.

As you may have noticed form these tests, my white blood cell counts have been consistently low. In additional tests (which I have not scanned yet), my white blood cell counts fall below the actual recommended minimum. I attribute this to copper deficiency as copper is a critical component of the formation of white blood cells.