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flowers/snake~plant.jpgflowers/snake.jpgThis is a Snake Plant or Mother-in-law's Tongue Sansevieria trifasciata it likes bright to medium light and I put this one out side for the summer. It's name also comes from its leaves that are thick, fleshy and sword-shaped. Although they rarely bloom this one has and the one my mother had always did. The fragrance is strong and very pleasant. Since putting it outside in the warm weather it has done quite well. I brought it back inside when it was ready to bloom and had to put newspaper under it to catch the dripping of the flowers, the sap is quite sticky. It was quite a sad sight when I first got it. It now is doing fabulous. I have also started new plants from the leaves that did not stand upright. I've also heard that this plant needs so little light they can be grown in a closet or a cave.This is the seedpod that grew after blooming. I've moved part of this to the outside, where it will get some drainage water.

flowers/gloxinia.jpgflowers/gloxina~bud.jpgThis deep purple Gloxinia Sinningia speciosa has blossoms that are showy and colorful, with a velvety texture and ruffled petals. It is low-growing and has massive, fuzzy green leaves, broad as a beaver's tail. This plant may bear as many as twenty-five or more flowers at a time. Although this one is purple, they may be red, pink, lavender, white or a mixture. After flowering let the leaves die back, cut off all growth, and allow it to dry out for 8 weeks and then resume watering, and it will grow anew.

flowers/spider~plant~1b.jpgflowers/spider.jpg This is just one of many spider plants Chlorophytum comosum that I have growing, unfortunately the cat will not allow new plantlets to grow from it as she removes them as soon as they appear. It likes more direct sunlight than most people think, medium to high light and I allow the surface to dry out between watering. The flower and seed pod on the right add to it's beauty.

images/kitchen.jpg These variegated spider plants Chlorophytum comosum 'variegatum' love any room. The foliage is arching and graceful, with narrow leaves of green and cream. The parent plant sends out long slender shoots with star bursts of new plantlets which are not allowed to grow in my home as I have a cat that removes them almost immediately. It likes medium to high light and I allow the surface to dry before watering again.

images/living.jpgThis Devil's Ivy Epipremnum aureum in the center of this picture, is said to be a climber but mine grows to the floor and no two leaves are identical. It likes medium light and you can allow the surface to dry out between watering.

flowers/dracaena.jpgThis is Dracaena Tricolor, Dracaena Marginata it has multicolored, spiky leaves and enjoys medium light, moist soil and a warm home temperature. It grows tall like an abstract star, the long pointed leaves are edged in pink and red. It survives our wide temperature swings very well.

flowers/leaves.jpgThis plant likes the morning sun and is doing fine, it is called a Philodendron scandens Parlour Ivy, or Heart shaped Philodendron. I just seem to be keeping it happy. It's some kind of Pothos and it will tolerate abuse very well. It will grow in low light, has heart shaped leaves and is a veining plant. Thanks to Terry for identifying it. Thank you!


flowers/hen~chick.jpgflowers/chick.jpgThis hen-and-chicks sempervyevum is a popular succulent. I started with a hen rosette and watched it form little chick rosettes, nested alongside the parent plant. It grows in very high light and in a shallow pot. It has produced these flowers this summer and they are a very pale yellow. It is a perfect present for a young budding green thumb. I have different kinds of these, but this is the first to bloom.

flowers/purplehen~chick.jpgflowers/palehen~chick.jpgThese are more hen-and-chicks sempervyevum and they also grow in very high light and in a shallow pot.

cactus/painted~lady.jpgcactus/painted~lady~bud.jpgThis Painted Lady echeveria derenbergii has clustering small rosettes with orange flowers. Lipstick red leaf edges in proper light. It likes bright light or full sun and to be drenched thoroughly and allowed to dry.

flowers/jade.jpgcactus/jade_baby_5a.jpgThis Jade Plant Crassula argentea is dependable and undemanding, it is a succulent and can store water in its thick fleshy leaves, which allows it to survive quite a while between watering. This plant has never produce flowers although it could produce a small white or pink one in summertime. It will stay small when in a small container or can grow to 4 foot or more when in a large container. Mine have adapted to a window sill and do quite well there. They get morning sun and like to be near a bright east or south window. If it produces flowers I'll put the pictures on here. A fallen leaf put on dry soil and left alone produced these new babies at left.

cactus/weird~jade.jpgcactus/crassula-hobbit-01b.jpgcactus/weird~jade2.jpgThis weird looking jade, Crassula Hobbit has the neatest looking leaves they are fat and have an indentation at the end of each leaf. We have this in an eastern window and it grows quite well. I let the pot dry out between watering. Thanks to Nelson for identifying it. Thank you!

cactus/mystery~jade1.jpgThis is another jade, Crassula argentea, it is a little different from the other one of that name I have, it has purple bottoms to the leaves, I received a bunch of different mystery jades that are doing great. It has shot up and has branches now at the top. Thanks to Terry for identifying it. Thank you!

cactus/mystery~jade2.jpgThis is another of the mystery jades, Crassula I received, it has grown quite tall and has branched out at the top.

cactus/mystery~jade3.jpgAnother mystery jade, Crassula.

cactus/crassula~pagoda.jpgThis is Crassula Pagoda also known as Haworthia reinwardtii, it is a neat plant that is stacked high. This is not a very big plant. Thank you Daniel for your help in identifying it!

cactus/burro~tail.jpgcactus/burro-tail-07b.jpgThis is a Burro's Tail Sedum Morganianum it is native to Mexico, but has long been a favorite hanging plant. The thick bluish-green foliage is so dense it covers the stems of the plant completely. The unusual leaves on the cascading stems resemble and animal's tail and common names for it include donkey's tail, horse's tail, and lamb's tail. It is an amusing and endearing hanging plant that is a delight to have. It likes very high light and we have ours in an eastern window sill. It tolerates varied degrees in temperature from 50 to over 90 here in our area. We water thoroughly, then allow the potting mixture to dry before watering again. I fertilized it with a solution of high nitrogen fertilizer, and do that every 3 months. The leaves break off easily, so try and avoid placing the plant in areas where wind or people will brush against it. You can start new plants by putting the fallen leaves into a pot of dry soil, and spraying it lightly with water about every two weeks. These plantlets on the left have been growing for almost 6 months.

This succulent has a flower like a "Bird-of-Paradise", it is called Pedilanthus macrocarpus. It belongs to Euphorbiaceae family and it lives in México. It is outside in the sun during the spring and summer and protected once cold weather comes. Most of it grows straight up, and it was very hard to root, I have had to start over with this plant and brought it inside for the winter, not taking any chances with it. In the center is the main plant and it's at least 17 years old. Pedilanthus macrocarpus is a very interesting member of the Euphorbiaceae from Sonora and Baja California, Mexico. In a pot it produced many of the unusual flowers depicted in the photograph and is also suppose to produce quite a lot of seeds being wasp pollinated, this I haven't seen. A lot of the stems reaching over 6 feet . I've been told to prune it heavily. Thank you to Iñigo for identifying it!

cactus/succulent.jpgflowers/succulent.jpgflowers/yellow~succulent.jpgThis succulent not only has beautiful light green leaves, but as in the picture to the right has the daintiest of yellow flowers it is called a Ghost Plant. Thanks Peni for telling us it's name. Thank you!

flowers/crasulaceae_sp_dsedum.jpgflowers/crasulaceaenov13c.jpg This is a new plant to my collection, it isCrasulaceae sp d Sedum





flowers/graptopetalum_parafuayense.jpgThis is a new plant to my collection, it is Graptopetalum Parafuayense

flowers/andromischus_cooper.jpg This is a new plant to my collection, it is Andromischus Coopers

flowers/x_pachyveria_sp.jpgThis one is x Pachyveria sp.

flowers/senecio_articulatus.jpgThis one is Senecio Articulatus = Kleimia Articulata.

flowers/senecio_stapeluformis.jpg This is a new plant to my collection, it is Senecio Stapeluformis

flowers/ledefduira_socialis.jpg This is a new plant to my collection, it is Ledefduira Socialis.

flowers/aloe.jpgThis Medicinal Aloe, Aloe Barbadensis is an easy to grow succulent and is known as the "burn plant" because the juice in its thick swollen leaves helps to soothe and heal cuts and burns. A native of South Africa, it is a member of the lily family. It can send up a tall, slender flower stalk covered with tiny yellow flowers. Likes high light, water thoroughly and then allow to almost dry out before watering again. Gel from the cactus-like leaves of the aloe plant has been valued for its curative powers since prehistoric times, when ancient South African cave dwellers depicted it in paintings. Rubbing aloe on skin to soothe minor burns, treat infections, and moisturize patches parched by dry air remains a mainstream treatment to this day. A study on psoriasis found that aloe produced good results — with the difference still noticeable a year after treatment stopped. In addition, research suggests aloe may stimulate immunity and inhibit viruses.

cactus/aloe~arborescens.jpgcactus/aloe~arborescens-bud.jpgflowers/aloeArboresceThis South African Candelabra Aloe, Aloe Arborescensis a thorny, treelike plant that grows upward with thickened, rounded branches. It is very decorative, and further enhanced by delicate gray green leaves edged with straw-colored spines. If grown in high light, it may send up a long flower stalk in late winter, with clusters of bright scarlet flowers. It needs plenty of space and likes a dry heated area, it can grow to 5 feet. It should be watered thoroughly and then allowed to dry before being watered again. It can tolerate 45 degrees and likes a temperature of between 60 and 85. Three years and 3 feet taller and this flower is beginning to show it's beauty. It is January here. It took a month, but here is the pale red flowers

flowers/marcactus08.jpgThis Aloe sends up the longest stem about 2 feet tall and the neatest flowers.

flowers/aloe2.jpgThis aloe, Aloe mitriformis it has sharp red "teeth" on the margins and undersides of its leaves. I tried to grow it unsuccessfully outside. It likes very high light and to be watered thoroughly and then allowed to dry out before watering again. It has never bloomed and so I have no idea what blooms might be like.

cactus/panda.jpgcactus/panda_baby_1a.jpgThis Panda-Bear Plant Kalanchoe Tomentosa is grown for its furry foliage It is a whimsical succulent from Madagascar, with pump grey-green leaves covered in fine white felt. Each leaf looks like a panda paw thus it's name. Shapes and sizes of Kanachoes vary. It is said to be ideal for a child and easy to care for. I likes medium light and for the soil to dry out between watering. A fallen leaf put on dry soil, brought about the baby plant to the left.

flowers/jancactus02.jpgThis one just got repoted and is doing GREAT.

cactus/echeverria.jpgThe Echeveria is similar to a Panda-Bear plant, with it's furry foliage. This succulent stores water in it's leaves. This one appears ready to bloom, so pictures of the flowers will be up here soon.

cactus/echeveria~flammea.jpgThis is Echeveria Flammea and it has grown much taller since I took this picture. The tips of it's leaves are a pretty red and the center of the plant is very pale green.

cactus/haworthia.jpgThis is Haworthia Altalineata, is appears to be from the aloe family in it growth.

cactus/kalencheve~scapigera.jpgBeautiful tiny red flowers top the Kalanchoe scapigera , to make it a very nice succulent to grow.

cactus/adenium~obesum.jpgThe Desert Rose Adenium obesum has a remarkable growth pattern. Put in a pot and it will quickly develop an enlarged lower stem section, completely out of proportion to its modest height. It has a smooth, light tan bark, and leaves concentrated near the tips of the branches. Bright pink to red funnel-shaped flowers are borne near the branch tips. It likes medium to high light and needs to dry between waterings and also when the temperature drops it needs to be kept dry!


I believe this is Starfish Flower Stapelia gigantea. It has been an experience, it falls over when it doesn't have enough water, and although it always looks like there are going to be lots of flowers, the blooms don't seem to last after the first one opens up.

Other plants, cactus and information found on our web site.

Barrel Cactus   Cholla Cactus   Christmas Cactus
Desert Cactus Cultivation    Epiphyllum  Hedgehog Cactus   Hybrid Cactus
Mystery Cactus   Night Blooming Cactus   Pincushion Cactus
Prickly Pear Cactus   Saguaro Cactus   Succulents


This page copyright © 1997-2010 tses

Last updated 03/11/2010


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