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"Reforming the CA State Legislature"

Welcome to Citizens for Legislative Reform's Official Website at Our website was created to inform and educate people about the Government of the State of California, State Constitution, and campaign for urgently needed reforms.

I have recently completed writing the language for my California State Legislative Reform Act, which was originally included in the CLRA of 1996, aka SCA 31, and the 1998 CALPAC Initiative. This does include a complete State Budget Overhaul.

Mission Statement

The CLR was formed due to the following circumstances:

(1) The representatives have become entrenched within a political elite, distanced the the people they are elected to represent.
(2) The representatives have become full-time politicians, removed from the communities they serve.
(3) The representatives have continued to enjoy excessive benefits and perquisites that are paid for by the people, while decreasing funds, and services needed by the people of California.
(4) The representatives have continued to ignore State Budget deadlines, which are mandated by the State Constitution.
(5) The representatives have continued playing the shell game with the California State Budget funded by California's taxpayers, while continuing to allow the State Credit Rating to fall to a level barely above that of junk bonds. (6) The representatives have decreased funding of the University of California, CSU, and Community College Systems, while raising students fees and further increasing the burden on California's families and taxpayers.
(7) The representatives continue to raise taxes by using the terminology of "fee increase"; rolling over the continued and increasing State Debt; and spend money that is anticipated rather than available, without the taxpayer ballot approval.
We support legislation that will bring accountability back to politics and are committed to the following goals:

(1) Restoring the part-time Legislature from the current full-time session.
(2) Limiting the compensation paid to State Officers, including the Members of the Legislature and requiring public approval of any future increase.
(3) Overhauling the California State Budget Process.
(4) Ensuring that the people are represented with accountability by the politicians.
(5) Supporting measures that bring about political accountability.

We will bring accountability back to California politics.

Committee History

Originally founded as Californians for an Accountable Legislature in 1995 by Andy Ramirez, Chairman. We reorganized as Citizens for Legislative Reform and have registered with the CA Secretary of State's Office, FPPC ID # Pending.

Thank you to my friend, mentor and then Senator Ray Haynes for serving as Honorary Chairman from 1996-1998. Senator Haynes demonstrated his courage in introducing this very needed reform of the CA State Constitution. He gave me access to the CA Legislature, it's staffs and committees normally reserved to Constitutional Officers and their staffs. Ray saw to it that be able to oversee every last detail from my bills introduction until it was finally defeated by a no-vote by the Rules Committee led by former Senator and current State Attorney General Bill Lockyer.

Our continued appreciation to Save Our State Chairman Ron Prince, and CA State Senator Tom McClintock. Mr Prince has continued to provide invaluable advice since 1995. Senator McClintock provided key information, research, statistics, and suggestions regarding Legislative Perk cuts for SCA 31 prior to and upon his election to the State Assembly.

A special thank you to former LA County Supervisor Pete Schabarum and to former State Senator Rob Hurtt and his staff. Senator Hurtt's staff provided assistance with regards to term limits. While Supervisor Schabarum provided me invaluable advice and assistance with the original drafts and some of the issues addressed by SCA 31.

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