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Biography of Andy Ramirez, Chairman

  Andy Ramirez Andy Ramirez, Chairman

ANDY RAMIREZ serves as chairman of Friends of the Border Patrol, which he founded in 2004 to support the Border Patrol and their agents, while improving the quality of life for border residents. FBP is the go-to organization due to their reports on both borders, including Puerto Rico.

ANDY has become a trusted conduit of info between Congressional leaders and the front lines, including border sheriffs. The media has extensively reported Andy’s discoveries of border corruption, and inaccurate information by DHS. His field investigations have led to him repeatedly testifying before Congress as an expert witness on border security.

Recently, ANDY has been asked by Congress to help create legislation to help America’s federal agents and officers that will enhance enforcement of our laws and remove the obstructionist red-tape hindering them. Andy and FBP are known as “Defenders of Border Patrol Agents” for their championing the defense of border agents and other officers.

ANDY has appeared extensively as a frequent guest on national news programs including CNN's Lou Dobbs, FNC’s Fox & Friends and Hannity & Colmes. He has also been a featured guest on syndicated programs such as Michael Reagan, G. Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham, and local TalkRadio shows in Chicago, Colorado Springs, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, St. Louis, Tampa, and Washington. DC.

ANDY has worked to eliminate expenses for Multiple Sclerosis patients' costly medications, while reassessing qualifications for disability and coverage for the disabled. In 2001, ANDY helped cut red tape for expensive medications, and as a result, MS Patients in L.A. County now have access to their essential medications without having to wait for state patient benefit coverage approval or denial. ANDY himself was diagnosed with MS in 1990, and forced to retire from semi-pro ice hockey, where he was a goalie.

ANDY RAMIREZ was the Democrat Nominee for CA State Assembly, 60th District in 1994 and 1995, feuding with Speaker Willie Brown before re-registering after the election. ANDY built an excellent record as a leader for political accountability, less government, perk reduction, budget reforms, and preservation of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Over the past decade, ANDY has testified before the California Legislature on many types of legislation though in recent years primarily working to defeat Sen. Gil Cedillo's driver's license for illegal aliens bills (SB-1160, AB-2895, and SB-60). In 2005, ANDY was part of a delegation that successfully lobbied Governor Schwarzenegger, which resulted in his vetoing 2005's SB-60, and assisted California border residents with wrong-way drivers.

ANDY RAMIREZ remains dedicated to reforming the California Legislature, State Budget Process, and bringing accountability to California Politics. In late-1997, ANDY authored the ballot measure, The California Public Accountability (or CALPAC) Initiative. This measure was the initiative version of "The California Legislative Reform Act of 1996", introduced as SCA 31 in the Senate by then Senator Ray Haynes. These measures sought to make CA's State Government accountable to taxpayers and would have saved millions of dollars annually.

ANDY attended Cal Poly Pomona, and Mt. San Antonio College, where he studied psychology, political science, and minored in broadcast communications. However, his degree comes from the school of hard knocks after 16+ years of battling the debilitating disease Multiple Sclerosis.

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