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New conversion White House Strike released. PC only (exe installer).
Duke City project underway, with demo at Dukeworld.

Demos out for Jedi's Quest and D4. Beta out for Duke Trek.

Duke in Black is 99% done and due any day now. The team is putting the finishing touches on it to make it absolutely perfect.
Projects that are cancelled/missing websites include Global Siege, Nirvana and Mission Impossible (!). Nirvana and Mission Impossible have simply disappeared, so they may have relocated; while it appears Global Siege's author has simply lost interest.
Rumble on the Dark Side has been cancelled for quite some time, and now the site is gone too. :(
Duke Nukem: Meltdown has been cancelled in favor of another project: Spawn!
Lutanic Sabotage (shareware) released.
Duke Toolz
How to use SoundApp to determine the correct filetypes for sound files:
Some conversions, like Disneyland, will work correctly on Mac Duke Nukem if you just change the files' types (by adding a Mac-friendly suffix to the end of the file's name). You can find out their true identity by checking the BAT files or, in the case of sounds, using SoundApp.
Sound files will be either VOCs or WAVs. Add .VOC to the end and drag-n-drop it to SoundApp. If you get a "wrong type" error, change it to .WAV! Some files SoundApp will deny anyway, just ignore them.
DukeEdit 1.0.2
The first (and so far, only) Mac Duke map editor has been released as crippled shareware. You can only make 20 sectors as an unregistered user; it costs $20 to register.
I haven't played with it too much, but it seems to have a remarkably Mac-ified interface; in other words, it is easy to understand and easy to use.
25th Century Duke
Comes in an executable. I don't know if the .exe is just an installer or is required to play.
Ages In Time
Mystique is definitely one of the best conversion groups out there.
This is a medieval conversion, with an all-new hero, enemies, weapons and more.
In DOS and MacOS flavors (Mac users!: drag-n-drop the files, not the folder & you're golden).
New version 1.1.
OK, Mac conversion:
Here's another one with funky-ass filetypes, in this case all you have to do is change them, by adding the correct suffix: turn the DICs into sound files (mostly VOCs, read the BATs for help) and the DRTs into ARTs.
Put all the files in a folder, then drag-n-drop the folder. When you get to the main menu, select Open User Map from the File menu, then open one of the Disneyland maps.

Duke It Out In D.C.

A commercial scenario (yes, this one costs $). This battle takes place in the nation's capital and your mission is to save the president.
Duke XTreme
Easily the coolest-looking of the 3 commercial add-ons, it is 50 levels big (!) and comes with a CON hacker and other goodies.Plus, of corse, some bombin' new weaponry and bad guys.
Final Battle
If you have a Mac, drag-n-drop the folder, then start the first episode. Everything seems to work OK....
The Final Confrontation
To play on MacOS, drag-n-drop the folder, then Open User Map. (You might want to change the ar_s into arts, too.)

The Gate

4 episodes, 24 levels. BDP's enormous masterpiece.
A scenario from the guys who brought you the Gate.
Mac players: OK, this one will run on a Mac, just not very well. You have to change all the LYRs to ARTs (except DUKE3D.LYR), then drag-n-drop the folder to Duke Nukem. Open one of the Layre maps from the File menu.
Here's the bugs: some sound files cannot be found. Messages aren't removed from the top of the screen, they just pile up; and, worst of all, the Hacked monster makes sounds like a pigcop, and even turns into a pigcop when it crouches! (I thought these bugs might disappear if you turned the files into a group; I was wrong :P ).

Lost Duke Episodes

A 4-episode pack!
For MacOS, back up your regular DMOs, the Game.con and User.con. Rename LDGAME.CON to Game.con and put it, the new DMOs and the LDUSER.CON in the "Duke Files" folder. Use Group Extract on the GRP. Drag-n-drop the extracted folder to Duke Nukem.
Lutanic Sabotage
4-level shareware....I guess you get more levels if you pay for it??


An 8-level conversion, with 4 new enemies and 4 new weapons.
In this scenario Duke is working for the CIA, and all his enemies are human. New version 1.4 in an .exe installer (copy the files off your friend's PC).
Nuclear Pack
3 scenarios; won't work on Macs thanks to funkatronic .exe required to play/install?
Doesn't seem to be available anymore?

Redrum: The Shining 2

Based on "The Shining", this pack starts where the movie left off.
This one doesn't work on MacOS without some tweaking, so here's what you do:
Use Group Extract on the group file. Rename REDRUM.CON to Game.CON, and put it, the other CONs and the MAP in the extracted folder. Then drag-n-drop the folder. Start the first episode. If all has gone well, the first level will be replaced by the first level of Redrum!
The Return
Bunch crap all zipped together, and you can play it, too!
(Well, sorta.)
It's kinda a hefty download at 5.9 megs, though, but if you're curious....Check out the MIDIs that come with it, some of them are worth a listen.
To play on MacOS, back up your DMOs and CONs and replace them with the ones that came with Return. Unzip all the zip files and put them in one folder with everything else. Drag-n-drop the folder, then start the last episode (the one titled "The Return", that is :-] It'll be like playing a really messed-up, ugly version of The Gate!


Looks really awesome. Definitely check this out if you have a PC (it doesn't work on Macs, thanks to strange filetypes that Mac Duke Nukem doesn't support).
Secrets of the Acropolis
Duke travels back in time to ancient Greece to massacre more of them alien bastards.

Uranium Pack

Mini-pack of about 5 or 6 levels.
To play on MacOS, use the same technique as Victimized.


Mac-users: use Group Extract on the GRP, put all the files in one folder, drag-n-drop the folder, then Open User Map from the File menu.
It works and it's jazzy!
White House Strike
What is it with Duke? Why is he always in Canada or at the White House?
.exe installer, you guessed it! (who knows what it does..)


Drag-n-drop the folder. Episode and level names will not change.

Zone II

A commercial 3-episode scenario. This one is supposed to be way harder than the original Duke Nukem. Check out the demo.
Zone II on MacOS: There should be 4 files named "Duke 3D Group", "DZ-DEFS.CON", "DZ-USER.CON" and "Game.con". Remove the original "Duke 3D Group" and "Game.con" from the Duke Files folder and replace them along with the new files. Open Duke Nukem. The first 3 episodes should be replaced by 3 new ones.


And, in progress....WOW

IN PROGRESS: A Jedi's Quest
Demo available.
IN PROGRESS: Canadian Carnage
Duke's vacation in Canada is interrupted by another alien invasion. Demo.
Another army TC featuring new weapons like a knife, uzi and crossbow.
IN PROGRESS: Crimelord
Hhhhmmmm.....the mafia killed your family, now you're "one man on a mission of vengeance against the mob"!


Discontinued? No mention of project on this website.

IN PROGRESS: Critical Mass

Banzai Production's creation features, among many other things, an all-new hero, the alien Clamour, who has "springs for legs, a multi-function cannon, attached razor claw, and the personality of a cactus". There's a huge story behind this one, which you can check out at their website.


More than 30 people working on this new conversion!
Beta and demo level now available.
IN PROGRESS: Dracula's Curse
Based on the Castlevania games for Nintendo.


Grab the demo at Dukeworld.
IN PROGRESS: Duke in Black
IN PROGRESS: Duke It Out in Canada
Duke gets hired by the CIA to stop an alien invasion in Canada.
Demo available.


Duke gets sent into the future to battle the Harkonnens on Dune.
Demo available.

IN PROGRESS: Duke's Last Battle

IN PROGRESS: DukePlus Pack
Discontinued? No reference on website.


Duke scenario set in the Star Trek universe.
IN PROGRESS: Duke Vacation---Life's a Beach
Commercial pack from Sunstorm Interactive and Wizard Works.
IN PROGRESS: Galactic Escape
You must penetrate an alien fortress and destroy their leader.
You can download this one as it's being worked on.
IN PROGRESS: Hickville
The author says he's pretty much called it quits on this one, although it may be continued someday.




Duke gets medieval in the urban jungle.
A conversion starring a GI plowing thru the jungles of Vietnam.
You can download Platoon 1 right now (not Mac compatible, because of a .exe installer and possibly some application hacks?)
Duke is killed and his little brother, Luke Nukem, sets out for revenge.
The Predator has returned, again!
New episode.

IN PROGRESS: Shadow Invasion




You are rebel soldier Duke Nukem, who must fight against Darth Vader and his evil empire.
This TC is made up of 3 episodes which closely parallel the 3 Star Wars movies.
IN PROGRESS: Star Wars: the Rescue

IN PROGRESS: Terrorist Terror

IN PROGRESS: Unleashed
Preview available.

IN PROGRESS: Victimized Aftermath

IN PROGRESS: World War III---No Return
Page was taken down.

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