The I hate Freddie Benson fan club

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3-5-03 2:34 a.m.:My first update in damn near a year. All i did was add a link that opens a window in aim with my sn already in it. I thought it was fucking cool and very noteworthy. That's about all, new stuff to come...possibly.

4-25 12:50 a.m.:I forced rachel to think of a quote for my site because i was bored and found it amusing to put her on the spot like that. I also updated the flash page more. I doubt it will be done by may 1st as i severely underestimated how much time it takes to make a flash site. Hopefully i can finish it during finals week as my finals are gonna be some fun boy shit. If i do, then i am gonna take the next week off from updating while i'm staying in funky town. If i don't, i'm still taking the week off in funky town, so it really doesn't affect me either way. It seems my site has been etting a lot more hits lately, which is cool, but also kinda sucks because now i have to make sure i spell stuff correctly more than usual. However i still won't worry about grammar, I don't give a damn if i be gets'in a million hits a day, i'm still gonna talk like a wanna-be b-boy, ya heard me?
SOTD- "...not forever" - Tsunami Bomb

4-21 12:00a.m.:You can all thank Whitney for the great new quote. Finished the new rant 3 days after I said I would. Umm, that's it I think.
SOTD- "Fuck the scene" - The Icarus Line

4-17 12:16 a.m.:I started a new rant on stupid punk kids, but didn't finish it, because i wanted to talk to Rachel instead. Expect it up by tomorrow though. I have hit somewhat of a wall with the whole flash site, but i'm sure i will find a way around it in a day or so. I also added a Tum Yeto banner because Toy Machine is too cool for your bitch ass and I liked the banner. Ummm, that's about it i think. 3 weeks of school left, yup.
SOTD- "Clavicle" - Alkaline Trio

4-13 9:00 p.m.:Well, I am finished with my government paper and all tests for at least 2 more weeks, so I should be working on the flash page on a fairly regular basis. I uploaded what i've done so far, in case anyone was interested. You can find it here. I also cut out the poltical part of rant 14 because it was pretty dumb, narrow-minded, and didn't otherwise fit the rest of the site. Not much else is new, except I went to Funky Town (fort worth) last night and drank with Will, Courtney, Matt, another Will and Fun Bobby. I learned a new drinking "ritual" i guess you could call it. It consists of mixing Captain Morgan's Parrot bay Rum with pinapple juice(the amounts don't matter really) in a glass, then signing "swab the decks, walk the plank, are youuu comin' again?", then drinking it as fast as you can and saying "argh!" when you're done. For all you drinkers out there, do it. It was Matt Bell's idea by the way, he's the drummer for PVK. They have a website, but i can't find the url.
SOTD- "Artists rendering of me" - Poison the well

4-10 9:11 p.m.:What an odd time to do an update. Anyways, I really didn't add anything, except a hot or not counter, it's at the bottom of the page, and i moved the hit counter and guest book links to the link bar so it's easier to see. Lots of studying this week, so don't expect much. Goin to the Fort this weekend, should be fun. Time to watch Mulholland Drive.
SOTD- "Mr Dobalina" - Del tha funkee homosapien

4-5 11:02 p.m.:Another update. Woohoo for you. Actually though, all i added was a quote. The flash site is coming along good, and it should be up and running by the end of this month at the latest. Oh, and i'd like to thank Katie for single-handedly getting me 30 new hits by telling her friends about my anti-meat rant. I got my ears pierced today- rockin the 6 gauge. I would scan my face and post a picture, but they are really sensitive right now, check back in a few days and i should have them up.
SOTD- "Party Hard" - Andrew W.K.

4-2 10:42 p.m.: WHOA DAMN! 2 updates in one week? No fucking way! Yup, that's right, and guess what? I'm redoing the site in FLASH! So that means the two of you out there who are keeping my site alive get to see a WHOLE NEW SITE! Oh, and for those of you who like your coffee black, sleeves ruffled, and technology out-dated, I will be keeping the site in html format available just in case you like that version better. Hey wait, technically I didn't really update anything, except for adding 2 new quotes from my friends Courtney and Jennifer. Anywho, look for the new site before the end of the month hopefully. Oh yeah, and talking to Ty over spring break about my flash games has made me decide to resserect fetus fighter like a phoenix with Klinefelter's and possibly an new game to come mid-summer. So far i'm thinking along the lines of a dingo running through a pre-school. Maybe something like there's 5 swings, and the kids will get on, fly off, and you have to catch and eat them. But I don't know for sure yet. I'll try to keep updating whenever something of consequence happens.
SOTD-"Opus 40" - Mercury Rev

3-31 11:40 a.m.: Holy fucking shit. I updated my site with a new rant. I actually had some initiative. Maybe it's because I talked to a homeless heroin-junkie and it motivated me to get off my ass and do something , or maybe it's because I got no sleep last night, or maybe I finally got full use of my brain back after my childishly indulgent spring break, who knows? Oh yeah, and happy large bunny/dead jesus day, here's a present
SOTD-"gyroscope" - Dismembermenr plan

3-12 10:44 a.m.:No updates in a while...I tore down the whole deprivation thing because I thought it was stupid and really self-serving. Plus, it didn't fit the whole "nothing even remotely serious" tone of the site. In it's place, I added some banners I made in fireworks, so anyone who wants to link to my site (for some ungodly reason I can't fathom), feel free to use one of my sleek new banners. Oh, and I decided that it would be fun to have my site put on the FBI's database of sites to monitor, so I wrote a poem called "FBI please monitor me because my site needs more hits".

Oh FBI, how I hate your existence
You're building is at the top of my things to blow up list
Along with the White House and Playboy grotto
All I need is three tons of explosives and enough alcohol to make me blotto.
I hope you like my poem, I hope it brings a tear to your eye
I hope when you read it, you do not poison my food so I die
And if you do, you better watch your back, because I'm down with the east coast Al-Qaeda mutha-fucka so my homie's gonna come after you with gats!

Now that that's done with, I plan on making a short story sometime soon, it's all just a matter of stopping playing baldur's gate long enough to do it. Which may pose a problem as I am a lame video game-loving dork.
SOTD-"Fuck the police" - The NWA

2-23 8:48 a.m.:One quick note, happy b-day to my site, it's one year and one month old as of today. Also happy b-day to my vegetarianism as it is one year old

2-23 3:18 a.m.:I had an epiphany today. While I was aimlessly wandering bored out of my mind, I decided it would be fun to stay up all weekend and write about what I saw. I realzed that would be a lot like Insomniac on Comedy Central, except mush sexier, because I am wayyyy hotter than Dave Attel. So I decided to add in as much stream of consciousness as I could. The overall intent being to not only to let all of you out there know as much about me as possible, but also for me to learn as much about myself as I can in the process. My reasoning is this: the sleep-deprived mind is about the closest one can get to the raw, socially-uninhibited conscience with out the use of drugs, which I am damn-well not going to waste my money on jus to chronicle the whole experince, so by depriving myself of sleep, both you and I will come that mcuh closer to how I truly feel about things. I realize that this could lead to me pissing off a lot of people, so I grudgingly decided to censor some of my thoughts for the sake of diplomacy. Like most fine lines though, this is sure to be crossed at some point, most likely on the ass-hole side as I will strive to be as brutally honest and uncensoring of my thoughts as is possible. SOTD-"My Congressman" - Fifteen

2-19 7:05 p.m.:Well, I tried to make that quiz in failed horribly like everything i try besides html. So that's another wasted hour of my time, no updates today besides this.
SOTD- "It's a crime I never told you about the diamonds in your eyes" - Black Heart Procession

2-18 11:08 p.m.:While updating the links for my new rant, I came upon an error I made(surprise, surprise). So in the honor of my 12,000 error on this site, I decidedto have a contest, whoever finds the error, e-mail me your answer, name, and address, and I'll send you a home-pregnancy test kit on the house, care of The I hate Freddie Benson fan club, no joke. Let me clear something up first though, the error I'm talking about isn't a typo, I know I have plenty of those, or a dead link.

2-18 9:51 p.m.:Ummm, so long since last update. I have had a lot of distractions lately...well I haven't really had distractions, rather I have chosen to distract myself. Whether it be with concerts (Ranier Maria), video games (State of Emergency), movies (Straw Dogs, Royal Tenenbaums) or books (Pimp by Iceberg Slim, Purgatorio by Dante, Letters from prison by the Marquise De Sade). Anyways, now that I have shamelessly advertised for the things I like, I added a new rant today. It's about those stupid cocks with little weiners who spend lots of money on their dumb cars to make them look like they're some Dale Earnhardt of Suburbia. I also plan on adding a new quiz tomorrow about how metal you are and possibly converting the old one into java script and transferring it to my angelfire account.
SOTD- "Bizzare Love Triangle" -New Order

That is if my theory of making it in Java holds up.2-6 1:32 p.m.:I walked by a cemetary last night after it had been snowing all day. Creepy stuff. I thought it would be funny to make snow angels in it, except no one was with me to to participate and no one would have believed I had done it unless someone could verify. I need a new partner in crime. Not really crime, just someone who likes doing random mischief for the sole purpose of seeing the response it elicits from passers-by. Anyone who wishes to apply can e-mail me telling em why they feel they would be good for the job, their credantials, a short resume, and whether or not they live close to UNT campus.
I plan on adding a new rant today, so if you read this around 7, it should be up.
SOTD- "Mr. Walker" -Samiam

2-5 3:22 p.m.:Added one of the rants I spoke of below. It's about how much of a bad ass mofo McGuyver is. It's still snowing, but now it's sticking to the ground and it made me think of cancer. I think it's something about the whole death process durning winter that reminds me of chronic/fatal diseases.
SOTD(again): "nothing's found" -Last Days Of April

2-5 11:43 a.m.:It snowed today. i was quite happy to see it since I haven't in near a decade. The first thing I thought of when I saw it was the Honta Virus. Your guess is a good as mine on that one. I also added a new quote, and have begun working on a story which I may or not post, depending on how much I like it. I also have two ideas for rants which might turn into reality. I quite enjoy lethargy sometimes
SOTD- "Mosh for Jesus" - Dillinger Four

1-31 12:01 p.m.:I have added quotes as i heard them over the past few days, it's up to 5 now. No one's joined the club yet. Surprise surprise. I uploaded my big disappointment of a flash game called fetus fighter. It doesn't work, but it's at least up there for anyone who wants to see what it would have been, or someone who wants to attempt to control the beast with coding skills superior to mine. I may add a rant today, I havent decided yet.
SOTD- "Torcher Chamber" - TRU

1-28 10:14 a.m.:I added a neat little java script random quote generator, much akin to the one I had when I first made this site. However, it only has two quotes as of now because I don't hear really stupid stuff that often. I'll update more later on today.
SOTD- "Like a prayer" - Madonna

1-27 11:00 p.m.:Apparently i was wrong about the whole depressed for a while thing. Show's how well I know myself I guess. Anyways, I have been thinking a lot over the past few days, about my life, what I want to do with it, how I want to live it, and even what direction I want this site to go in. One of the things i decided, is that I want it to be a community. I'll try to learn sql and asp in order to make pages of people who wish to join the fan club. Until I can though, anyone interested in joining the club can go here. On another note, I decided I don't like the whole band page idea, it was a farce anyways, so I tore it down. Oh, and completely off topic, I have been reading a book by Timothy Leary and it realllly makes me wanna do LSD. So anyone who wants to read a good book about drugs that's not some burnt out stoners life tale of abuse and intoxication, check him out.
SOTD-"two hands and ten fingers" - Last days of April

1-26 10:26 a.m.:Well, I've been really depressed lately, and I don't feel like it'll stop any time soon. So don't expect any big updates for a while, aside from a rant or two about how bitter I am.
SOTD- "Dull"- Samiam

1-22 12:17 a.m.:I actually got the gangster quiz that i have been off and on (mostly off) working with since august. Most of the work isn't mine though, I just stole it from ASP 101, so of course I'd like to thank them for helping me without knowing it.
SOTD-"Invisible Touch"-Genesis

1-18 2:23 p.m.:Altough it seems like I've spent all week either working or going to class, I still managed to post the first song and write a new how-to, which hasn't been updated since july I think
SOTD:"To some i'm genius"-Weston

1-13 6:33 p.m.:I added a new rant, and have begun work on my band page, it should be finished by the weekend, depending on how much I feel like working on it. Nothing else to say really.
SOTD:"She Swallowed it"-N.W.A.

1-10 7:57 p.m.:Well, after getting back from Christmas break with no t.v. or computer, and breaking up with my girlfirend, I have been quite busy witht the site, making up for lost time and what not. I added two more rants, and I am about 85% done making the site the way I want it.

12-9 4:13 p.m.:Today I decided that i will employ a strict original content only policy for my site. This means no more stolen pictures or movies from other sites. If I want you people to see something, I'll put it under my links. Also, I will soon begin creation on a new page for my band Mutilated Baby Faces (MBF). We are a Black-Metal band who just released our first E.P. On the wings of decapitated angels.

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