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Who am I?

I have many names on many different sites, but for confidentiality reasons and my own fears that one of my friends will just HAPPEN to stumble onto this site, I will call myself Nadia.
I am a 16 year old girl who lives in middle-class suburbia in a small town in Oregon, and yes- I'm anorexic. No, I have never been diagnosed and I don't want to be. Being diagnosed just means everybody finds out. This is where I will share my story.
If you want to share a comment or a thought or some thinspo, e-mail me the pics and I will be glad to post them for you!


Yes, I'm anorexic, and yes, I will be sharing my story. I don't want any comments or questions about
  • How unhealthy my life is
  • how I should get help or
  • how you "become" an anorexic
This site was made for others to understand what it is actually like for me.
My Myspace
E-Mail Me
Letter from Ana
Quotes and Poetry

My Ana Diary

Week 1
Week 2