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~Welcome to Moody Road Country Graphics~

Welcome to page 2 of my True Country Clip Art. Where ever I have used a tutorial to create my images you will find the link to it at the bottom section of this page under the images themselves. Please visit the link to see wonderful sites full of lovely graphics.

~Clip Art Terms of Use~

You may use my clip art to embellish your own personal site, to create free graphics for others, to create free web sets or to create free adoptables. You may not make a profit for them. You may not add them to collections or cds nor may you call them your own.

Within my site are free graphics that you may use to create your own personal web pages or you may use them to create free pages for others.


You may use my PSP tubes to create your own graphics, but they must turn out differently than mine. Don't just change the color or size and call them your own. Adding to, taking away from or using to create scenes is acceptable.

You may NOT  use them to make a profit, add them to collections, call them your own or put them on a cd. 

You must have a family friendly site. If my little ones cannot visit your site and view safe content, then you may NOT use my graphics.

DO NOT link directly to the images on my site. This is called "bandwidth theft" and it IS ILLEGAL.

The rules for my tutorials are as follows:

  • Any graphics you create by following any of my tutorials are yours to do with as you please.

  • I retain all copyrights to my tutorials up to and including the images I use as teaching guides. All text is also included in the copyrights.

  • You may not copy them and call them your own.

  • You may not send them to others via e-mail.

  • You may not send them to groups without my express written permission. Should you receive permission to use my tutorials: all of my content must remain intact, including links back to me and/or logos, images, text and inferences (my laughs ~L~, my smiles*S*, my ~oops!~). In other words, do not change anything!

  • You MAY link to them via a text or logo link. Please link them to:

  • Please contact me to let me know where my link has been placed. I will then add your site to my resources page.

All the rules out of the way... now! Enjoy!

Welcome to my Country Home *S*

Enter with a:

 "Heart of Happiness and the Eye of a Child"



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I learned to make these pretty images at PSP Tutorials by Ally.

Please be sure to visit her site!

You may use my blinkie below to link to me if you use my clip art. Please link it back to:

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