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Some General Training Info
for your new Golden Retriever puppy...


House Rules for Golden Retrievers and you !!

Before you get your new golden retriever puppy home you should decide what the rules and boundaries of your home will be.  What rooms is puppy allowed in?  On furniture or not? Allowed on yellowdog.giflaps? Allowed to jump up? Just remember, what golden retriever puppies are allowed to do a eight weeks (12 lbs.) will set the precedent for what they will want to do at four months (35 lbs.) and one year (70 lbs.) etc.  Set these boundaries and stick by them.  A new golden retriever puppy becomes very confused if these boundaries change.  An olddog can learn new tricks.  What is especially difficult is for a dog to "unlearn" an old habit and have to replace it with a new one (i.e. was allowed to jump up when it weighed 10 pounds , and at 50 pounds is not, or was allowed on the couch as a ten week old, but not as a six month old).  Be careful, be kind.  Help your new golden retriever puppy understand what you want him or her to be and do as s/he gets old and bigger by keeping your expectations consistent throughout.

Nipping (Golden Retriever play time)

Nipping is an age old phenomenon of puppies and golden retrievers are no exception.  In fact, golden retrievers learn about the world through their mouth and will often nip and mouth at their families much like they play with their litter mates.  This should be discouraged by everyone right from day one.  A firm "enough" or "no" will usually control this behaviour.  Games like encouraging your golden retriever puppy to chase your hands or feet, or tug or war type games will encourage this nipping behaviour.  So will swatting at the puppies muzzle or face and it won't accomplish anything.  A firm voice and the removal of your hands is best.  Replace your hands and feet in the puppies mouth with a rope toy, ball or other interesting toy.

Chewing (yes Golden Retriever puppies will do this if you let them !!)

Chewing on "contraband" such a shoes, baseboards, etc., etc., is going to happen with your new golden retriever.  What won't happen, if you do the right things, is your golden retriever puppy won't renovate your house.  When slipperpup.gifpuppy is chewing contraband say "no" firmly and replace the contraband with a toy that belongs to puppy.  Rope toys are great as you can wet them and put them in the freezer for an instant teething ring.  Once you give your golden retriever puppy an appropriate toy to chew on, praise the pup for taking it.  Most importantly, don't leave your golden retriever puppy unattended outside of it's crate.  When golden retrievers are young they chew out of curiosity or teething.  When not allowed to develop this habit, they will not grow up to be destructo-dogs.

Barking (not the norm for Golden Retrievers)

Do not encourage barking and growling during playtime with your golden retriever.  This behaviour can become an obnoxious habit very quickly.  If you want a golden retriever that barks when people come to the door just wait.  S/he will probably do this quite naturally when s/he grows up.  If you do not want this, then discourage it when it starts.  Do not bark and growl at your golden retriever puppy during play or you will start a habit which you will, will, will regret.  Golden Retrievers are fairly quiet dogs by nature.  This is part of their appeal  However, as with any habit, it can be easily encourage and not easily discouraged once it starts.  Please don't turn your new Golden Retriever puppy into a neighbourhood nuisance with unwanted barking !!!

Golden Retrievers That "Smile" and "Talk"

Golden retrievers often smile and talk.  When excited and happy they wrinkle their nose up and make a growly sound.  This often occurs with golden retrievers when they first greet you or guests.  Often they will have a toy in their mouth.  They will wag their tail and wiggle their bodies.  This is normal for golden retrievers and appears exactly for what it is.  It should not be confused with snarling and growling however, if your golden retriever should smile and talk and anyone you know is a little intimidated by dogs, warn then in advance of their visit.

The Food Bowl/Toy Basket vs. Your Golden Retriever Puppy

It is very important to socialize your new golden retriever puppy with it's food bowl and it's toys.  You and all members of your family should be able to take food and toys away from your golden retriever.  Start this socializing immediately by putting your hands in the food bowl while your new golden retriever puppy is eating.  Give the puppy a toy and take it away.  Repeat this often to ensure that food bowl and toy dominances do not develop.  Golden Retrievers do not typically have these dominances however, a little insurance goes a long, long way.

Formal Obedience and Your New Golden Retriever

Yes you can train your golden retriever on your own.  No, we do not recommend training your golden retriever without formal obedience instruction.  It is very easy to train a golden retriever, however it is equally easy to ruin a golden retriever through faulty training methods.

We recommend "puppy classes" for your new golden retriever puppy.  These are offered by various facilities and offer some easy obedience instruction while helping your new golden retriever puppy to exist in a world of unknown people and dogs.  They are a lot of fun for golden retriever  pups and their owners alike and sow the seeds for successful training throughout your golden retrievers life.

When it comes time for formal obedience training for your golden retriever, use a training facility.  This way you will learn the correct way to train, and your golden retriever will learn well.  At a facility all training will occur with distractions.  This is good.  It ensures that your golden retriever will listen to you regardless of where you are and what is going on.  This could save your golden retriever's life one day.  Remember too,  Golden Retrievers are happiest when you are.  When they know how to make you happy (through commands), they will repeat these behaviours readily, and in making you happy, they are happiest.  Obedience is fun and offers lifetime rewards for your Golden Retriever.

When choosing a training facility, interview them, ask what methods they use.  Food reward is a positive training tool.  Strong corrections, yelling, intimidating and berating dogs is negative (Golden Retrievers love positive reward).  Small classes work well, large classes do not.  Ask about experience of the trainers.  Ask for references.  Better yet, ask someone in your neighbourhood who has a golden retriever or another dog that appears well trained, where they went.  Beware of pop-psyche, fad, "new" or "revolutionary" training methods.  Beware of anyone holding a class in their yard, in a park, or in their really big garage.  These are not training facilities.



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