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Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough

Welcome to my FFVII walkthrough. I suggest you only use this as a refrence guide to make sure your on the right track. If you follow this guide to a "T", the game will not be as fun as it by all rights should be. Also I will try not to give away any plot twists, but I make no promisses. At points in this walkthrough, you will find incorrect information(not many i hope ^_^). Feel free to Email me with the error and i will fix it. At times i will request certain information, such as the name of a boss, the HP of a boss, etc., and you may feel free to email me the information if you want to. Do not tell me that i don't have something on this page without telling me how to fix it, because I most likely already know it's there. Enough of this stuff; on to the Walkthrough!

Table of Contents

I. Disk 1
II. Disk 2
III. Disk 3
VI. Enemy Skills
V. Summon Materia

Disk 1

Power Plant Mission #1

  • You start off by a train. Search the two guards to find Potions. Before you can get to the door the Black man(Barret) went through, you will be attacked by two Guards. If you have a hard time with this battle, quit the game and sell it, because each guard should die with one hit, providing you don't miss them. They do only about 5-7 points of damage to you(i think).
  • Continue through the power plant. You will come to an elevator, at which point you will be asked to "Push the button." There are about 4, and the correct button is the down arrow. Contine on, and get the potion by the place where Jessie stops. Continue through the power plant, and you will come to the end, where you will be asked to plant the bomb, at which point you will. You will shortly be attacked by the boss.

Guard Scorpion

HP: 800 or 1000(unconfirmed)
MP: ???
Weakness: Lightening
Difficulty: Easy
Strategy: Pretty easy fight. Just have Cloud use Bolt on him, which Barret using regular attacks(obviously). One thing; don't attack it when it's tail is in the air. Let's just say bad things will happen. Once you give it a good pounding, It'll die.
Exp: ???
AP: ??
Gil: ??
Items: Assult Gun
If someone has the information I am lacking, please Email it to me.
  • Now you have 10 mintues to get out of there. If you get into a fight, i suggest you either run, or use Cloud's magic and Barret's new weapon to end it fast. When you get to where you left Jessie, talk to her. You cannot get out of here without her. Go back to the door's with the Security codes, and talk to the neccessary people. Go out the door to the "T" bridge, and exit the Power Plant.
  • Follow Barret, and you will run into a flower girl. Don't say she'd better get out of here. Choose the other option. You will then get a choice to buy a flower from her. Do it. "It's only a gil". Continue down the road.
  • Get the potion on the ground to the left, and go to the next area. You will be attacked by some guards. Run away, as killing them will only make more come. Run away from all the groups, and... I'm not going to spoil the outcome. The rest is self explanitory, so i'll pick up from where you arrive at the hideout.


  • Follow everyone to the left, and go to the building they gather around. Go inside and talk to the girl in the white shirt and black skirt. Give the flower to either her or Marlene. The rest is pretty much self-explanitory, so i'll pick up the next day.
  • You awake, and go to the ground level of the hideout. Tifa announces she is comming with you on the next mission, and mentions something about the man upstairs in the weapon shop has somehthing he want's to give you. I'm not sure what this means. If anyone know's, feel free to Email me. Anyway, go to the building in the South-Western of the square type thing your in, and you will find a man selling Materia. I recommend that you buy 1 Fire and 1 Lightening Materia. You should have around 200-300 gil left. You can go in the tall building and talk to the item and weapons sellers, and explore the Beginners Training Hall(which i recommend. It has an Ether, and an All-Materia). Once your done exploring this town, go to the train, and to your next mission.

Power Plant Mission #2

  • Okey, your on the train, and something happens. You need to make your way up to the first car or else something bad happens(i'm not sure what that is. I've never missed getting into the next car. If anyone knows what happens, feel free to email it to me). Once you get to the front, you jump out of the train, into the tunnels. Head north. South leads you to an endless path of enemies. Anyway, head up and examine the plate on the ground to the left. Here you'll enter the power plant. Head down the ladders, and You'll come to the main floor. Head of either of the two other ladders; they take you to he same room. Head in the vent, and out onto a wooden catwalk. Here you can save your game. Go up the ladder, and you'll come out in a replica of the first power plant. You know where to go from here. Set the bomb, go up the stairs, up the elevator, and here's where i'll pick up. You will find two chests to the right containing a Phenix Down and a Potion(i think. If this is wrong, Email the correct items to me. The timing of this room may also be off. Feel free to email the correct location to me). To the left, there is a room with three buttons, which you, Barret, and Tifa must press at the same time. This is all timing. You'll get it eventually. Go out the door, some stuff'll happen, and you'll fight the boss.

Air Buster

HP: 900-1400
MP: ???
Weakness: Lightening
Difficulty: Medium
Strategy: This guy'll counter pretty much every attack you make at it. Solution? Make every attack count. Hit him w/ only Limits, Bolt, and maybe ice attacks. The counters will give you more limits, so use limits and magic(except fire) and you'll do fine. Make sure you have someone on hand to heal your party though. Here's a tip from abcdefghi, from the gamefaq's message boards: Hit him with limits from behind. This way braver will do about 650 damage.
Exp: ???
AP: ??
Gil: ???
Items: ???
(If any of you have the missing information, please Email it to me)


  • You land in a church next to someone you have met before. Talk to her, and eventually you will need to leave. Follow the course, and you will be in the rafters, and she will be chased by Shinra Soldiers. When she asks for help, say "Hold on a minute." Then, go up to the barrels in the rafters, and push them in this order(assuming the barrel to the highest part of the screen is north, and the rest are the other directions correspondingly): West, North, East. She will catch up to you, and walk along the wooden beam outside the church. You'll talk and follow a path.
  • Once your on the ground again, go left, until you see a path going north. You'll stumble into a little village. Go to the shops, talk to the people if you want. The exit is to the right of the town. Note: If you go in the house to the south of the exit, upstairs will be a kid with 5 gil hidden in the drawer. Do not take it. If you let it alone, you will get something much better than 5 gil pretty soon.
  • Once you go to the exit, you'll Find Aeris's house. To the right of Aeris house is an Ether, and Cover Materia. It's pretty useless in my opinion, but you should get it anyway(considering this is the one place i know of to get it). Once in Aeris's house, you'll get thanked, and you'll rest. Now you must leave without notifying Aeris. To do this, simply don't run on the second floor. Leave the house, and go through the village, and go to the left, where you will run into..... AERIS! So much for leaving her at home. Anyway, follor the path, and you will come upon a area where there are battles. Little hard, but you should be able to handle it. To get through, you need to go down the metal gurder, and up the thing that looks like a light pole. Trust me, it's not as obvious as it seems(at least it wasn't the first time i played the game). Once your through, you and Aeris will talk, and then you'll see Tifa. Follow her and you'll find yourself at....

Wall Market

  • This Town is divided into three screen. Top Screen, Middle Screen, and Bottom Screen(as you can easily guess which is which). They are arranged on top of another. Once you enter Wall Market, head to the lower right corner of the bottom screen, and you'll see a man in a red vest(i think). Immediately right of him is a new area. In this area, you will find a 'Night Club' of sorts. Talk to the man in the red vest, and he will tell you that Tifa is their newest girl, and is at the Don's house. So, leave this area, return to the main area, and head to the top screen, and enter the house to the north. At the top of this screen, there will be a man standing in front of a doorway. Talk to him, one thing will lead to another, and it's decided that Cloud will have to dress up like a girl. Go figure.
  • Anyway, head to the bottom screen, and enter the dress shop(it's the top one on the left). Talk to the person behind the counter, and she'll tell you to talk to her(or his. I never have figured out which) father in the bar. Head to the middle screen, and enter the bar, and talk to the old man in blue(or talk to everyone if you can't find him. He's in there). You'll talk, and he'll ask you what kind of dress you want. If you want a cotton dress, Say you want it to feel clean. The next choice won't matter, as they both will wield a Cotton Dress. If you want a Sain Dress, say you want it to feel soft, and you want something Shiny. If you want a Silk Dress(The best dress. If you want Don Corneo to choose you[you'll know what this means when you play through this part], you have to choose this one), say you want it to feel soft and something that Shimmers. Head back to the dress shop, and recieve your dress. You'll then be informed that you need a Wig.
  • Head to the gym(in the middle screen, looks like a circus tent), and talk to the women(or so you think!). She will set up a squatting contest. The number you need to beat is 15. If you do, you'll get a Blode Wig(The best one. You'll need this if you want Don to choose you). If you tie, you'll get some other kind of wig. If you get below 15, you'll get a Died wig; the worst one. This is the minimum you need, but if you want the Don to choose you, you'll need a couple more things.
  • First, head to the item shop in the top right corner of the bottom screen. He'll ask you to go to the inn and buy something. Head to the Inn, rest, and you'll get a choice of three things. The most expensive is 200 gil, next is 100, least is 50. Again, if you want the Don to choose you, you'll need the buy the one for 200. Head back to the guy at the item shop, and he'll give you a Tiara of varying quality based on which item you buy. The best is the Dimond Tiara. On to the next accessory...
  • Go the the restaurent in the bottom sceen. Buy anything(the middle choice is 70 gil). You'll get a pharmacy coupon. Go to the pharmacy(again in the bottom screen) and talk to the guy. He'll give you a choice as to what you want. Choose the digestive if you want the Don to choose you. Head to the bar, and go to the bathroom in the back. Open the door, and talk to the person inside and give her the digestive. She'll give you Sexy Cologne. One more item.
  • Go to the bottom right corner of the bottom screen, and talk to the guy pacing back and forth. He'll give you a membership card. Head to the screen directly right of you, and talk to the guy in front of the door. He'll let you in. Once inside, you'll get your choice of rooms. Take the %&$@# room(the symbols will be slightly different). It's the one in the North-West(you'll know which one i'm talking about. You could go in the other door, but then the don wouldn't choose you, and you'd do all this work for nothing). Go in there, talk to your phantasom(that's right) and you'll eventually get lengure(i have no clue how to spell it). Now, you have all the items!
  • Go to the dress shop and change. Now that your ready, go to the Don's house, meet up with Tifa(you can find her easily), and meet Don Corneo. If you did everything i told you, the Don will choose you. If not, you'll go with this other guy. I'll briefly explain what happens. You are chased around by these 6 guys. Talk to the guy at the top of the room every so often, and eventually you'll fight your way out. Anyway, once in the Don's room, head around behind the bed and find a hyper. Anyway, Tifa and Aeris will meet up, the four of you will talk, blah blah blah, and you'll meet your next boss.


HP: about 1500(from abcdefghi, gamefaq's message boards)
MP: ???
Weakness: Fire
Difficulty: Easy
Strategy: Pretty easy. Fire works well on him, as well as ice. You'll probably be able to use your limit's a couple times. Just keep someone ready to heal your party, and you'll be fine.
Exp: ???
AP: ??
Gil: ???
Items: ???
(if you have any of the missing information, Email it to me)

Train Yard

  • You can find your way out of there. Just follow the path.
  • There is a lot of treasure around here, and i'm not going to list it, so you'll have to find it for yourselfs. Anyway, once you get up through the manhole cover, go up the ladder onto the train, across the metal gurder, inside the train to the right, head down and out on the right side, go up the ladder, across the train, down the ladder, in the train, and out the other side, and your in the next area.
  • Almost there. Go in the train that is a slightly different color than the rest, and it will move forward. go in it a second time to return it to it's normal position. Head straight up, and go in the other train that's discolored. Once that's done, climb up the train inbetween the two trains you drove, hop across to the train you just moved, and head across the girder and down the lader. Yay, your done

The Piller

  • Once in the train station, head left until you get to the piller. Stuff'l happen, and you'll have to go up the piller. Pretty straight forward. You'll meet Barret at the top, where more stuff'l happen, and you'll fight Reno.


HP: 1000(from abcdefghi, gamefaq's message boards)
MP ???
Weakness: Ice(80 damage), Fire(75 damage) Strategy: His attack called Piramid(or something) will surround a character with a light piramid. Attack the character once you get rid of it. His other attack, Electro Rod does about 60 pts of damage. Not too hard a fight.
Difficulty: Easy
Exp: 290
AP: 22
Gil: 500
Levels: Cloud: 10, Tifa: 9, Barret: 9
Also Gained: Cross Slash(Cloud Limit)

Quest for Marlene

  • Once ou beat Reno, you'll exit the scene and you'll find yourself in the playground type thing. Barret will have a tantrum, and you'll start talking about marlene. Cloud will go off by himself, and Tifa and Barret will follow. You'll be by yourself in the area where you fight those house-type things(whatever they're called). Walk on a bit, and Tifa and Barret will join you. Once they do, go back where you came from and get the Sense Materia(if you want it).
  • Now go back, and go to Aeris's house(you can find your way. Just retrace your steps when you and Aeris went to Sector 7 together). When you are in the town where you met that kid with 5 gil in a secret drawer, talk to him again(same place) and he'll give you a Turbo Ether! Cool, huh. Once at Aeris's house, enter and You'll have a conversation With Aeris's Mom, and Barret will be reunited with Marlene. Once you talk to him, Clould will be resolved to go to the Shinra Building to rescue her.

To the Shinra Building

  • Tifa will suggest you go to Wall Market. Good suggestion. Go there and head to the weapons shop. Talk to the guy on the tank and he'll ask you if you want to buy some batteries. Say yes, and head to the enterence to the Don's house. You'll run across some kids that are going to "Look at something cool." Follow them and you'll see that they climbed up a wire thing. Talk to the kid in front of it, and he'll let you by. Climb all the way up, and you'll come to a semi-circle of oddities. In the lower right hand corner, you will see a yellow box type thing. Head there(yes, you can get there. though it is kinda difficult to manuver) and put a battery in it. The propeller will spin a little, and then stop. Climb up on the propeller and head across it to the platform that is now accessable. Head to the next battery container thing, and put a battery in. Can't remember what happens, but now climb the wire and jump on the pendulum. This is part timing, part luck. Just press the button when you hear the sound. The rest is simple. Just keep going up.


  • When you get to the Shinra building, you will get the choices of going through the front or through the back. If you go through the front, you'll have to go through a lot of battles. If you go through the back, you'll have to climb a LOT of stairs. The choice is yours. I will only cover the front option, as the back option only makes you go up a lot of stairs until the paths rejoin.
  • Once you take the front enterence, you will get into a fight w/ Shinra soldiers. Once you beat them, go up the stairs, and in the back right of the floor, there is an item shop. There are cheasts in the back, but you cannot get them until disk 2. Anyway, get to the elevator in the back of the thrid floor to proceed.
    Use the steal materia to steal a Carbon Bangle fron the robot thing on a spiked ball. You'll know it when you see it. It'll most likely take you a long time to steal it, so move your party to the back row to keep damage low. It'll be worth it though. The cabon bangle is good for defense and has more materia slots.
  • Once in the elevator, the electronics will go beserk, and you have to go up to the control pannel to stop it. When the doors open, you will get into a fight. This will happen roughly 5 times(it may be more or less. it's random, but it will stay around 5). Once you get to the end, you will arrive at the 60th floor(I'm pretty sure this is where the front and back path's meet up).
  • Once you exit the elevator, head to the left and enter the door into a little room. Exit the door to the right, and you will have to sneak past some guards. There will be two guards, and two things that you can hide behind. Wait until they are looking through the far two holes before you go to the first hiding place. The next one is just timing. You will have to wait until they start to move to their next positions to start moving. The last one you can get accross by waiting until they are looking down the first two holes. Once you get accross, signal for Barret and Tifa to come. Just press the button when you want them to start running for the next safe spot. Once you've done that, you'll have to do that again, with faster guards. It's the same as before. Once you do that, proceed to floor 61.
  • Not much to do on this floor. Talk to one of the guys in a grey suit to get the keycard for the next floor.
  • On floor number 62, you need to talk to the mayor Domino in the office on the left side of the floor. He'll ask you for his password, and if you guess right on the first try, he'll give you something(Elemental Materia). There is a way to figure out his password, but i never bothered to figure it out. It is usually either Best or King, but it varies. When you guess it right you'll get the keycard for floors 63-65.
  • Floor #63. You don't even have to come to this room to beat this part, but there are a few goodies to get, so it may be worth your time. Go to the room on the right, and it'll tell you that you can open three doors. Exit the room and head immedietly right, and follow the wall up to the far north wall. Keep following the wall, and you will come to a door. Continue until you come to the second door. Instead of opening that one, open the door directly left(from your characters perspective. it would be south from your's) of that door. You should now have access to the room on the far left. Go in the room and get the coupon. In the top right corner of the room, there is a ventilation shaft that you can climb into. Climb inside and you will have access to the far right room. Now the middle room. You should be able to get there without having to open any more doors. Once you reach the room, you will see that there are doors on either side of the door leading to the room. Open the door that is on your side, and enter the room for the final Coupon. For doing this you will get All Materia(Middle Room), a Spirit Talisman(accessary), and Four Slots(Armor).
  • Floor #64. You get a chance to rest and save on this floor. If you go in the locker room, you can also find a Phenix Down and an Ether.
  • Floor #65. This floor has enemies. You will notice that there are two rooms on the left, one on top on the other(the top room will be room #1, the bottom will be room #2). In the middle is a room with a big model of the city in it(this will be room #3). Then there is a room immediately right of that(this will be room #4). Then finially, there is a room above room #4(which will be called room #5). Go in room 3, and examine the model. Then go to room #1 and open a chest. Then go back to room 3 and insert the midger parts into the model. Go to room 2, get chest, insert in model. Continue this pattern by going in the rooms in this order(including the two already mentioned): 1,2,2,1,5,4. If you did it correctly, there will be one slot left. I'm not sure if it is possible to fill this slot(if you know it can, and know how to do it, Email it to me). Anyway, the last chest should have been the keycard for floor 66.
  • Floor #66. Not much to do on this floor. Head to the bathroom in the upper left part of the floor, and go into the stall. Examine the toilet and you'll get an option to climb up. Choose that one. You'll climb into the vents, and when you finish crawling down the path, you'll be over the Shinra Conference Room. Watch them talk, learn some stuff, and climb out. When you come out, you'll see Hojo leave the conference room. Follow him and he'll lead to to floor 67, where you'll learn more stuff. After you've seen Jenova(and the rest of that sequence), head north and you come across a save point and a chest containing Poisen Materia. Get on the elevator to get to floor 67.
  • Floor #67. Talk to Hojo, stuff'll happen and you will meet the next boss.

Sample HOS12

HP: 1000
MP: 120
Absorbs: Poison
Weaknesses: None
Strategy: Dont' bother to attack the little ankle biters, as they will just regenerate. Use magic to attack the boss. Lightening doesn't seem to work to well on him, so use fire or ice mostly. Barret can use his regular attack, as he is equipped with a long range weapon so the attack power will not be halved by the fact that the boss is in the back row. Also, abcdefghi from the gameafaqs message boards suggested that you should put poison linked with elemental materia, and a star pendent for the other characters.
Difficulty: Medium
Exp: 300
AP: 30
Gil: 250
Items: Talisman
  • After the fight you will be told to meet by the 67th floor Elevator. Before you do that, be sure to grab the yellow materia in the chamber. It is an Enemy Skill Materia. Go there and enter the elevator, and Rude and Tseng will get on. You can imagine what comes next. You find yourself in a cell. Talk to Tifa, then go up to the door and wonder how Aeris is doing. You can check on Red XIII and Barret, but you don't need to. Go to sleep, and when to wake up... ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE.
  • You wake up to find yourself free. Go outside and examind the guard, go back and talk to Tifa, go and get Barret and Red XIII. You all will converse, and Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris will have to follow Red XIII. Follow him up to where you fought HOS12. Once there, follow the... uh, trail(you'll know it when you see it). Follow it until you get to the President Shinra's Office. Stuff'll happen, and you need to exit through the door on the top part of the screen. You should be outside, and you'll meet Rufus. This guy is going to be your friend from now on(wink wink). You'll converse, and everyone but cloud will leave.
  • When everyone else gets to the doorway before the save point, Tifa will say that she will wait for Cloud. Here you can change equipment and materia positions, which you will want to do; for whe you get to the elevator....

Hundred Gunner/Heli Gunner

My Levels: Aeris: 10; Barret: 12, Red XII: 12
Lvl: 18/19 HP: 1600/1000
MP: 0/0
Weaknesses: Lightening
Strategy: Have your ppl equiped with Lightening Materia use it constantly. If you don't have bolt, use other magic. Barret's normal attack may do more damage than magic, though. It would be a good idea to have Cure=All equiped, as you will need to use it a lot, assuming Aeris won't have a full limit guage bar. In which case, you can use her limit to heal everyone. Again, press R1 to switch the All effect on and off.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
EXP: 250
AP: 25
Gil: 200
Also Gained: Mythril Armlet(Armor), Mindblow(Barret Limit)
(Anyone have the first machine's name? if so, Email it to me)
  • Once you beat them, you'll have to Equip Cloud with your best equipment and materia, because he's fighting...

Reno w/ Dark Nation

My Levels: Cloud: 13
HP: ???
MP: ??
Weaknesses: None
Strategy: Ignore Dark Nation. Just use either your normal attack or magic, depending on what kind of barrier he has at the time, and cure yourself when you you need it. I don't have to tell you to make use of your limits.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
EXP: ???
AP: ??
Gil: 350
Items: Protect Vest(Accessory)
(Anyone have the missing info? if so, Email it to me)
  • Your not out of the woods yet. Go downstairs and meet up w/ Tifa, and head to the elevators. You'll cut to Barret, Aeris and Red XIII at the front door(Try to walk out). Tifa will tell them to follow her, and you'll see a CG cutscene, and you will be introduced to your first Mini-game. yay!
  • The controls are simple enough. The D-pad controls the bike's movements, the square button hits to your left, the circle hits to your right. You can choose your party now, as well as equip them. Once your ready, press start to begin the game. There will be motorcycles chasing after the truck, trying to hit them. It's your job to hit them before they get a chance to do any damage. There are bars at the top of the screne representing your party's health. Once you do this for a while, the Mini-game will end, and you'll meet the last boss of this scenario(Finially!).

Motor Ball

My Levels: Cloud: 13; Barret: 12; Red XIII: 12
Lvl: 19
MP: 120
Weaknesses: Lightening
Strategy: Again, use bolt. Ice seems to work fairly well too. Have Barret(if your using him) in the back row to take minimal damage. If your other characters will not use thier normal attack, move them to the back row also. This guy can pack a punch, but it shouldn't be too hard as long as you keep someone healing.
EXP: 440
AP: 45
Gil: 350
Items: Star Pendant(Accessory)
  • Your Finially out. Once your outside Midger Walls, try to leave, and you'll choose your party and be told to go to Kalm.

To Kalm

    Once your on the world map, this would be a good time to save. If you want to get all the Enemy Skills(which i recommend. some of them are really useful), walk around the area w/out grass, and you'll eventually fight a mech type thing called Custom Sweeper(press select and put the cursor over the thing to see it's name), then wait until it uses Matra Magic on you. There ya go, it's yours. You can also steal a really good weapon from Berrat if you are using him from the same monster. You won't need to buy him a weapon for some time.
  • On to Kalm. There should be a dot on the world map to the North-East of Midgar. Head there. Once you enter the city, your party members will tell you they will be waiting at the inn. You can either join them and look around later, or look around now. I'll describe what you can look for now. In each of the houses(houses, not shops) there is an ether in a closet or drawer somewhere. You can find them for yourselves(if not, just walk around the walls pressing the action button(O by default). Up the stair to the north of the town, you will find the shops. I recommend you buy weapons and armor for only three ppl(the three you will use, obviously). You'll need at least 2000 gil pretty soon. You can also check out the materia and item shops to your hearts content. Once your done in the town, go to the inn and head upstairs.

Cloud's Tale

  • This is mainly a story sequense, but you will still get some movement time(you won't be bored, trust me). You'll start off the flashback in a truck. When you talk to the guy in the left hand corner closest to the screen, listen to what Cloud says. "I wouldn't know. I've never had motion sickness." It may not seem like it now, but that is a very important line later(though i believe what it hints at has already been revealed. still, it's very interesting).
  • You'll get into a battle with a huge dragon thing, and you'll no doubt realize that you SUCK! Your at level 1, and your hp and mp suck. Sephiroth, on the other hand... Wow. This is basically a chance for you to stare in awe and realize one thing. Sephiroth Kicks @$$!!! And that's pretty much exactly what he does.(Notice that his MP isn't drained and no attacks effect him)
  • Once the battle is over, you'll enter Nebelheim. Sephiroth will talk to you, and you'll be free to wander around. You can go to your house, Tifa's house, or the other two houses, or talk to the guy by the water tower. Once you've done whatever you feel like doing, go to the inn and talk to sephiroth. You might need to talk to him a couple times, but eventually you'll rest and the next day will start.
  • Once your all awake, a conversation will start, someone will take a picture(this becomes pretty important later), and you'll start up the mountain. Here you have a chance to look at Sephiroth's equipment. You will notice that Sephiroth does in fact, kick @$$. Anyway, you will be controlled for most of the journey, til you fall off the bridge. Then just head up the mountain and you'll find your way easily enough.
  • When you get to the reactor, you and Sephiroth will go inside, and he'll find the source of the problem, and ask you to turn the valve. He'll look inside one of the capsules, then tell you to look in too. To look in you have to talk to him again; pressing the action button on the capsul won't work. Sephiroth will pretty much go into a frenzy at this point(why he doesn't break the capsule, i'm not sure), and you'll see a FMV. At which point, the next scene will start(after a chance to save).
  • The next day you will need to go to the Mansion. Once inside, go up the stairs twice, head right through the door, then down the hallway, through the door to Clouds left, and enter the secret door behind the brick wall(press select to see where it is). Go down, follow the path, and you'll meet sephiroth in a library. You'll talk, and that scene will end, followed by yet another scene.
  • You'll be taken to the reactor, some stuff'll happen, and Cloud's flashback scene will be over. Whew!

Follow Sephiroth

  • Once you recieve the PHS, you can leave and your told you need to follow sephiroth. Once your done in Kalm, leave and head South-East, or away from Midger. You'll come across a Chocobo Farm in the field. Enter it. Talk to the chocobo walking by the fence, the chocobo's will do a dance, and you'll recieve Choco-Mog materia.
  • Enter the building on the left side of the screen and talk to the guy there. He'll give you some information, and tell you to talk to his son. So go to the big building on the right side of the screen, and talk to his son. Here's where you need that money i told you about earlier. The Choco Lure is 2000 gil, and the Curiel Greens(which i recommend, but they are not the only choice) is 1000 gil. I had about 200 gil left after i bought this stuff, so don't worry about not having money left. Once you've done that, your almost ready to cross the marshes.
  • Equip the choco lure and walk around the area with tracks, and you'll eventually get into a fight with a chocobo in it(it may take awhile). You can tell before the actual battle by the music used. Once in a fight, have someone use the curial greens(or whatever greens you bought) on the chocobo. If you don't, it'll run away fairly fast. Now kill the other enemies as quickly as you can(using magic would be advisable), and when only the chocobo is left, you'll have it captured.
  • Often in these Chocobo battles, you'll have a little squril type thing. If you have the patience or the luck, it will eventually use L4 Suicide on you. This will be your second Enemy skill. It causes small status abnormality, and puts their health in critical status if their level is a multiple of 4. It won't work on bosses, but if you are fighting a hard enemy w/ a level multiple of 4, it will make the fight inmeasurably easier.
  • Once on your chocobo, cross the marshes, being careful to avoid the Midger Zolom(the snake thing chasing you). It shouldn't be too hard. Once across to the other side, on the small patch of green grass, get off the chocobo. Head toward the cave, and you'll enter a little area with a suprising site before you. Once your done looking at it, leave the area, and enter the cave.
  • I recieved Lunatic High, a limit break for Red XIII at this point. Btw(by the way), i'll post messages like those so you can know at what times to expect stuff like that, or how well progressed your characters are)
  • Inside the cave, you can head right or left(from your point of view). To the right are some items and materia(Long Range Materia i believe, which is extreme useful). To the left, there is a path that you can follow to a chest that branches off to the right. If you follow the left path, you'll meet up with the Turks. You'll talk, and you'll learn where Sephiroth is headed. Once you can move, you can either exit the cave, or head up and to the left for treasure of some kind. Once your ready to leave, exit through the door Rude left through(the black guy).
  • You can learn the enemyskill, Flamethrower, from the ArchDragon in these caves. It'll use it pretty freely, so you won't have to wait long.
  • In the cave, you can steal a weapon for Tifa from a Mandouge(it has a ball and chain). It's a pretty good weapon. You shouldn't have to buy her a weapon for a while.
  • After you exit the cave, head for the big tower thing(it's straight in front of the cave, but i believe the direction is North-West. If anyone can confirm this, Email me). Talk to the guy blocking your path, and agree to help him. Go up the ladder and talk to the guy at the table. Agree to help a second time. Now you can rest downstairs(the ladder is on the right side of the screen), and play the Fort condor mini-game. I have a faq for it(i believe. if not, i soon will) in my regular FFVII page. Once your done here, exit and head for Junon


  • On your map, there should be a dot on the upper left hand side of the continent. That is junon. Head for it, and you'll get there eventually. You can get Yuffie in the forest at this point, which is included in my other FFVII page.
  • Once you reach Junon, head down the stairs that are on the bottom of the screen, and are between the two buildings(you'll see it). Go down, and you'll meet Priscilla(sp?) and her pet dolphin(don't remember his name). You'll talk, and eventually you'll meet the next boss.


Lvl: 23
HP: 2500
MP: 100
Weaknesses: Wind
Strategy: Fairly easy fight. When he puts a bubble around a character, be sure to attack it. Be careful that you attack the bubble, not your character. They're very close together and easy to be confused. Other than that, use Choco-mog, Matra Magic, and Bio(to poisien him. good strategy to get rid of HP at a steady pace). Fire also seems to work fairly well.
Exp: 550
AP: 52
Gil: 1000
Items: Power Wrist(Accessory)
  • After the fight, Priscilla will need mouth to mouth. It takes 4 full breaths(however you want to divide it up) to re-animate her. Once you do, you can go upstairs, where a woman wants you to rest in a house(hers?). It's the house directly to Cloud's left as he enters town. Go inside, and you can rest. Once you wake up, Cloud will start hearing a voice. Does he have MPD(multiple personality disorder)? *Shrugs* Possibly, but you'll find out later
  • When you awake, head to the house on legs, and once you get about half way up the stairs to the house, Priscilla will come out to meet you. She'll talk, and then she'll give you Shiva Materia.
  • After this, your told that Rufus is in town, so you decide to congratulate him on his recent promotion ^_^. Priscilla will tell you that she can get Cloud to the top of the town, so go follow her to where you met bottomswell(that last boss). She'll give you an explination of how to get to the top(riding her dolphin. which, btw, is done by pressing square, i believe). So go in the water, and press the button til you reach that platform suspended across the two towers. I find that you can reach there frequently if you jump from the middle bottom of the screen.
  • Once your up, climb the ladder, and you'll come out on a airstrip type thing. Head to the elevator towards the bottom of the level you are on, and use the pannel to lower yourself to the lower level. Then, go in the door, where you will be recruted by a captain(or some kind of officer) to take part in the parade. Follow him into the changing room, where he will tell you to get into uniform. The locker that has a uniform in it is on the left hand side of the row. Change, and he will tell you what to do. Once you leave, you'll find out that your a little late. Follow the blue guy through the alley, and you'll come in in the middle of the parade. The commander will tell you to get in the back of the line. I'm not quite sure how the best way to do this is, so just go for it. (If any of you have a good grasp on how to do this, Email me). So join in line, and walk forward till the screen goes black. Two guys will talk about the ratings, and you'll get rewarded appropriately(either a grenade{if you do bad}, some potiens{if you did average}, or a lot of gil{if you did good}). After this, you'll be in a group of ppl seeing Rufus off. After Rufus leaves, the commander will tell you off, and take away your break time to teach you how to do the salute part. Basically all you do is press the button that he tells you to. Not that hard. Tell him your ready and leave the room, and enter the city. You can either go straight to the location your supposed to(by following everyone) or explore the shops(you will be back here later. though i suggest you explore now).
  • If you decide to explore now, take note of a few things. First, do not buy a weapon for cloud. He will get one better than you could buy really soon. Second, there is a second Enemy Skill Materia in one of the buildings. There are stairs going up, and in the corner there is a man in a blue uniform(like the one your wearing). Talk to the uniformed guy, and he'll let you down. The materia will be on the right hand wall(to your view). A third thing to note, is that there are sources(items that raise your stats) in different buildings along here, but most of them are in the building w/ the dog in front. Lastly, there are two 1/35 Soldiers here. No one knows what they are for, but it's good to have them.
  • Once you are at the location of the salute, you won't be able to explore anymore, so make sure you are all loaded up. I suggest you save your game in the inn. Anyway, once it starts, it's fairly easy. I suggest you keep your fingers from resting on any of the buttons, as it will be easier to hit the desired buttton(it works, trust me). Every time you get it right, you'll be rewarded 10 points(reguardless of whether or not you were in time w/ the others. you just have to hit the right button). If you get 80 points(i believe. if you know this is wrong and you have the correct #, Email me), you'll be rewareded the Force Stealer. This is Cloud's sword, and it's stronger than the one in town, but it doesn't have as many materia slots. You most likely won't have an excess of materia, so it won't be a problem. Once the salute is over, you can get on the ship.

The Ship

  • Once your on the ship, you can find an All materia(though i doubt you'll need it), and something else. I think it's either an ether or a potien. Anyway, talk to all of your party members(they're pretty much the only ones on the ship), and you should find everyone except Barret.
  • Once you've talked to everyone, go downstairs and talk to Aeris again, and she'll inquire about Berret. Now go upstairs and go down the hallway below the platform that RedXIII is hobbling on, as the guy that was blocking it before is now gone. Here you'll find Barret eavesdropping on everyone's favorite corprate president, RUFUS!
  • You'll get some disturbing info, and everyone will meet in the main area above the ship. You'll decide your plan of action, and you'll choose your party. After you've done this, go downstairs, into the door that used to be locked. Don't go too far into this room, but instead to straight for the ladder, and go around the catwalk to the chest. Now go to the front of the room and talk to the soldier. Stuff'll happen, and you'll meet your next boss.

Jenova BIRTH

Level: 25
HP: 4000
MP: 110
Weakness: None
My Levels: Cloud: 16; Barret: 15; RedXIII: 16
Strategy: This one can be a little hard. First, use Choco-Mog and Shiva(if you have them equipped), then have your ppl use Quake(if you have it), Flamethrower(if you have it), or Fire(you should have it). Other than that, just keep everyone healed, and you should do fine.
EXP: 680
AP: 64
Gil: 800
Item: White Cape(Accessory)
  • After the fight, do not exit until you get the little red ball, which is, in fact, Ifrit. Once youexit the door, you'll leave the ship and take anchor in...

Costa del Sol

  • In case you were wondering, Costa del Sol means "Cost of the Sun" in spanish. Whether this is what square meant when translating the game into english i'm not sure, but it's still an interesting fact.
  • Once everyone has finished talking, you'll be free to explore the town. There are a couple things you should take note of.
  • First, you'll notice that once you get across the bridge, there is a door on the other side. Go inside, and head down the stairs. In this room, you'll find some useful goodies, including a Fire Ring(this is VERY useful).
  • Secondly, there is a armorer in the bar. He has some good stuff.
  • Once your done exploring, leave the town. Once on the world map, go west(i think) until the ridge north of you makes a ramp. Go up the ramp, and you'll see a path through the mountains. Follow the path, and you'll find yourself right in front of a cave. Go in the cave.
  • You are now on some roller coster tracks(they're actually train tracks, but they look more like roller coster tracks ^_^). If you follow the path leading up, you'll find a chest with a weapon for Barret. As you continue, you'll suddenly drop down through the tracks. This happens three times. The first time(the path going up), if you go to the right, you'll get a Star pendant, if you go to the left you'll get a Wizard Staff(Aeris's Weapon). The second time, if you follow the down path, if you go to the left, you'll recieve nothing. There's nothing there, so you'll have to go right and recieve a Star pendant. Because of this, i suggest you go to the left on the first time you fall down the hole. The third time this happens, there is nothing on either side, so it doesn't matter what you do.
  • If you happen to run into a Bagnarada, you can steal mind source from it.
  • Continue to the other side, following the up path, where the ppl you don't have in your party ask you to lower the draw bridge. So continue across the tracks, where you'll eventually run into a little shack. Go inside(how do they fit everyone inside that tiny shack?) and the draw bridge will lower. If you climb up the slope right behind you, you can kill a mother birdie and get 10 pheniox downs. But you wouldn't kill a mother bird would you? What? you would?! EVIL!!! (j/k, i killed her too ^_^) Anyway, once the drawbridge is lowered, go back and head to where the other party members were and cross the bridge.
  • Once across the bridge, you can either follow the right path and go to Corel(which advances the story line) or you can follow the left path and go to a hermit that has a couple useful items(not anything significant. just has some sources or something).
  • Anyway, once you get to Corel, barret will talk to some guy, and then you'll be free to explore the town. Do whatever you want, but when your done, head to the bottom left side of town to go to the gold saucer.

Gold Saucer

  • Once you get off the train thingee, you'll be in a room with a chocobo(guy in a costume), a save point(requires 5gp to use), and the entrence to the gold saucer. Make sure you have over 3,000 gil before you go here, because you won't be able to get in otherwise. Once you buy your ticket, head inside, where Barret will go off on his own. Once you pick who you want to go with, and head to Wonder square.
  • You will immediately be talked to buy a fat version of Pop-n-Fresh(Thanks to my friend kevin for that comparison ^_^). After he's done talking to you, head to Battle Square. Stuff'll happen, and you'll be thrown down into the Desert Prison. Why you ask? Well, you'll have to find out for yourself.
  • There are a couple things in the desert prison that are noteworthy. First is the enemy skill Laser. To get this, head outside the gate on the left side of the screen where you first appear in the desert prison. Wander around this first screen you come upon until you meet a DeathClaw. Either wait for him to use the move on you, or manipulate him with the Manipulate Materia you can get from Cait Sith. I highly recommend you get this now, because there will not be another opportunity to get it til disk 3. Also, if you run across a little cactus dude, if you kill him(must be a wind based attack. such as Matra-Magic or Choco-mog), he will give you 10,000 gil!
  • Once in the desert prison, head south one screen, where you'll see a save point on the right side of the screen. If you continue down and right, you'll get to a house. Go inside the house, and find out what's going on to a degree. Once you have your party together, your told that you need to find dyne. Head outside and talk to the three dudes lying down side by side. Talk to them until they say something along the lines of "If you want to meet dyne, head south-west." Since they always lie, which the guy standing right next to them will tell you, you must head north east.
  • Head to the screen where you first appeared in the desert prison, and head north east. keep heading north east, and after a couple screens(3-5), you should arrive in a junk yard. If not, then keep wandering around until a chocobo carriage comes and takes you back to the start, then try again.
  • Anyway, once your at the junkyard, make sure Barret's HP is at max, and that he has some good materia. Once you've made your way to the top of the screen, you'll find Dyne. Stuff'll happen, and you'll Barret will fight Dyne one-on-one.


Level: 23
HP: 1200
MP: 20
Weakness: None
Barret's Level: 19
Strategy: Not that hard of a fight. Use the same strategy you did on Rufus when clould fought him. Another good strategy would be to have Barret defend, waiting for his limit gauge to fill up. If you have his limit set on Level 2(if you have it. you probably don't though), set it back to one so that it fills up faster.
EXP: 600
AP: 55
Gil: 750
Item Gained: Silver Armlet
  • After the fight, Barret will recieve Dyne's necklace, which was his wife's. Then you'll automatically be taken to the trailer housing the 'racing commishiner', i guess you could call him. Anyway, he agrees to let one of you race, and of course cloud is chosen. You then meet Ester, and she explains to clould how to race chocobo's. It's fairly easy. All you need to do is hold R1 & R2 to restore your stamina, and speed up your chocobo 'til just before it starts losing stamina. Add that in with a few sprints, and you should make it through just fine.
  • Going back a few steps, just before you actually race, Ester will leave you with the other Chocobo jockies. You'll notice that there is the Ramuh Materia in the upper middle of the screen, which is the upper right corner of the room.
  • After a little bit, Ester will come back, and tell you your about to race. Once you do, follow the instructions above for an easy first. After your done, Ester will give you a letter from Dio. You will then automatically be transported to the world map in your gift.

Suspicions Arise

  • At this point, you can get four VERY useful enemy skills. So useful, you'll most likely use two of them during the Final fight in the game. The first is Big Guard. First, head across the river, and you'll see a burnt building in the middle of a forest. Do not enter it. Instead, walk along the beach to the north of it. Then, get into random battles until you fight a green octupus type thing. Manipulate it, and have it use big guard on your part.
  • Your second goal on this trip for Enemy skills is Aqua Breath. Just ride your buggy around the desert around the gold saucer, and you'll eventually fight a Harpy. It'll use this move on you before too long.
  • Barret gained Grenade Bomb(Lvl. 2, 1st limit break)
  • Your almost done now! Your next aim is White Wind. You'll have to make a little journey first though. You need to head all the way back to Junon. If you go to Costa del Sol, you can ride the ship again for about 100gil i think. (tx to for the correct ammount). You'll end up at the end of junon town. Head out to the world map. Once you get there, make sure that someone has Manipulate equipped. You can just un-equip the one on Cait Sith if he isn't on your part, and use that one. Now run around until you run into a Zemzelet. It's the one that looks like a a venus fly trap that came to life. Manipulate it and have it use white wind on you. If it says he has no skill power left, either use an ether on him or run away and find a different one.
  • The last enemy skill, Beta, is quite difficult to get, but VERY worth it. First, make sure that the fire ring you got in Cost del Sol is equipped on the person with the most health or the strongest person(this is just a suggestion. it doesn't really matter too much). Then, go find the midger zolom, making sure to be on the side with the chocobo farm OR having some tents to spare. Save your game before you try this. Now, once you in the battle, cast Mighty guard(optional), and have your least useful person start attacking the Midger Zolom. Before too long(about 1500 hp), the Midger zolom will knock that character out of the ring. Now's your cue. Have the person with the fire ring on attack all out, while the other person keeps him at max HP. Before too long, you will get Beta used on you. Your other character will most likely die(unless you've spent some major time leveling up). Now, just have that character use the newly acquired Beta til the midger zolom dies. Now i know this sounds easy, but trust me, it's not. First of all, you have to kill the Midger Zolom, or you will not learn the skill. Secondly, for some reason, the Midger Zolom knows exactly what your trying to do, and prevents you from doing it quite well. Just be patient, you'll get it eventually.
  • If you happen to run into a Heavy Tank, you can morph him into a Power Source.
  • Now that you have all the magic you'll need til somwhere around disk 3(seriously), it's time to head to the next area. Head back to gongaga, the place where you got Mighty Guard, and enter the forest thing with a burnt building in the middle. You'll meet some of your best friends, the Turks! And of course you'll get into a fight.

Reno & Rude

Level: 22 & 23
HP: 2000 & 2000
MP: 80 & 135
Weakness: None & None
Strategy: Easy fight. Use beta and aqua lung, and you'll win in no time. You only need to kill one, and soon after the other will leave too.
EXP: 660
AP: 60
Gil: 1500
Items: Fairy Tale(Aeris' weapon)
  • Once you beat them, head to the left, getting the Deathblow materia on the way, and you'll come to a fork in the road. Take the right fork, and you'll come to a town. Here you can stock up on supplies, weapons, and information. Don't forget to get the X-Potion in the Inn. Once your done, head back to where you first entered this area, and instead of heading left, go up. You'll eventually come to a ruined reactor. Head inside, and a familiar face pops up. That seems to happen a lot. Anyway, once they leave, head to the spot they were looking at and you'll find the Titan Materia.
  • Cloud Gained Blade Beam(Lvl. 2, 1st limit break)
  • Once your done with that, head across the other river, and the sky should turn to dusk. If you get off your buggy and run around in the forest, you'll eventually fight little frog dudes. They will eventually use an enemy skill called Frog Song.

Red's Home

  • Drive to the city in the middle of the area that is covered in dusk. Your buggy will short out of you drive too far past it. Anyway, enter the town, and RedXIII will come up(even if he's not in your party), and chat w/ the guard, and enter the town. When you try to enter, Red XIII will tell the guard to let you through. Once your in the town, head up, up, up til' you find Red XIII. You'll talk to his grandpa, and you'll be told to get two other ppl. You can find them all over the place. Go back to Bugenhagen's house, and there will be a big scene following.
  • Afterwards, everyone will be gathered around the campfire. Talk to everyone, then Red XIII again, and you'll have a conversation, and Bugenhagen will interrupt you. Make sure your prepaired, because the next area is kinda hard. Make sure at LEAST two ppl have Restore materia(gives you cure). Your party should be about at level 20-25 at the time you enter.
  • He'll lead you to the enterence to a cave. Enter the cave and proceed. You'll come to a room with a bunch of caves with cracked walls. One of them will break open the passage you will need to go through next. A wrong choice will reveal a battle you cannot escape from. The right cave is the northernmost cave(if it is random, Email me).
  • If you get into a fight with a skelatal form of Red XIII, wait for it to use Death Sentence on you. It most likely won't take too long. If it does, you can always try manipulating him.
  • Once the correct path is open, go through and you'll see a path going up and a path going left. if you go left, make sure to WALK, not run, along the edges of the oil or whatever it is. Once you've explored sufficently, continue along the path in the upper right hand corner(i believe). You'll come to a fork with about 7 paths. the correct one is the 2nd from the left. When you hit a spider web, you'll fight a spider with 2200 HP. This may sound like a lot, but you usually get a limit break or two in here, so it goes fast. just be sure to keep a healer handy.
    Once you get to the end of this part of the cave, you'll enter the next and final section, the boss section!

Gi Nattack & Soul Fire

Level: 29 & 21
HP: 5500 & 1300
MP: 200 & 220
Weakness: Holy & Wind, Holy
Strategy: Ignore the soul fires. It's easier if you do. If you reallywant an easy fight, just use the X-Potion on him. Since his weakness is holy, curing items and spells hurt him. You can use Potions(of any kind), Cure spells(of any kind), and other curing items to hurt him. Not that hard of a fight once you know and impliment this. One thing though, Pheniox Down's have no effect on him. It will be a fairly difficult fight, but nothing you can't handle.
My Levels: 25, 25, 25
EXP: 1400
AP: 150
Gil: 3000
Item: Wiser Staff(Aeris's Weapon)
  • Once you've beaten him, there is scene involving RedXIII and Bugenhagen. After the scene is done, you'll exit to the world map. Once in your buggy, you need to cross the river opposite the one you first crossed, and you should be on a plane surrounded by mountains, with a town in the middle of two mountains. That is where you need to go.


  • You have entered Clouds hometown of Nebelheim. Suprisingly enough, it's in perfect condition! After a brief questioning from your party members, you can continue through town. If you talk to any of the townspeople, they will all tell you that the town never burned down, and you never lived there. Cloud gives up in desperation soon.
  • You will notice that there are many little guys in black robes. If you talk to them, some of them will give you items. The one if Tifa's house(at least you think it's Tifa's house...)will give you a weapon for Tifa. Others will give you such items as an ether, a hi-potion, and other such items.
  • Once your done talking to everyone, you'll notice that the black dudes outside the Shinra Mansion tell you that none other than Sephiroth himself is inside. This is your big chance! Head inside the mansion.
  • Now you may find it opportune to get your next enemy skill, ?????. Yes, that's right; you didn't read the name wrong. It can be learned from those monsters that look like(and are for the most part) scales. You'll know it when you see it, though they're kinda rare. It damages the enemy For the difference between your Max HP and Current HP. So if your max hp is 2500, and you have 1500 health, ????? will damage the enemy for 1000 damage.
  • Barret Gained Hammerblow(Lvl. 2, 2nd limit break)
  • This next part is optional, but useful. This is only if you want Vincent, or another summon(i'll explain about the summon later, as it is only available at the end of this sub-quest). On the first floor, directly to the left of the door, is a little alcove type thing with a note on it. It will tell you something was sealed up, and then give you four hints as to what the combonation to the chest is.
  • 1) The hint for he first number says it's in a room with a lot of oxegyon. So, let's head to the green room(2nd floor, left wing). Examine the chest(after getting the treasure inside), and you'll get the first number(Right 36)
  • 2) It'll say something pertaining to ivory or something. So, let's head to the piano. Head to the bottom right of the piano, examine it, and you'll recieve the next number(It may take a while to find it)(Left 10).
  • 3) This note says something about a squeek, then gives you directions where to go once you get there. Head upstairs, right wing, and there will be a chair next to a bed. Examine it, and it'll squeek. Proceed with the instructions given to you by the note(being sure to walk), then when your done, you should be under a doorway, or close to it. Press the action button, and you'll recieve the next number(Right 59).
  • 4) If you can't figure this out your dumb as dirt. It's Right 97.
  • You got all the numbers! Yay!! Now, head to the safe on the Top floor, left wing, and enter the numbers as you saw them. Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97. You must be very careful to press the direction indicated to get to the number(press right to get to 36, press left to get to 10, etc.). Also, you cannot go past the number your trying to get to. You can't go to 11, then back to 10 and still get it to work. You must be exact. If this wasn't bad enough, your on a timer. 30 seconds is all you get. If you have a hard time doing this, get someone else who has better hand-eye-coordination, or who doesn't have a thing about time limits. Better yet, both. You should finish with about 1-5 seconds left on the timer. If you have more, well, good for you. Nothing special happens.
  • Once the vase is open, you'll get into a boss fight.

Lost Number

Level: ??
HP: 7000
MP: 300
Weakness: None
Strategy: Considered by some to be one of the hardest bosses in the game, you should find it only challenging. The monster is two colors; Red and Purple(i believe). One half is very strong magically, and thus cannot be effected very well by magic attacks, but is very suseptable to physical attacks. The other half is just the opposite. Very strong physically, and thus cannot be effected very well by physical attacks, but is very suseptable to magic attacks. There are a couple ways to do this. Here's my favorite. Use Beta and Aquabreath to kill the physical side of him first. By the time he's dead, your limit break guages should be full, or close to it. If it is, unleash your limit breaks, then continuing with regular attacks. If it isn't, then it soon will be. Just be sure to keep your HP up, and you'll be fine.
My Levels: All at 26
EXP: 2000
AP: 80
Gil: 2000
Item: Cosmo Memory(Red XIII's lvl 4 limit break manual(can't use it now, most likely).
  • Once the fight is over, get the Odin Materia left behind, and examine the safe for the Basement Key. Now, head down to the basement, and go to the screen that runs from left to right, right before you enter the underground library. If you follow the north wall, you should see a door. Go through the door, and examine the base of the coffin in the middle of the room. Congratulations, you've met Vincent. Throughout the conversation, you'll be presented with choices of what to say. After you pick something, the conversation will end. You need to pick the choices in this order: 1, 2, 2. Once you do that, Leave and start to go out of the mansion, and Vincent will follow you and join your party.
  • Now, after Sephiroth. Go back to the hallway that vincent was found in. Instead of going to the room vincent was in, head right, into the library. Cloud will go in alone, and Sephiroth and him will have a nice talk, then Sephiroth will leave, telling you to follow him.
  • If you happen to run into Screamer, you can morph him into a Power Source.
  • Head outside the mansion, and exit the town by the north exit, not the one you came in by. You should now be behind Nebelheim, on a path leading to a mountain. Mt. Nebel to be exact. The enemies in here are a little harder than usual. A good level to be at at this point is around 26-28.
  • Enter the mountain, and follow the path. It's pretty straight forward for the most part. You will enter a big chamber. Head down the ladders, to the ground level, and you'll come to your next boss.(i know this section is a little brief. I'll improve upon it at my first opportunity.)

Materia Keeper

Level: 32
HP: 8400
MP: 300
Absorbes: Fire
Weakness: None
Strategy: This guy absorbes fire, so you can't use Beta on him. Stick with aquabreath. His attacks can be fairly damaging, so be sure to keep your HP high. You can also learn the enemy skill Trine from him. He should use it fairly easy, w/out you having to wait for it, but if he does, be patient. Trine is the lightening equivelent of Beta and Aquabreath, only slightly less powerful. Red XIII just learned Blood Fang(Lvl. 2, 1st limit break) right before this battle. Take advantage of your limit breaks. Don't use Barrets Mind Blast until after the Boss uses Trine on you.
My Levels: Cloud: 29; Barret: 29; Red XIII: 28
EXP: 3000
AP: 200
Gil: 2400
Item: Jem Ring(Accessory)
  • Exit the mountain, and you'll be on the world map again. There's only one place you can go right now, so head for the town on the other side of the bend in the mountains.

The Captain

  • Enter the town, where you will find a item shop on one side, and a weapon shop on the other(i'm pretty sure anyway. one of them might be an inn. if anyone can confirm this, Email me). Once your in the town and have explored sufficently, head to the house on the right hand side of the path leading up to the spaceship, and enter.
  • Go through the house to the back, and Cloud and Co. will inspect a place in the backyard, at which point Shera will pop out and ask if she can help you. One thing will lead to another, and she'll tell you to talk to the captain. Head outside, and go toward the spaceship. Climb up the thing until you get to the enterence, then enter(no duh sherlock!).
  • Talk to the guy inside until you start talking about your favorite friend in the world!(you'll know who I mean when you see it ^_^) Then go back and talk to shera. A fair ammount of things happen after this, so i'll just pick up when you can control your charcter again. Head outside and see Cid and you'll-know-who talking. Shera will then tell you to go out back. Do so, and you'll fight....


Level: 38
HP: 6000
MP: 3000
Weakness: None
Strategy: This is a VERY easy fight. You'll have absolutely no problem with it, especially if you got Beta and/or Aqualung.
My Level: All at 29
EXP: 1800
AP: 98
Gil: 5000
Item: Edincoat(Armor)
  • I gained climhazard(Cloud's limit break. Lvl. 2; 2nd limit.)
  • This is the time i usually do the Yuffie sub-quest. For details about this quest, visit my Other FFVII page.
  • If you don't decide to do the yuffie sub-quest, you might be convinced to do so once you know about the two enemy skills you can only get at this point by doing the quest. The first of which is Magic Hammer. I personally think this is one of the most useful magic's in the game. It takes 100mp from your opponent(including bosses!) and gives them to you. Say goodbye to Ether's. For two people anyway. At any rate, this is learned from Razor weeds, on the tip of Wutai's continent. The tip right by the town. It will look, literally, like a weed. I'm pretty sure it always uses spaz voice on you(btw, if anyone knows what exactly this does, Email it to me. I havn't been able to figure it out.). Manipulate it, and have it use Magic Hammer on your two party members w/ the enemy skill materias.
  • The next enemy skill, Death Force, is learned from Adamtaimai on the shore, very near the place you learned Magic Hammer. You'll need to manipulate this guy, as he will not use it on you if you don't. This enemy skill makes you immune to instant death attacks.
  • I gained Stardust Ray(Red XIII limit; Lvl. 2, 2nd limit), and Satalite Beam(Barret Limit, 3rd lvl, 1st limit).

Follow Sephiroth... Again

  • Once you feel like continuing the game, head to that house near the gold saucer, and there will be someone inisde now. Talk to him about the keystone. You'll be told some information about it, and that he used to have it, but sold it. Ask him who he sold it to, and you'll be told your next destination.
  • The gold saucer. Dio, the owner(man that guy has to be rich), bought the keystone. Go to the battle arena, and head to the right, into the museam. They keystone will be right in the middle. Examine the plaque to the right of the keystone, and Dio will come in and talk to you. In the end, you'll have to fight in the battle arena for it. It doesn't matter how you do, you'll get the keystone even if you lose the first round, so i won't take the time to describe the battle arena at this point.
  • Once you have the keystone, try to leave, and you'll be informed that the trolly is under repair, and you'll have to stay the night. Cait sith suggests that you stay in the inn, so that's where you go.
  • Once everyone is in the inn, you'll all talk for a while, then you'll go to bed. You'll be awakened in the middle of the night by #####(i put that there, because it can be either Tifa, Aeris, Yuffie, or Barret. It depends who you favored in the responses you put choose when you had a choice as to what to say). You'll go do some stuff, and when your ready to leave, you see ### w/ the ###(i don't want to spoil anything). Follow ###, and s/he/it will led you through the gold saucer, until s/he/it's done. You'll talk, then you'll be taken to morning, when the tram is fixed. You'll leave the gold saucer, and be told that you need to go to the temple of the ancients.
  • The instructions they give you are pretty hard to follow, so this is what you do. There will be a river cutting the continent your on in half. Go up this river, and you should be on the side of the continet that faces the Midger's continent. Head for that island to the South-West of Midger. It's that simple.

The Temple of the Ancients

    Once your on the island with a pyramid on it, you've found the Temple of the Ancients. The enemies on the island will only cause around 10 pts of damage, plus they cause berserk on you, so it'll be very easy to get there.
  • This place has a lot of suprises. Upon entry, you'll find out about 4 tidbits of info reguarding shinra, sephiroth, and other things. Instructions to enter the temple(no, your technically not in the temple yet) will be given to you. Follow them and you'll be taken inside the temple.
  • Pretty straight forward. There is always one path that will lead somewhere other than an item(btw, you can get some pretty useful items in here. Some will be pointed out to you), so you shouldn't have too much trouble. If you do, think of it this way: you get some leveling up time. And trust me, you'll need it. Your main characters(not aeris if she wasn't in your main party) should be at around level 35 when they get to the boss. Aeris should be around level 27-30 if she isn't one of your main characters.
  • The first save guy you meet should also let you rest and shop. Stock up on supplies here. Go back outside and continue your search. Climb down the wall, head south where the door that is facing north-east. Go through, heading right, then go up the wall. You should be around the next 'event area'.
  • Go through the door that should be nearby, and you will be forced to manuver falling rock's with crevices in them. You need to be in the crevice when it rolls around in order to advance. It's a fairly forgiving system, so you shouldn't have too much trouble. Once your at the end, there will be another save dude, after Aeris finishes talking to you.
  • When you go through the door at the end of the hall, you should be in a big clock room. The idea is to change the clock times, so that the hands allow you access to other rooms containing treasures. Here's the list of the useful locations:

    8 o'clock: Mega-elixer(Very Rare!)
    7 o'clock: Trumpet Shell(Cait Sith weapon)
    5 o'clock: Ribbon(a MUST HAVE!)
    4 o'clock: Prices Rod(Aeris weapon)
    3 o'clock: Fake Chest, containing monsters(good exp)
    1 o'clock: Fake Chest, containing monsters(good exp)

    If you decide to fight the monsters, be warned that they have two VERY good moves. You'll need to kill them FAST. I recommend you use Beta or Aqualung. If you get hit by the moves, just go back to that save point dude and rest.

  • Once you feel like beating the boss, head for 6 o'clock. There will be a save dude, along with three levels of caves. It says you need to go in the cave he will come out. He runs on a fixed pattern. If you want to get him the first time, head to the 2nd level, 3rd door from the left. You'll get the key, along with the ability to save and rest.
  • Once you feel like your ready for the boss, head to the big door in the middle of the top level. You'll see a big sequence, then you'll fight the boss.

Red Dragon

Level: 39
HP: 6800
MP: 300
Absorbs: Fire
Weakness: None
Strategy: Can't use Beta in this fight, unless you want to make it VERY hard ^_^. Anyway, Aqualung will work almost as good. Be sure to keep at least one person ready to heal. Big Guard will help out immesurably, as will white wind. As usual, make full use of your limit breaks.
My Levels: Cloud: 35; Aeris: 29; Red XIII: 35
EXP: 3500
AP: 200
Gil: 1000
Item: Dragon Armlet(Armor; Very good)
  • Be sure to get the red sphere on the ground. That is Bahumut Materia, your best summon for a long time, and invaluable in the next fight. An event will follow, where you will learn a lot about Sephiroth's plans. You HAVE to save and rest now, as there is a BIG boss fight up ahead. In my opinion, one of the hardest in the game. Now, to go to 12 o'clock in the big clock room. Then you'll meet your next boss.

Demon's Gate

Level: 45
HP: 10,000!
MP: 400
No Effect: Poison
Reduced Effect: Fire
Strategy: Use bahumut immediately, and you'll be a couple thousand damage closer to beating this guy. As soon as you can, use Big Guard. When the barriers expire, use it again. It will be key to winning this battle. Dont' bother using magic, as it does very little effect on him. Physical attacks work better. Make full use of your limit breaks, you'll need them. This guy's has attacks that can hit your entire party for around 1500 HP, or about 2000 to one of them. This is a very hard fight, but big guard, limits, and luck will pull you through.
My Levels: Cloud: 36; Aeris: 30; Red XIII: 35
EXP: 3800
AP: 220
Gil: 4000
Item: Gigas Armlet(Armor)
  • A scene will follow, which you probably will be left without a clue. Don't feel bad, it happens to everyone until they play through a couple times. ^_^

Following Aeris

  • When the next scene opens, you'll be in Gongaga with Barret and Tifa. You'll talk, then decide to follow Aeris. In order to do so, you need to head for the Northernmost continent. To the south-east of the continent, specifically.
  • You'll find a town called Bone Village. Talk to the guy to your left when you enter the town, and he'll tell you that they can excavate the Lunar Harp for you. Agree, and tell them to only look for the Lunar Harp. When you can choose to place searchers, go up the ladder, and to the left of the elevated area there. Place one wherever you want on the left side, and another diagonally down and to the right of him. Then detonate the bomb, and their line of vision's will come together. Tell the diggers to dig there.
  • You should get the Lunar harp from the chest. If not, then try again. But is on the upper level, on the left side. Once you've obtained the Lunar Harp, enter the sleeping forest. On the second screen, you should get a message saying that the sleeping forest has awoken. On that same screen, you will see a red ball floating around the border of the screen. Catch it, because that is the Kjata materia.
  • Continue through, and you'll come to a crossroads. Head right, and you'll get a Water Ring(you will definately(sp?) need this later.) Then head back to the left road, and you'll continue toward the City of the Ancients. You will eveltually get to a three-pronged path. You can't do anything straight forward, to the right will advance the story, and the left is open for exploring(i believe there are a couple sources to be found there). Do whichever you want, but head right when your done.
  • Head right, and there will be two houses you can enter. The first one will have a chest. The second one will let you rest. Once you rest, you will be awoken in the middle of the night, saying that you need to find Aeris. So, go ahead.
  • Go back to the three-pronged path, and this time head up the middle path. There will be a single house there. Go inside, and head up to the top, where you will find the Comet materia. It's regular magic materia, but it is very good. It'll be very useful in your next fight.
  • Once you have the comet materia, head down the stairs in the middle of the house. You'll be above a big city, on a huge staircase. Don't bother trying to figure out how they made it. Continue along the path, and at the end, you'll see Aeris.
  • It's very hard to describe this next section w/out letting out a massive spoiler. If you really need an explination of what to do at this next part, Email me, and i'll get back to you asap. Once your past it, you'll see one of the coolest FMV's in the game. Mainly because of who's in it. ^_^ I can't say it, but you will probably be able to guess. Once things are over, you'll fight the next form of Jenova.

Jenova LIFE

Level: 50
HP: 10,000
MP: 300
Weakness: Earth
Strategy: This is where the water ring comes in handy. If a character has a water ring equipped, they will not be able to be damaged in this fight. Also, you can use magic hammer three times to drain Jenova LIFE of her MP, making her helpless. Be careful about casting magic until she's out of MP, because she's been known to cast Reflect on herself right before you cast something like Fire2 or Fire3, if you have it(i only had Fire2 at this point). Once she's out of MP, this fight will be a pushover. I highly recommend having one person with the Enemy skill materia(that has Magic hammer) also have the water ring equipped. That way, you can just have one person use magic hammer w/out worrying about health. Once she's out of power, you can revive any dead characters. Either by pheniox downs or life magic, whichever you choose.
My levels: Cloud: 37; Red XIII: 36; Barret: 36
EXP: 4000
AP: 350
Gil: 1500
Item: Wizard Braclet(Armor; weak physical, strong magic)

End of Disk 1

That's right, you've finished disk one. Now the real Story begins...

On to Disk 2

. Fantasy Forest
. Gametek
. Final Fantasy Wonders
. Final Fantasy Downloads
. Violent Silver: A Kuja Shrine
. Final Fantasy Planet
. Final Fantasy RPG
. Final Fantasy Junction
. Final Fantasy Sphere
. After-Shock

. Quote of the Week
  "You can't let anybody see
Your real personality
Is it pride, or just your false pretenses?."
Firehouse - In Your Perfect World
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