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  • Must be a Gamer Site - Your site must be video game/rpg site of some kind. It wouldn't make much sense to affiliate with me if it wasn't. Most of my visitors will be interested in video game info.

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  • . Fantasy Forest
    . Gametek
    . Final Fantasy Wonders
    . Final Fantasy Downloads
    . Violent Silver: A Kuja Shrine
    . Final Fantasy Planet
    . Final Fantasy RPG
    . Final Fantasy Junction
    . Final Fantasy Sphere
    . After-Shock

    . Quote of the Week
      "You can't let anybody see
    Your real personality
    Is it pride, or just your false pretenses?."
    Firehouse - In Your Perfect World
    Copyright © 2001-2002 Final Fantasy Warehouse
    This is only a fan site and is no way related to Square.
    All original artwork can only be taken with Final Fantasy Warehouse's consent.