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Okay, the few roms I have came from Vince (on the dedications page), so if they crash your comp or whatever complain to him. His email address is there. You can still complain to him even if the roms I got from him arn't the problem ^_^
As for the midi's, all of them are currently from Vince also. So if you think they suck, you can feel free to email him and tell him how much you think they suck. He won't mind ^_^

Final Fantasy 2 - English

Final Fantasy 3 - English

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest - English


FF7 - Anxious Heart

FF7 - Chocobo Theme

FF7 - Battle Theme

FF7 - Tifa's Theme

. Fantasy Forest
. Gametek
. Final Fantasy Wonders
. Final Fantasy Downloads
. Violent Silver: A Kuja Shrine
. Final Fantasy Planet
. Final Fantasy RPG
. Final Fantasy Junction
. Final Fantasy Sphere
. After-Shock

. Quote of the Week
  "You can't let anybody see
Your real personality
Is it pride, or just your false pretenses?."
Firehouse - In Your Perfect World
Copyright © 2001-2002 Final Fantasy Warehouse
This is only a fan site and is no way related to Square.
All original artwork can only be taken with Final Fantasy Warehouse's consent.