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The Jellicle Junkyard!

The Jellicle Junkyard Role-Playing Game is run by MsJellicle and Shadowcat. Before you decide to join, there are a few things we feel we must say.

We want you to enjoy the game as much as possible, therefore we have set down some strict rules and guidelines so that people can play without being overwhelmed and not have to worry about problems coming up. Be aware that we will enforce our rules and guidelines.

If you are new to Role-playing, or want to learn more, please read the Basics of Role-Playing.

Just a note about role-playing and time management. Role-playing can be time-consuming. We know that it takes a bit of time to get ones storyline out and sometimes a person doesn't really have the time to post his or her character. However, in order to keep our Character Lists up to date, we will occasionally eliminate characters that have not been rp'd within a month. We will, however, try to warn people through e-mail before we do....though it is not guaranteed. If you find that your character has been removed from the lists, you will be required to re-register them. If you find that you don't have the time to rp, please let us know.

One more thing...we've had people come to our board and think that no one is posting to them, or that no one is ever on. We'd like to make sure you know that most players are posting in the evenings on weekdays around 9:00pm to 1:00am EST. And then occasionally in the mornings as well. The weekends are again mostly at night, however, it is possible someone will be posting earlier in the day as well.

Please feel free to explore our game before deciding if you want to join.

Links Description
Rules and Guidelines These are the rules and guidlines that each player must follow in order to keep the game hassle-free and fun.
Basics of Role-Playing If you do not know how to Role-play or are still learning, it is well-advised to read this.
Character Lists Take a look at what characters are taken as well as their descriptions and even see their pictures. Check at the bottom of this main list, we have links to two other lists as well.
Powers and Magic Read here the descriptions of various magical powers.
The Summary Page Read past summaries to familiarize yourself with the characters and storylines.
The Stories Page Read some of the fanfics here that are related to the board. This is another way of familiarizing yourself with the characters and the storylines that have happened in the past.
The Jellicle Junkyard Here is our main board for posting on. We do have two others linked to this one. You will post on the Lair and the Travelers board when you are in those specific locations. Otherwise, you will mainly post on this board.
Character Registration If you like what you see, create and register your character.

There are more links on the main board that you can explore as well.

If you have any questions for us, please feel free to e-mail us and ask.