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                  DEAD SOCIETY

    July 28th.
Dan Da Drum Man here with good news.  We played and it was bad ass. We jammed out some shit and it was allot of fun but the recording did not work. I am pissed off about that. But it looks like Dead Society is going to get back on the roll. We will have a shed to play at as of the 1st. Also we are planing a half ass show. It will be at the shed on the 3rd from 7pm to 7am! Its going to rule! So we will be starting to play more, we hope. But something always happens. So we will see. Later all.

    July 23rd
Hey, Dead Society ( Sean Kane, Sean Pelzel, and me Dan) is going to play again this Saturday. We will be working on some songs getting vocals in them and we will be recording it all as it goes down. So any thing happen that is bad ass I will do my best to post it on this site! So check back! I will post again after we play so every one knows if Dead Society is back!

    July 20th
Hey, long ass time since any thing from us right. Well Sean Kane broke his hand and Sean Pelzel has not wanted to play so we have been siting on our ass. But July 18th we all went to Hatebreed E-town Misura and True Blue and at the show Sean Kane showed interest in playing again so it looks like things are going to get back on track. So keep tuned for new info!

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