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This project was initiated from the exploration of the strategies that might be adopted for students wishing to be the media practitioners but who do not have previous media experiences. My courseleader encouraged me in good way which has been vital to the form of the project.

As with the open-access communication media, I can display my expertise in police studies to the global audiences. And I intend to share with others this feeling of inspiration which lead to create a website named ˇ°Acting Insight for Chinese Policeˇ±.

This project is unique in at least three respects:

  • its insights which covering the main issues of Chinese policing and comparative scope of Chinese police system and British police system;
  • its particular English version which is accessible to wider readership that across states, countries, time zones and demographic groups;
  • and the fact that it is the home to demonstrate the outcomes China made for the world peace.
This project sets out to place concerns in historical and cultural development of Chinese policing, taking a longer view of some policing issues. Ultimately, I hope the thoughtful reflection it contains will be of interest to police officers about the globe and be beneficial for the reform of Chinese police system on their future trajectory.

Theoretical and Social Contexts ||| Pratical Experiement and Development ||| Evaluations ||| Reference Directory ||| Visual Exploration