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 Master Gichin Funakoshi established the 20 precepts that combined   the philosophy of “Zen” with the training of Karate-do. The understanding of the 20 precepts may be varied according to each karateka’s perception.  As the Dojo-Kun, the advice of Karate Sensei is very important to the true understanding of Niju-Kun.

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection of the character of its participants."

  • Karate is not only dojo training
  • Don’t forget that Karate begins with a bow and ends with a bow
  • In Karate, never attack first
  • One who practices karate must follow the way of justice
  • First you must know yourself, then you can know others
  • Spiritual development is paramount; technical skills are merely means to the end
  • You must release your mind
  • Misfortune comes out of laziness
  • Karate is a lifelong training
  • Put Karate into everything you do
  • Karate is like hot water.  If you do not give heat constantly it will again become cold
  • Do not think you have to win.  Think that you do not have to lose
  • Victory depends on your ability to tell vulnerable points from invulnerable ones
  • Move according to your opponent
  • Consider your opponent’s hands and legs as you would sharp swords
  • When you leave home, think that millions of opponents are waiting for you
  • Ready position for beginners and natural position for advanced students
  • Kata is one thing. Engaging in a real fight is another
  • Do not forget: (i) strength and weakness of power; (ii) expansion and contraction of the body; (iii) slowness and speed of techniques
  • Devise at all times