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   The following  pages are filled with love and heartache. Family and Friends. My poetry comes from the heart and soul out of life and its daily ups and downs. This site is dedicated first to my children and they are my heart and soul, second to all my dear friends that have also been there for me to help me through some of life's most chaotic and tragic moments. And finally to my partner Trisha, who made my life  complete. 

   I am a firm believer in what comes around goes around, and for all those that have been there for me, and have helped me in my times of need, all the blessings shall return to you 100 fold. For those that do unkind things to others, it will eventually come back around to you. You will to eventually feel the things you placed upon someone else not caring or worrying about the consequences of your actions. Your actions are very powerful and do hurt. One day you to will feel that hurt, and wonder why you. When it happens, sit back and think of the things you did to others just like you are going though then and maybe you will come to realize what it is you have done and how those that loved you felt the very same thing. Some recovered and some never will. Just remember this and maybe, you will find it in your heart to change for the better and for love to stay in your life, heart, soul, mind and body.

Everything in this life happens for a reason. You may never know what your words or actions may play out in someone's life. If nothing else is gained from this site, please remember this. Words may just be words, but words are a powerful tool and also can be a weapon. They can heal as well as destroy. I encourage you to pick and choose your words wisely and treat others as you would want them to treat you.

   Also, tell those you love and are close to you that you love them and care for them, as you never know what the next moment in life may bring you. My final word of wisdom if you so choose to call it, is this... Never let the let the sun go down and still be angry with someone you love or very close to you. You may not get the chance to say you are sorry, and regret your actions for a very long time.... 

   In the following pages, you to might find that you have experienced the same things as I have, and hope you realize that you are not alone, that there is always someone out there that can identify with what and how you feel. Please enjoy my website as I have taken great care as to open a small door into my life, and if you enjoy my site, please use the feedback link to email me and let me know I have touched someone's heart and life along the way, as so many have managed to touch mine.

   Tattoodragon a.k.a. Tatt or Tatty


Photo Album

Here is a sample of my poetry. Please use the link for more poetry.



Look at my new online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, sporting events, and my family.

Communities & Forums

I have met some interesting people online, some I know in real life and some I am just getting to know. I usually can be found in the Lesbian Chat rooms on AOL, but I do have friends that are in the Bisexual 30's room that are very dear close friends in Real Life as well.

Another place you might find me hanging out is in an online Game and Chat called There.

Featured Poem


 We came to know each other as strangers, and the two strangers became friends.

We talked to each other about our lives, our past, and our hurts, our pains, our loves and our joys.
We grew closer to each other, the bond strengthened between us. 

We didn’t see it hit us, the friendship grew to love.
We spend each waking moment talking to each other on the phone and writing letters to each other, expressing our love for one another. 

We came together as lovers, sharing and caring for each other.
Holding and caressing each other and living our lives together as one. All is right in our worlds.
We hold on to what we share with one another. It seems as nothing can tear us apart. 

Time slips away; we go through each day just getting through.
We look at each other now, and there seems to be something missing from the life that we had.
The spark that once was so shinny and bright in our hearts is slowly dwindling down and out of site. 

The haunting and calling of your past is upon us. You are searching and seeking someone you once knew.
You have been wondering what if you had stayed. What is this you are feeling in your heart?
Why is it nagging at you so strong? 

The longing is so great, it consumes every once of your being. It takes control of you.
You go hunting and searching, for that love you once had, longing to have it again.
I feel you with me, but your heart again belongs to him. 

The love we have that we cared for and nurtured is now starting to dwindle from lack of care.
Your heart is growing fonder for your past. I watch as you search and seek for it.
You leave our home, trying to steal away all the time you can.
The urgency is great, the longing is strong. You feel you will burst if you don’t find that love you lost,
that you said had died and was long gone away. 

A love we both thought was gone,
and that the love we shared would prevail over anything that we had in our past,
we committed to one another saying our love would be for only the two of us to share with one another,
that no one or anything could come between it. 

You need to resurrect you love not so long ago past.
It is haunting you and calling you.
As a ghostly specter haunting and living in your memory, it calls for you.  

My love for you will always remain here for you as long as you wish me to be.
In hopes that one day,
it to can become a memory you must search out and seek as it is the one that someday
will haunt your memories, and bring you back to me. 





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This site was last updated 02/02/06