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The Samurai Shodown Music Page

Pic from Samurai Shodown 4

Welcome to the Samurai Shodown Music Page! You can find the link to my main page below. But you can access Samurai Shodown mp3 files right here! Be sure to sign my Guestbook.

3/20/01: Cleaned-up a bit.

7/3/00: Anime Expo 2000 Con Report available for viewing.

2/28/00: I'm considering uploading higher samples tracks of the arrange tracks, but we'll see about that if I could upload the suckers. Otherwise you could get one a month from Samurai Shodown Forever in the MP3 of the Month section.

Mp3s have been removed, and this place is effectively dead.

Notice: As these are microphone-quality samples, and not CD-quality samples, I feel its okay to post these tunes. However, if you REALLY like them, I suggest you go out and buy the actual CD from your local Japanese import store :) Just remember that the CD's come in two flavors: original sound track (as straigth from the game) and arranged sound track (performed by real instruments... and may/may not sound better... you were warned! ;).

Dennis Ng's Music Page You can find SS64 tracks here.

You can visit my Amakusa page here.

Our main page link is below:
Go to to main. You are visitor several to the SS Music Page.

Disclaimer: All copyrights belong to their respective owners. I claim no ownership for others' works, but YOU cannot claim any material created by the web maintainer as your own work. Each linked page belongs to their respective owner, and I am not responsible for their content. DO NOT remove any graphics from this page. Midis sequenced by their respective authors.