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Fan-Created Characters


All (well, mostly) of the characters featured here are created by the author himself except when noted otherwise.

Warcraft III Hikaru. All I really did with this one is change his armor to red. Some of the details aren't very pronounced, but it's a lot more detailed than Arthas' default armor skin.

Warcraft III Shizuka. I used a pretty cruddy skin before, but this one is more detailed, and she looks 'cuter' (as opposed to looking like a deranged woman). Who knows, it's different, more so than Hikaru's new skin.

Black Dream, take 2. This is a set-up shot that eventually became my desktop image. Not only did I reuse my old models for this one, but I added the models from Wing Commander: Prophecy in the background as well. Actually, this is an image for my upcoming new Starcraft campaign.

Black Dream, take 1. Using 3D Studio Max I created what I wanted Black Dream to be like... sort of. I'm actually constructing it to make a short movie, and I'm willing to bet that, given the chance, I'd scrap this thing and start over from scratch. I'm an egoist that way.

Hokuto. This one is almost one frickin' year old. I don't know why I never posted it before, or why I bothered now.

Seraph. This is the second CG I've done of Seraph, the 'evil' version of Shizuka that Hokuto concocted with her psychic power. I changed techniques a little-- first of all, I'm not scanning at four times the size of the picture now. Second, I used textures for the skin and tights, using photos as source. Finally, I decided to manually-add texture to the hair, something which I usually skipped. All in all this took me several hours to do with straight computer art without borders, and it's probably my best yet (I must think that all the time I do a new CG, even though I'm not particularly fond of Seraph). In contrast look here.

Mizuki. I've had this sitting in my sketchbook for quite a long time, but I've never gotten around to inking and scanning it until recently (when I regained access to a scanner). Learn to appreciate Mizuki-sempai for all she's done.


These five sketches were done in a style somewhat similar to the one used in the Neo Geo Pocket Color game instruction manual for SNK Vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium. The last three appear in Black Dream, a Starcraft campaign I created. This is actually the first pic I posted of Mizuki, strangely enough.

Miranda. Came out a bit lamer than I thought; I think I should've tried for a more dynamic pose. In any case I was experiencing with the 'wind slash,' and should I try it again I'm sure I could reproduce it.

Kanna. Ditto with Kanna, this one is also 100% computer drawn. It's particularly difficult and time-consuming to do this, but after I create one it's a little easier to create another one. This is just an example.

Shizuka. Continuing on the trend I did with the previous pic I designed her from scratch, completely on computer. I also changed the color of her hakama to match 2P Hokuto from Street Fighter EX2, one of the characters I patterned her after.

Darkness and Light. I tried a new style with this one, and, without giving too much away... I find the other girl simply hypnotic that I stare at the exoticness for minutes and not realize it :)

Chain of Command. Considering that Ayame Mishima was one of the first characters I developed for Wheel of Fire it took me this long to come up with a decent pic (the previous one I wasn't too happy with; you can see it in the group cast picture below). The stylized 'M' stands for... take a guess!

Responsibility of Decisions. I used this as my new splash pic for the Wheel of Fire fanfic page. It is of Shizuka and Deathclaw, the ghost dragon.

Black Sorcerer. As introduced Sypha appears as a black sorcerer in the employ of Pantyhose Taro's tribe, but she hides a sinister agenda of her own.

Shadow Weaver. A new rendition of Hokuto wielding her Shadow powers. Yeah, she looks pretty evil, doesn't she?

Crystal Spider. The streamlined Kanna Rajura after redesigning her costume. To show how far I've come with the CG'ing I think I did a pretty good job with the hair (actually I kinda liked what I did with Nagi's hair, too). Please bask in her purpleness and be smitten :)

The Wheel of Fire. This is by far the largest and most ambitious art piece I've done yet, featuring most of the prominent characters I've developed. Front row: Higure Furui, Chika Hisho, Miranda Kusao, Shion Kagami, Cinder. Second row: Kanna Rajura, Nagi Tachibana, Shizuka Minazuki, Senryu Amakusa, Ayame Mishima. Third row: Hokuto Takemasa, Sakurai Sasaki, Spencer Bates. Back: Seiryu. Omniscient: Star Crusher.

Sword of the Earth Dragon. The Shinsengumi-wannabe swordsman, who's also a guy. (smirk) Also an Orochi assassin.

Priest of Orochi. Wow, an actual guy! An old geezer, no doubt: Higure, the same guy as sketched in the B&W photo below (Assassin of Wind). Of all the assassins he's my favorite for some odd reason, if only for the beard :-P

The Dark Apprentice. A rather plain character design, as I sort of cheated here. Since I have no idea what she's wearing under the robe I left it there. Gives a sort of mistique, or not. I tried hard to use a different hair design, but blonde didn't suit her at all.

Burning Eyes. The funny part about all this is that I created this character, Miranda, after watching the Battle Athletes OAV... go see why. In any case this character is one of my favorites for some reason, even if the whole scheme of her is quite plain compared to Shizuka. I just like how her red eyes contrast with her blue hair; makes her look eeeevil....

Drawing the Sword. Another pic of Shizuka getting ready for battle. I played around with her hair style yet again (bangs long again), but if I didn't do it that way the movement effect would've been diminished. Overall, I'm quite proud of this (this is quite similar to a pic of Sakura from Sakura Taisen series, incidentally).

The Silent Month of Rain. A much better rendition of priestess Shizuka, after minor design and color changes. This one's one of my favorites.

B&W Character Sketches

The Wheel of Fire

Ayame Mishima. Unlike any other rendition this one purposefully shows Ayame looking 'smarter' and is generally 'better looking' than before.

Chika Hisho. Smoking as usual.

Miranda Kusao. The martial arts girl assuming a Leona-like pose.

Shizuka Minazuki (1). A quick rough sketch of Shizuka in street clothes, still cocky as ever.

Shizuka Minazuki (2). Character design note of Shizuka in her regular costume. Points out the double kanji for 'Genbu' on the back and the eight-petaled sakura on her kimono.

Warlock. A mysterious young man who appears to be related in some fashion to one of Kodachi's friends. It's unknown what he's thinking under those glasses of his....

Hokuto Takemasa. This idea is based off some typical Chinese casual clothes. I think.

Kanna Rajura. Not designed for practicality but grace of form, really. Supposed to have the 'sleek' look.

Sypha. Bask in the longness of the sorcerer; everything about her is loooonnngggg....

Cinder. The latest design of our favorite flame-wielding mysterio. I'm more appreciative of this character design than the other one.

The Orochi Assassins

Warmage. Orochi Cult Leader, as well as Assassin of Fire, he possesses the special ability to possess others' bodies.

Shifter. Orochi Assassin of Wind, this Shinto wizard is adept in changing his form with the aid of his feather fan.

Strand. Orochi Assassin of Lightning, the ugly shrimp has a wire-like projectile jutting from each finger. He can control these wires at will.

Clash. Orochi Assassin of Earth and a former Shinsengumi swordsman. He lost his left arm in battle, and it has been replaced with a mechanical arm.

Lash. Orochi Assassin of Ice, Lash enjoys inflicting pain on others, and herself as well.

Tango. Orochi Assassin of Water, Tango is unusually strong. Surface flesh wounds hardly seem to bother him, as he has a thick skin.

Reaver. Orochi Assassin of Magma, this blind monk fights with great ferocity with a staff, as if he could see.

Nightshadow. Orochi Assassin of Darkness and former Iga ninja, who often disappears without a trace.

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