Andrue's Wicked Web Ring

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Andrue's Wicked Web Ring!

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Wicked Ring Info
About The Wicked Web Ring

Well, what's this Wicked Ring about?
I started: Andrue's Wicked Page Award a few months back in appreciation of Wicked Web Page design. At the same time, I was wondering how these rings work and how to set one up. The summer hit and I had no time to look into it. Now that September is here I decided to start my Wicked Ring. Designed for linking wicked pages together. Though it is not a requirement to have one of my awards to join the ring, I would consider it a plus to be a member of the ring and have the award.

I am picky on who gets in. If your not a wicked page, (see my wicked page info box). Anyone who has a Wicked Page Award is welcome. Just fill out the info below.

If you don't have one of my awards and want in on the ring, apply below. You may also apply for my award if you like, or not.

In anycase, a Wicked Ring is the sum of the Wicked Parts. Lets all help to make this the wickedest web ring around!

Stay Wicked,

Apply by filling out the form below.

Just some ideas on what I consider Wicked:

  • Originality! (my main focus)
  • Statements (make one! or more)
  • Ease of plunking (not necessarily dl time)
  • No blatant: Porn, Hacking (the 'bad term' that is)
  • No Drug abuse advocacy. (that means pro drug abuse statements)
  • No Racism statements.
  • No Majority Beavis & Butthead Theme (thats more then 10%)
  • Cool Graphics but not required.
  • Your stamp of approval.
Just a few things i think about, not all, and the beavis thing is a personal prejudice of mine.

While I don't generally base my decisions on page content, it does play a part in my decision. I am mostly concerned with appearence and style, however, things like pro drug abuse statements or pro beavis & butthead statements may sway me away from accepting you as a ring member. This is not to say that I don't make exceptions to this rule based on other criteria that may outweigh your site's possible disapproval status.

I do reserve the right, for whatever reason I decide upon, to accept or not accept any site into my ring. This may or may not be a personal subjective decision on my part based on whatever I deem fit.

I will not be held responsible for content on any page, before, during or after, they are ring members.

What the creator's beliefs consist of are his own responsibility. Do not consider that membership condones or in any other way accepts, believes, or forwards the individual content of any page my award is found on or is a member of my ring.

Step 1: Fill Out Ring Application
Enter the address, title and description of the site you would like to add to this Ring and click Next.
Enter Your Site Address (URL)
Note: If accepted, you must place the Ring's navigation bar on this page.

Title Your Site (50 characters or less)

Describe Your Site (400 characters or less) has changed hands several times and their application process, as well as their ring code, has also changed.

If you have any trouble applying or cant understand what you need to do please email me for help: Help Me Apply

The correct HTML code for your page
should be mailed to you momentarily
If however it isnt, you can use the
HTML Code Examples Below
Copy the code below into your page
Adjust according to info in the code

Working example of Proper Code

This Andrue's Wicked Web Ring site owned by Andrue Carr.

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Ring Code Sample:
Copy, Paste and Adjust!

Copy this code below and paste it to your ring page
Then, edit according to rules inside.
<!-- START OF: Andrue's Wicked Web Ring CUT I CANNOT ADD THIS CODE TO YOUR PAGE FOR YOU, YOU MUST DO THIS. IN ORDER TO BE ACCEPTED YOU MUST ADD AND ADJUST THIS CODE TO FIT YOUR SITE. 0. Copy this code completely to your page for display. 1. Save the images of the ring to your site and/or adjust the address to match the image. my two images are named: awwr.jpg and awwrn.jpg (main image and next image) I am installing them to read from my site, but they will load faster if you save them to your site and change the addresses to reflect your site addy for them. 2. Edit ALL: YOUR_E-MAIL to your correct email address 3. Edit ALL: YOUR_ID to the ring id given you. 4. Edit ALL: YOUR_NAME to your correct name. Make sure to find all instances of these. There are quite a few YOUR_ID to change, get them all! END OF ABOVE COMMENTS --> <center><p><table border=10 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=3 bgcolor=black width=500><tr><th><font size=2> <a href="" target="_top"> <! ******** FIRST IMAGE TO ADJUST *******> <img src="" border=0 align="left" width=160 height=114></a><a href="" target="_top"> <! ******** SECOND IMAGE TO ADJUST ********> <img src="" border=0 align="right" width=159 height=112></a> This <a href="" target="_top"> Andrue's Wicked Web Ring</a> site owned by <a href="mailto:YOUR_E-MAIL">YOUR_NAME</a> .</font><br><br><font size="2">Want to join the <a href="" target="_top"> Andrue's Wicked Web Ring</a>?</font> </th></tr><tr><th><font size=3>[<a href="" target="_top">Previous 5</a>][<a href="" target="_top">Skip Prev</a>][<a href="" target="_top">Prev</a>]<br>[<a href="" target="_top">Next</a>][<a href="" target="_top">Skip Next</a>][<a href="" target="_top">Next 5</a>]<br>[<a href="" target="_top">Random</a>][<a href="" target="_top">List Sites</a>]</font></th></tr></table></center> <!-- END OF HTML CODE FOR: Andrue's Wicked Web Ring --->


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