Do You Feel Blamed?

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Then you may qualify to be a member of:
The Scapegoat Society.

Scapegoat: defined:

Scapegoat \Scape"goat`\,
  n. [Scape (for escape) + goat.]
  1. (Jewish Antiq.) A goat upon whose head were
     symbolically placed the sins of the people,
     after which he was suffered to escape into
     the wilderness.       --Lev. xvi. 10.

   n : someone punished for the errors of others
       [syn: whipping boy]

Do people blame you for things?

   If the answer is yes, then read on.

   Lots of people feel the need to blame others
for problems that may or may not be the other
person's cause.  I believe that certain people
wind up as targets for this blame because maybe
they subconciously externalize the acceptance of
blame. Somehow, these "blamers" have vision that
allows them to see this "Scapegoat aura."

Do you fight back?

   If the answer is no, then read on

   What happens when 2 blamers meet?  Arguments!
each trying to blame the other, causing mistrust,
dishonesty, and many other negative feelings.
Why? because they dont acccept blame, they give it.

Are you one of the few that takes
blame and lets arguments go?

   I feel that scapegoats exist, they are real,
they are out there and they need an outlet to
let off the blame because they aren't willing
to let it out to those who probably deserve it.
Lest they become blamers themselves.

   I believe that the best way to let out this
energy is to discuss it, and relate it to other
scapegoats so that all can absorb the blame and
be one with the blame.

If you feel your a scapegoat, why not become a
member, and bow your head in submission of blame.

  Members are encouraged to share their stories
of blame, how they got blamed for something,
whether guilty or not.

  Why not Join?

Real Member Stories
I was never good enough for my parents or sister and brothers.
Anna, one of my sisters had it all, the friends the looks, and
the general ability to make people like her. Laura, another
sister was smart and funny. "What did I have?", my mother was
always quick to remind me. I felt like a failure, and perhaps thats
why my family blamed me for being one.
I had some "friends" who were beginning to look bad in the eyes of some other "friends". So, to build themselves up again, they told lies and caused a lot of problems between me and my real friends. Putting the blame on me might make them look good for the moment, but eventually it will all come back to them.
Life sucks! Except when I have money, then I am happy. When I am poor, then life sucks. Tee-Hee-hee, am I silly or what? Bite me.

Send your stories of blame to:

Scapegoat Society Application
is being reworked temporarily, email to above address:
  • name
  • email address
  • location
    Any other info you think necessary for the application.
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    Why not join the Scapegoat Society Webring?

    If you have a webpage and want to join
    the scapegoat society webring just fill
    out the next form and place the scapegoat
    society ring code on your page... The correct
    code for your page should be emailed to you.


    Andrue's Scapegoat Society
    Ring Submission

    Site Title:

    Site URL:



    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)

    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords
    to describe your site.

    Description: Enter a short
    description of your site.

    The correct HTML code for your page
    should be mailed to you momentarily
    If however it isnt, you can use the
    HTML Code Examples Below
    Copy the code below into your page
    Adjust according to info in the code

    How it should look when done

    Andrue's Scapegoat WebRing
    RingMaster:  Andrue Carr
    Site Owner: Andrue Carr
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    Do you Feel Blamed?
    Why not:  [JOIN]
    Andrue's Scapegoat Society Ring!


    Ring Code Sample:
    Copy, Paste and Adjust!

    Copy this code below and paste it to your ring page
    Then, edit according to rules inside.
    <!-- START OF: Andrue's Scapegoat Society Ring CUT I CANNOT ADD THIS CODE TO YOUR PAGE FOR YOU, YOU MUST DO THIS. IN ORDER TO BE ACCEPTED YOU MUST ADD AND ADJUST THIS CODE TO FIT YOUR SITE. 0. Copy this code completely to your page for display. 1. Save the images of the ring to your site and/or adjust the address to match the image. my two images are named: awwr.jpg and awwrn.jpg (main image and next image) I am installing them to read from my site, but they will load faster if you save them to your site and change the addresses to reflect your site addy for them. 2. Edit ALL: YOUR_E-MAIL to your correct email address 3. Edit ALL: YOUR_ID to the ring id given you. 4. Edit ALL: YOUR_NAME to your correct name. 5. Your welcome to adjust any code necessary to conform to your page style or coloring scheme as long as the basic elements remain the same. Make sure to find all instances of these. There are quite a few YOUR_ID to change, get them all! END OF ABOVE COMMENTS --> <p><table cellpadding=4 border=4 width=180 bgcolor=black><td><center> <table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#660000" border=4><td><center> <a href="" target="ringright"> <IMG SRC="" align=center ALT="Andrue's Scapegoat Society Ring" width=160 height=122 border=0></a> </center></td></table> <FONT SIZE=2 color=yellow>RingMaster:&nbsp;<A HREF=""> Andrue Carr</A><BR> Site Owner:&nbsp;<A HREF="mailto:YOUR_E-MAIL">YOUR_NAME</A><BR> <font size=3> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">PREV</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">NEXT</A>]<br> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">PREV 5</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">NEXT 5</A>]<br> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">SKIP-</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">SKIP+</A>]<BR> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">RANDOM</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">LIST</A>]<BR> <font size=2 color="#07DB93">Do You Feel Blamed?<br> <font color=cyan><b>Why not:</b>&nbsp;<font color=yellow> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top"><b>JOIN</b></A>] <br><font size=1 color=erie><b>Andrue's Scapegoat Society Ring!</b></FONT> </center></td></table><p>

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