Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring

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Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring!

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Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring Info
Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring

Well, what's this Wicked Webcam Ring about?
I started a webcam Drue-Cam a few months back. I started aquiring link stuff to get my page advertised and out there. But apparently the original Quickcam ring was something the owner didn't want to run anymore. Not wanting to see a good thing go down the tubes, I decided to usurp the ring name and keep it going. Course since it was gone at that point I have no way of knowing who was in the ring or how to contact them.

If you were in the original ring and want back in just re-apply and install the new code that will be mailed to you in place of the old one. Should be simple.

If you are new, and have a webcam page please feel free to apply as a new site. Some simple rules apply that you need to conform to, but they are basic.

Your welcome to join my other ring also: Andrue's Wicked Webring.

Have Fun,

Apply by filling out the form below.

Just some basic rules on what Is Needed:

    The Yes's
  • Webcam Page that is updated at least once a week.
  • The Ring MUST POINT to that page! (this is modifyable depending on your site)
  • Some artististic purpose.
  • Some reason for being there.
  • Cool Graphics but not required.
  • Nudity? Artistic, Tasteful, Natural, Ethical, Moral only!!!! (less then 10% of content)
  • Your stamp of approval.
    The No's
  • No blatant: Porn, No uncensored sex, No Sex period!
  • No sexually explicit banners, ad clickers, images depicting sexualy explicit body parts.
  • No Hacking, Hacking links, Pro-Hacking content (the 'bad term' that is)
  • No Drug abuse advocacy. (that means pro drug abuse statements)
  • No Members pay sex/porn. (adult pay sites with minimal guest pages)
  • No Racism statements, Prejudicial agenda, "Hate" statements.
  • No Majority Beavis & Butthead Theme (thats more then 10%)
Ring Code Modification
You may adjust the ring code to fit the style of your webpage. I have tried to set it up the way I would like it depicted. However, I know that sometimes it doesn't conform to other people's styles or constraints. You may adjust it in anyway as long as the links, imagery and other basic ring parts are complete.
URL of Ring Code
I would like the ring code to be on your actual camera page and the ring url pointing directly to your cam page. However, if you have a splash screen for your cam page or some other basic entry point, as long as the link to your actual cam page is easily found and the ring code easily found from your cam page you may do as you will. I may adjust things if I add you to the ring.

Just a few things i think about, not all, and the beavis thing is a personal prejudice of mine.

While I don't generally base my decisions on page content, If you have a camera and a page with pics on it, your likely to be accepted. However, if for any reason I don't particularly want you in the ring I reserve the right not to accept your site.

Things that really erk me are pay/porn sites that are just hooks to rake money for sex. I dont mind nudity if its done tastefully, morally, ethical and basically is just a natural expression of yourself. I do not appreciate immoral/unethical behavior or using my ring to advertise your "members only" sites with minimal guest sample shots to entice someone to pay for your "services."

Freedom of speech is one thing, but blatant immoral/unethical behavior for the benefit of monetary gain is something i, personally, am against.

Things like pro drug abuse statements or pro beavis & butthead statements may sway me away from accepting you as a ring member. This is not to say that I don't make exceptions to this rule.

I will not be held responsible for content on any page, before, during or after, they are ring members.

I may or may not inform you of your dismissal or non-acceptance into the ring. By reading this info, I assume you know where I stand on things related to your cam site and whether your a likely member of the ring. If I have removed you from the ring, or not accepted you, removed you before accepting or otherwise passed over your site, your welcome to appeal my judgement by explaining your site more via email: Drue's Mail. If in review I look at your site further with your explanation and still reject it, then my judgement is final. I am willing to review by appeal via email, but not willing to further appeal, so make your statement well.

What the creator's beliefs consist of are his/her own responsibility. Do not consider that membership condones or in any other way accepts, believes, or forwards the individual content of any page my ring is found on. My focus is on design, purpose, artistic value and interest. This is highly subjective to my personal moral/ethical beliefs and other judgements. If you still feel your site is worthy of being a Wicked Webcam Ring site please fill out the form.

Step 1: Fill Out Ring Application
Enter the address, title and description of the site you would like to add to this Ring and click Next.
Enter Your Site Address (URL)
Note: If accepted, you must place the Ring's navigation bar on this page.

Title Your Site (50 characters or less)

Describe Your Site (400 characters or less) has changed hands several times and their application process, as well as their ring code, has also changed.

If you have any trouble applying or cant understand what you need to do please email me for help: Help Me Apply

The correct HTML code for your page
should be mailed to you momentarily
If however it isnt, you can use the
HTML Code Examples Below
Copy the code below into your page
Adjust according to info in the code

How it should look when done

Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring
RingMaster:  Andrue Carr
Site Owner: Andrue Carr
[PREV 5] [NEXT 5]
Do you have a Webcam?
Why not:  [JOIN]
Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring!


Ring Code Sample:
Copy, Paste and Adjust!

Copy this code below and paste it to your ring page
Then, edit according to rules inside.
<!-- START OF: Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring CUT I CANNOT ADD THIS CODE TO YOUR PAGE FOR YOU, YOU MUST DO THIS. IN ORDER TO BE ACCEPTED YOU MUST ADD AND ADJUST THIS CODE TO FIT YOUR SITE. 0. Copy this code completely to your page for display. 1. Save the images of the ring to your site and/or adjust the address to match the image. my two images are named: awwr.jpg and awwrn.jpg (main image and next image) I am installing them to read from my site, but they will load faster if you save them to your site and change the addresses to reflect your site addy for them. 2. Edit ALL: YOUR_E-MAIL to your correct email address 3. Edit ALL: YOUR_ID to the ring id given you. 4. Edit ALL: YOUR_NAME to your correct name. 5. Your welcome to adjust any code necessary to conform to your page style or coloring scheme as long as the basic elements remain the same. Make sure to find all instances of these. There are quite a few YOUR_ID to change, get them all! END OF ABOVE COMMENTS --> <p><center><table cellpadding=4 border=4 width=180 bgcolor=black><td><center> <table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#660000" border=4><td><center> <a href="" target="_top"> <IMG SRC="" align=center ALT="Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=140 border=0></a> </center></td></table> <FONT SIZE=2 color=yellow>RingMaster:&nbsp;<A HREF=""> Andrue Carr</A><BR> Site Owner:&nbsp;<A HREF="mailto:YOUR_E-MAIL">YOUR_NAME</A><BR> <font size=3> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">PREV</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">NEXT</A>]<br> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">PREV 5</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">NEXT 5</A>]<br> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">SKIP-</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">SKIP+</A>]<BR> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">RANDOM</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">LIST</A>]<BR> <font size=2 color="#07DB93">Do you have a Webcam?<br> <font color=cyan><b>Why not:</b>&nbsp;<font color=yellow> [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top"><b>JOIN</b></A>] <br><font size=1 color=erie><b>Andrue's Wicked Webcam Ring!</b></FONT> </center></td></table></center>


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