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In Loving Memory of

Josie (Josephine)

9/29/95 - became a Greco 6/04 - 11/8/10

Josie was already a mature lady when she became a permanent member of our family. She knew me as her dog walker for 5 years until her owner couldn't keep her anymore. Josie had lost her roommate, Doc, a few years earlier and when her mom started traveling, Josie would stay with us. Our home became her second home, so when it became full-time, the transition was seamless. Josie was a spunky little gal, the sweetest little dog I'd ever met. She needed to drop some weight and when she became a dog walker's dog, the weight flew off her! Her little legs would work so hard to keep up with her roommate, Monty, our Bernese Mountain dog and her little pony tail ears would flop up and down with the effort.

My favorite memory of Josie was when Otis, Monty's brother, would stay with us, Josie would get a little attitude during our walks. She'd run up ahead, talk a little trash to an approaching dog, and then run behind the 2 Berners for protection. She had some serious bodyguards.

Josie lived to the ripe old age of 15. I'll always regret not celebrating that birthday properly. We had just lost our Chloe and I was so busy grieving that I let her birthday become an afterthought. I wish I'd known it would be the last birthday we'd celebrate together, I would have done it differently.

Josie, we miss you so much. I hope Monty and Otis are taking good care of you at the Bridge. Lord knows you're in good company up there. Until we meet again, we love you Peen-a-leens.

Much loved and so sadly missed by Julie and Mario Greco and family

In Loving Memory of

4/09/99 - 6/19/05

6/3/01 - 9/16/10

'01 - 2/2/11

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