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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Cindy and her "Ghost" Pups!:-))

With many thanks to Karen Alexander for these fun pictures,

Cindy and her Berner? Pups

" My Cindy just had a litter of ghost puppies! I chose not to breed her and all this future puppy talk is just killing me. WAAAA.

She had a ghost litter three nights ago right on schedule. I am the proud owner of a rabbit puppet, a yellow dog, a lobster, a round thingy, a sheep, a hedgehog and a Mardi Gras colored Iguana. All are doing well. Cindy is showing favoritism toward the sheep and the hedgehog. She decided to carry the Iguana outside last night to potty and was undecided on just what to do with her puppy. So, she gently put it on the grass beside her and quickly pottied then grabbed her baby and back inside she went.

Of course, she did stop eating a few days before this blessed event. Now, she is slowly starting to regain her appetite. Cindy is a good mother and on the first day, almost attacked her best buddy who my is'wanta be a berner' rescue girl. I am sure Willow was spayed as a puppy so she was curious about all this excitement and investigated. Unfortunately, she came too close to the litter for Cindy's comfort. I never knew Cindy could show so many teeth without opening her mouth! Luckily, I was there supervising and no harm resulted. She has calmed down now and will let both Clover and Willow admire her brood since the litter has been moved to community property on my bed.

Cindy has taken to cuddling me at night by sleeping over my head with a puppy. Last night, I gave in and gave her a pillow of her own and scrunched down in the bed so we both could have space. Needless to say, I have had little sleep. I have been awakened in the night/early AM to either a paw, a sheep/hedgehog or even Cindy's face on me!

I am relishing all this puppy time because I know in about a week it will all pass. It makes me sad to know I will not be able to see her litter grow and thrive. I will always wonder what might have been if her ghost puppies could have gone on to someday contribute to the betterment of our breed...

Given in the spirit of fun that was intended to give all you wonderful people some fun,

Karen Alexander
Pensacola, FL

Cindy and Berner Pups
"OK, I'll let you on the bed but these puppies are mine!"

Cindy with Bernese Pup
"What do I do with Sheep Pup while I pee?"

Cindy and Bernese? Pup
"Stay there, I'll be quick as I can"

{short description of image}
And Willow "I Wanna be a Berner too!"

For Cindy's Halloween pics

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