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Sanami Matoh is the creator of FAKE, as well as several other series, many of them shonen ai in nature.  Her art is wonderfully...well, masculine ^_^.  Her boys are pretty without being pretty boys, so to speak (not that I don't like pretty boys *grin*). 

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++Sanami Matoh++
Born : 05-29-69

Blood Type : B
Born in Ooita
Lives in Tokyo
Her first artbook, Color, should be out in spring of this year.  (WAI!!!!)

Some of her works include

++Full Moon ni Sasayaite++
++Black x Blood++
++Penguin no Ousama++
++Sakura no haru yoru++

That's all I know about her, I'm afraid.  Gomen nasai!!

++Who is JJ?++  ++FAKE++  ++Images++   ++Act 15++
++JJ Fanclub++  ++Fanworks++   ++Sanami Matoh++  ++Links++  ++E-mail++

++Dragon's Quill Web Collective++

Fake is property Sanami Matoh and BexBoy comics.  These images characters are all copyright to her and her publishers.   No money is being made from this site.  Layout and design by Ryu~Itsutsu.