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Act 15 is in FAKE graphic novel 5 (pg. 117-148), and is JJ's largest story in the manga.  It's often overlooked, however, since it comes directly after the story where Ryo's painful past is discovered.  That's really a shame, because besides incredible character development for JJ, there's also some very sweet scenes with both Ryo and Dee, and Drake comes across as a sweetie, as well.

I now have a synopsis, thanks to Madam Blue's being WONDERFUL and supplying a rough translation for me to work with!  *GLOMP*  ^_^.   I wrote up the synopsis.  I've left the original menu, as well as adding a menu with the synopsis.  These links go directly to the .jpg file.

These do not automatically open in a new window, as that can freeze older computers.  It'll be easier if you open them that way on your own though 0_~.

PAGE 117   118    119   120    121   122    123   124    125   126
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117   JJ's friend Max Fork drops in as a surprise.  They were good friends back at the Academy, and JJ's thrilled to see him again.
118   Ryp asks Dee if he knows Max, which Dee doesn't.  Dee teases Drake about how he's going to miss his partner now that JJ's all excited about Max (kawaii!!) and Drake tosses it right back.
119+120    JJ accosts Dee, as usual, Dee introduces everyone, and JJ tells everyone that he's going to show Max around.  Drake reminds JJ not to forget his report, and JJ drags to the range so he can show off his shooting abilities.
121+122    Since JJ's a better shot than Max, Max has to buy him coffee.  Max talks about his days in Los Angeles, while avoiding JJ's question about how Max's girlfriend Lisa is doing.  JJ starts to get worried as Max talks about the fact that there are no good people left in the world, and partners will shoot you in the back if it serves their purpose.
123   Ryo comments on how happy JJ looked to see Max, and Dee grouches that he hopes that Max'll make JJ forget about him.  Dee moves on to complaining that Ryo doesn't love him anymore and Ryo, predictibly, says he didn't love him in the first place (liar ^_^.)
124+125 Dee pouts while JJ talks to Ryo.  He asks if Ryo would ever shoot Dee in an emergency, saying he can't ask Dee such a serious question 'cause it would be a wast of time (poor Dee *grin*).  Ryo says he sometimes wants to shoot Dee, but he wouldn't.


JJ says Max used to be like Ryo, and didn't want to shoot anyone, but seems to have changed.  He leaves and  Dee comments on how depressed JJ seems.  JJ meets with Drake, who gives him one of two keys to a wherehouse full of cocaine.  Both the card key Drake keeps and the key he gives JJ are needed to open the doors, and it's their job to keep them safe.  JJ agrees, then goes out to get lunch (pizza, soup, and salad 0_~.), tricking Drake into paying for it (basically by looking cute  ^_^.  Drake's a softie).
131+132+133   JJ gets back and finds Drake gone.  He heads for the wherehouse, finding on officer dead and Drake seriously injured, the card key stolen. JJ ascertains that Drake's going to be all right and keeps moving.
134+135   Max appears and demands the key.  He cuffs JJ and tells him selling cocaine is a side job.  JJ demands to know what's happened to him and Max kicks him in the stomach. *grrrrrrrrr*
136+137+138  Max says he went bad three months before.  His girlfriend Lisa had been taken hostage.  His partner, Nat (Nate?), convinced Max to lure the kidnapper to the window, but Lisa was killed in the crossfire (I'm not certain who killed her, the kidnapper or Nat himself).
139   Max went bad that day.  When he came back to NYC he found that JJ hadn't changed; he still believes in people and sees the best in them.   Max is furious and tells JJ, basically, to get a clue and realize no one can be trusted.
140+141   JJ says Max is just looking for attention, which only serves to infuriate him further.  He hits JJ and points his gun between JJ's eyes, screaming, "Don't make a fool of me, JJ!!"  JJ looks Max straight in the eyes, refusing to look away, and Max pauses long enough for Dee and Ryo to burst through the door.
142+143    After a moment of softness, Max turns his gun on Ryo and Dee, who have to shoot him.  JJ kneels beside the dying Max and Max asks why he didn't look away while the gun was pointed at his head.  JJ says once Max said he didn't want to kill anyone, and JJ still had faith in him, no matter what.
144 Max smiles, and tells JJ, "I told you not to believe in anyone," before he dies.
145  Later, JJ is visiting Max's grave when Dee and Ryo arrive.   They were sent by Drake, who was worried that JJ was so upset (Kawaii!  And people wonder why I love Drake so much ^_^.)
JJ asks how Dee and Ryo knew to arrive at the wherehouse when they did.  They tell him one of Max's accomplices from LA had implicated him, so they knew he would go after the cocaine.  Ryo says he thinks Max wanted them to kill him.
147+148 JJ says everything was his fault, because he continued to believe in Max when he shouldn't.  Dee's sweet and tells him not to blame himself.   Must be love, ne?  0_~.  Dee gets accosted, Ryo walks off in a huff, and the world is as it should be.

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Fake is property Sanami Matoh and BexBoy comics.  These images characters are all copyright to her and her publishers.   No money is being made from this site.  Layout and design by Ryu~Itsutsu.