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twifake.jpg (36468 bytes)
Awwwwww...Ted, Dee and Drake gotta make themselves all pretty!

FAKE is a shonen ai/yaoi manga written by Sanami Matoh.   It appeared first in BexBoy Magazine, a Japanese shonen ai 'zine, and can now be found in the shape of seven beautiful graphic novels.  The seventh novel was just released in September, 2000, and is, sadly, the end of the series (WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!  *sniff*  It also exists as an anime OAV, only one episode.  They used the fifth story from the manga, and it was a bit confusing if you didn't already know the characters.  The anime was actually pretty good, though the animation wasn't nearly as pretty as Matoh's later art (especially poor JJ *wince*).  The voices were very good, especially Seki Tomokazu as Dee.  The American dub was also, shockingly, really adorable, if you ignored the sinfully horrid voice of JJ and Ryo's bad acting.

Rambling, Aren't I?

FAKE is basically the stories of two cops, Dee Latener and Randy/Ryo Maclaine.  To put it simply, they're off solving horrible cases while Dee tries desperately to get into Ryo's pants.  *grin*  Ryo, however is a bit too shy for that, leading to lots of ALMOST hot scenes throughout the series (until Vol 7 *heh*  Already famous for finally fulfilling some hentai delights!!).  Also interacting with them are a variety of completely lovable characters, and Berkeley Rose.  The MOST lovable, of course, is JJ Adams, a somewhat minor character with a depressing past and a sunny outlook.   Let's just say he's...determined.  Since he's the focus of this page, I'll just BRIEFLY introduce the others, but he gets to be first! 0_~.


jj_th.JPG (4015 bytes)JJ Adams

JJ is a cop that works at the precinct of the two main characters, Dee and Ryo.  He's introduced in Vol. 1, Act 3, when he proves that he's a better shot than the other team sharpshooter, Ryo.  0_~.  JJ knew Dee at the academy and developed a bit of a crush on him (can we say "Understatement"?).   He's a glomp-happy, totally gorgeous, gun toting *SWOON!* team sharpshooter.   He's incredibly persistant when it comes to his "Dee-sempai," but will help Ryo if he's ever in trouble (in his very first appearance, he helps Ryo when Ryo has a fever) and even keeps an eye on Bikky and Cal (see Vol 6 0_~.).  I love 'im, in case you can't tell.

Dee_th.JPG (4797 bytes)Dee Latener

Dee is, well, obviously, one of the two main characters.  An abandoned child and street rat, Dee grew up in an orphanage and under the fatherly influence of a police officer by the name of Jess Latener.  Jess's death by *ahem* not natural causes led to Dee's becoming an officer.  He's very good at what he does, and will do anything for the people he cares about, especially Ryo and the kids.  He really is madly in love with Ryo, but he just doesn't understand the concept "go slow."  He does not appreciate the fact that JJ has a thing for him nearly enough.  0_~.

Ryo_th.jpg (5059 bytes)Randy (Ryo) Maclaine

Ryo is a half Japanese cop and sharp shooter whose parents were murdered when he was young.  Ryo was lucky (?!) enough to be partnered with the outgoing and rather sensual Dee, who fell in love with him and decided to let him know it...constantly.   Ryo is a kind person with just a bit of a temper; he takes in Bikky as his own son and might as well be Cal's dad, too, but he has also been known to smack Bikky upside the head for messing with his stuff.  0_~.  Ryo is in love with Dee, it just takes him a reeeally long time to admit it.  He has an amusing tendency to swoon when kissed really well.

bc_th.jpg (5722 bytes)Bikky and Cal

Bikky's a streetrat and son of a now dead drug dealer who was nearly killed by people his father had a debt to.  He was saved by Ryo and Dee and found a decent father figure in both of them (though he and Dee fight hard and constantly, they love each other.   Dee takes a bullet for Bikky, and Bikky always gets horribly upset if Dee in injured).  Ryo adopts Bikky and manages to straighten him out.  *grin*  Cal was a pickpocket Dee caught, and ends up being another member of the little "family" though she has a family of her own that's never around.  Well, she lives with her mother; her father died of cancer not long after she was introduced.   Like Bikky, her father was a criminal, though he was a bank robber.  Both kids kick booty and have a distressing tendency to get kidnaped.  There are later stories that take place in the future in which they are definitely an item.

The Chief
My neechan's faaaaaave character and way up there on my list!  The chief is basically your usual movie police head...he yells, fusses, curses, fumes, and is basically a teddy bear (or, as they say in the OAV before he beats the snot out of them, "a baby seal") who really cares about his men.  He's a good chief, though.  He'd have to be to keep all these bozos in line.

Rose_th.jpg (4682 bytes)Berkeley Rose

I don't like him :^p and it probably will show.  Rose was introduced in Act 5 and basically exists to have a thing for Ryo and fight with Dee.  He tries to kiss Ryo several times, but only manages it once (and Ryo punches him a good one!  YAY!!).   I really don't know much about him, since I haven't scouted around searching for more info on him than what I know from the OVa and *looking* at the manga (can't read it.   *sweat*).

An FBI agent who has a past with Rose, though not a romantic one ^_^.  She's more of a little sister figure.  Diana flirts with everyone and I have to admit I *do* like her.  She managed to plant one on both Ryo and Dee (an enterprising woman!!) and in Vol. 7, basically tells Ryo to get his act together or he could lose Dee.   She's not around a lot, but when she is, she's great.

ted_th.jpg (4115 bytes)   drake_th.jpg (3474 bytes)  Ted ?? and Drake Parker

I adore these guys.  They don't do a whole lot, but hey, who cares?  They sit around and watch the goings on, commentating, helping out and such.  Drake often helps JJ in some way (often after JJ was punched by Dee *heh*).  I just don't quite know why I love 'em, but I do.  Drake often helps JJ out, and is JJ's partner in later stories.

Other Characters
There are other characters.  *I* am too lazy to describe them!  *grin*   This page is about JJ after all, and I want to go drool over him.  Ja minna!

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Fake is property Sanami Matoh and BexBoy comics.  These images characters are all copyright to her and her publishers.   No money is being made from this site.  Layout and design by Ryu~Itsutsu.