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800x600 there's not a lot here.  I hope to remedy that someday in the near future!!  Here's what we've got so far, and I'm sniffing out some more.   *grin*


++Angel Asunder ++ Madam Blue ++ A beautiful Christmas fic about JJ's feelings for Dee.

++The Complications of Caring ++ Dee no Miko ++ A sweet Dee/Ryo fic, this also concerns Dee's helping JJ though a tragedy in his life.

++I'm Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry++Ikumi++A lovely look into JJ's feelings for Dee.

++La Vie en Rose ++ Ryu~Itsutsu ++ A Drake and JJ fic.  JJ is injured and Drake has to nurse him back to health 0_~.   A bad piece of fanart for it is here.  *sweat*

++Love Me ++ Dee no Miko ++  JJ finally tells how he feels.

++Turn of the Page ++ Ryu~Itsutsu ++  An AU fic; Dee/JJ


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A FAKE collectible card by Madam Blue!!





++Who is JJ?++  ++FAKE++  ++Images++   ++Act 15++
++JJ Fanclub++  ++Fanworks++  ++Sanami Matoh++  ++Links++  ++E-mail++

++Dragon's Quill Web Collective++

Fake is property Sanami Matoh and BexBoy comics.  These images characters are all copyright to her and her publishers.   No money is being made from this site.  Layout and design by Ryu~Itsutsu.