Sailor Senshi Rants & Opinions*

Version 4.0- Holidays

Hi! I'm Mercuria, keeper of opinions regarding Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, and this is Sailor Senshi Rants & Opinions (SSRO for short)! If strong opinions offend you, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. However, if you wish to hear my opinions, and those of others, (maybe even *egad!* post a few of your own) stick around until I update!
Sweetness & Light,



Mercuria's Senshi List
A Messed-up Tale of the Silver Millenium
View the Guestbook Entries That
Many Enlightened (and Otherwise) Souls Have Left!

Leave Your Own Enlightened or Not-So-Enlightened
Guestbook Entry!

Opinion Central
Mercuria's Villain List
Advice For SM Villains On Taking Over the World
Strange Senshi Sayings
The Gallery of PAIN! BWAHAHAHA!
Cape Boy's Biting Wit *SARCASM*
SOS? Who Needs Ya?!

* Sailor Moon is copyright Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha, DiC (yuck), Toei,
CWI (Cooking With Incest), and various other companies I don't know about.